Judge Curtin handed out two of the longest prison terms – if not the longest – in Buffalo history when he sentenced the gang's leader, Donald "Sly" Green to four terms of life in prison, plus an additional 121 years. Every woman and minority who got a police or firefighter job with the city should look up to Judge Curtin with great admiration, Mesiah said. Although he displayed a picture of himself flying a fighter plane in his federal court chambers, the judge never enjoyed talking about his war experiences. The lawsuit led to improvements in minority hiring and job assignments for minorities at the sprawling Lackawanna steel plant. He became a senior or semi-retired judge, that same year. The Curtin Law School city campus will allow law students to undertake some of their studies in close proximity to the main courts. If he gets 1,000 letters in favor of something and one letter against it, the good judge has to look at the thing and say, "The one fellow is right and the other 1,000 are wrong' ".
Course Overview. B-LAWS v.1 Bachelor of Laws LLB(Curtin) Course CRICOS Code: 077962B Registered full-time Duration: 3 Years . "He never backed down from doing what he felt was right," Mesiah said. Each semester is made up of 12 teaching weeks, two tuition free weeks, one study week and two exam weeks. He was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967. "He took a lot of heat. Over the years, Curtin served as a friend and mentor to dozens of young lawyers whom he hired as law clerks.
Curtin would like to pay respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields. After six months of hospital treatment and recuperation, he returned to work. "He had a profound understanding of the community. If you're a staff member, please visit Staff Portal to access corporate applications, email, employee kiosk and other work related systems from anywhere. Some courses are taught on a trimester basis. Although Judge Curtin expressed no regrets about sentencing Green and Johnson, he had serious concerns about the federal government's war on drugs. In, 1994, he went public with his opinion that the governments's war on drugs was "a complete failure," and he protested it by refusing to take any new drug cases in his court. He received that designation from then-President John F. Kennedy.
He had a profound sense of his own power and of the dignity of everyone who appeared before him.". Litigation, including a lengthy non-jury trial before the judge lasted 19 years. "Judge Curtin faced opposition in public opinion, but he always did what he felt was right. Curtin was appointed a federal judge in 1967, and before that, he served as the region's chief federal prosecutor. At times, Judge Curtin could be extremely outspoken. Curtin Law School (CLS) offers a range of programs including a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) taught by highly qualified and experienced legal academics, a professionally relevant Business Law major taught within the Bachelor of Commerce and a suite of tax programs taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
"This is a democratic society and people have the right to complain. "I look at him not so much as a hero, but as an example of what every judge should be.".
Faculty of Business and Law Curtin Law School Unit They attacked him on the talk shows," recalled Frank B. Mesiah, former president of the Buffalo branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Curtin University would like to pay our respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, … John T. Curtin, federal judge who desegregated Buffalo schools, dies at 95, Remembering Lucky Peterson, Buffalo’s blues ambassador to the world, 'Buffalo lost a part of its soul': Joey Giambra succumbs to Covid-19, Jackie Jocko, Buffalo's legendary piano man, has died at 90.
Judge Curtin presided over many complicated cases involving the environment and pollution. And Curtin handled many important criminal matters, notably a series of cases in the 1990s involving the LA Boys, a violent drug gang responsible for cocaine trafficking, kidnapping and numerous murders. A 2007 photo of Judge John T. Curtin, in his courtroom at the Federal Courthouse. Curtin Graduate School of Business (CGSB) and Curtin Law School Trimester 1 (CGSB) and Trimester 1B (Law School) Classes start 13 January Teaching census * 7 February Staff may request teaching evaluations (eVALUate) 9 – 27 March eVALUate open for student feedback 30 March – 19 April eVALUate online reports available 29 April Judge Curtin was the district's chief judge for 14 of his years on the bench, ending in January of 1989. On the other hand, a judge has to make his decisions based on the law. Curtin Law School proudly invites you to our Practical Legal Training (PLT) Information Session. Curtin is ranked amongst the world’s best. ", Judge Curtin to retire, ending nearly five decades on federal bench. "Most people misunderstand how the courts work," he told The Buffalo News in a late 1985 interview. End date: Curtin Online 3 2020: Monday, 31 August 2020: Start date: Saturday, 5 September 2020: Last enrolment via eStudent: Monday, 21 September 2020: Census date: Sunday, 11 October 2020: Last withdrawal via eStudent: Sunday, 29 November 2020: End date: Curtin Online 4 2020: Monday, 30 November 2020: Start date: Saturday, 5 December 2020: Last enrolment via eStudent Aside from his work in the court, Judge Curtin loved running, skiing, golf and walking, activities he participated in until health problems began to affect him in his 80s. He felt federal sentencing guidelines prescribed unreasonably long prison terms for low-level drug dealers. You can also request for books from the Robertson Library to be delivered to you at CGSB Library.
The old Hooker Chemical Corp., which was later taken over by Occidental Chemical, was blamed for dumping thousands of tons of chemical waste there in the 1940s and 1950s. You’ll complete your first year at Curtin Perth in a semester format while your second and third years will be studied in trimesters at the law school's location at Curtin Murray Street in the Perth city centre. An avid reader of newspapers, books and magazines, Judge Curtin especially enjoyed reading novels and biographies of great Americans. A number of white job applicants for police officer, firefighter and teaching jobs felt the judge's ruling denied them a fair opportunity for a career. He was a short, slightly built man with twinkling blue eyes, a gentle wit and a humble demeanor. Some Buffalonians reacted angrily to the busing, sending threatening letters to the judge and making anonymous threatening calls to the North Buffalo home where he lived with his wife, Jane, and their seven children.
As U.S attorney, Judge Curtin also pursued a job discrimination lawsuit against his father's old employer – Bethlehem Steel – and the United Steelworkers union. "He was very much a part of his community," Olsen said. "He did things that were very unusual for a judge – giving interviews to the media and going out and speaking to parents and children about what was going on in the schools. Judge Curtin often spoke of his great admiration for Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, the president's brother. Judge Curtin found that, in the past, police and fire officials had engaged in hiring discrimination against minorities. He said he understood why some people were angry.
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