If you have any queries regarding this matter, please email the Academic Quality Office at aq@curtin.edu.my. As there has been considerable movement of our students returning home, whether by transport pre-arranged by the University or on their own arrangements since the lifting of restrictions on students in university accommodations on 27 April 2020, there is now an urgent need to determine the current status and location of ALL Curtin Malaysia students in University-managed and own housing – so that we will have the most up-to-date data to update the Ministry of Higher Education on student movement under the MCO. Page last modified: Tuesday 22 September 2020, Checking, Changing & Confirming Your Enrolment, Supplementary Assessment & Assessment Extensions, https://fees.curtin.edu.my/refund-policy/, http://current.curtin.edu.my/academic-calendar/, http://students.curtin.edu.au/rights/conduct.cfm, http://students.curtin.edu.au/rights/student_charter.cfm. Revisions will not be allowed after submission. Broadcast and information services are to be carried out normally with administration and management to be done minimally or from home. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-tNrPul-QU/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Malaysians who are working in Singapore, Thailand, Brunei and Indonesia crossing the border to go to work are refrained from doing so throughout the MCO period. research.curtin.edu.au
We have been responding rapidly to these developments to ensure that you are able to safely continue with your studies.
i authorise curtin University to obtain further academic information or official student records from any educational institution or other recognised institution within the education environment if necessary and/or, where my work experience is relevant, to verify my employment history for the purpose of making an informed decision about my application. This means being sure to wash your hands regularly, avoiding touching your face, practicing cough etiquette, avoiding close contact with anyone showing respiratory symptoms, and visiting the Campus Health Centre if you are unwell. CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J For Curtin Malaysia, it means the continuation of online learning for students and working from home for most staff. All Malaysian citizens from the Peninsula, Sabah and Labuan will be allowed to enter Sarawak without having to apply through SDMC and do not have to take a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test three (3) days before departure to Sarawak.
Forms. Although the country is not in a state of lockdown, gathering unnecessarily is prohibited and can result in fines or jail time.
The cost for quarantine and the tests will be borne by the state government. Access to the campus during the period will be restricted to only, The Campus Food Court will be closed but the, As all gatherings, meetings and activities involving groups of people are to be cancelled, the. (not compulsory to pass but 80% attendance is required), (COMPULSORY for those who did not get credit for Bahasa Melayu at SPM level), Compulsory to pass ALL the units to graduate. All formal lectures have been moved to iLecture format, which means that they can only be accessed online.
Night markets and ‘pasar tani’ are not allowed to open but shopping malls can remain open only for sections of retail shops selling essential items like groceries and food items. futurestudents.curtin.edu.au • Students applying to study doctoral and master degrees by research or doctoral degrees by coursework should refer to . Please make sure you read the questions carefully and answer accurately and truthfully.
In your daily activities, particularly when you’re out in the public, it’s good to constantly avoid the 3Cs – CROWDED PLACES, CONFINED SPACES and CLOSE CONVERSATION – to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Marketing & Communications All foreigners entering Sarawak with valid work permits and visas, including MM2H participants, are required to undergo mandatory 14-day quarantine. endstream endobj 93 0 obj <. Their kitchens can remain open only for room service or food delivery services. The Student Charter sets out the expectations and responsibilities of students and has been developed in partnership between the University and the Student Guild. By accepting the offer online via Curtin Malaysia eStudent, student have confirmed that student have read, understood and agree to the Refund Policy, the Terms of Offer and Important Information and Student Declaration below: Student Declaration I declare that all of the information and supporting documents provided with this form are true and correct.
Curtin English Curtin University GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 Australia Tel: +61 8 9266 5740 Email: curtinenglish@curtin.edu.au Web: www.english.curtin.edu.au CRICOS Provider Code 00301J 3731INT DECLARATION I declare: 1. For telecommunications services, maintenance and operations, data centres and call centres can run normally with management and administration done minimally or from home. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6653510243894562816
%%EOF Please read information on travel destination and conditions for travel in the form. Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students (both doctoral and Master of Philosophy) who need access to specialised equipment and labs or special software installed in design studios to continue experimental study, will be allowed to return to campus by mid-June.
I trust all of you will continue to protect your families and the community by observing social distancing and following the directions to stay at home. We need to ensure that our activities are suitably aligned and we remain compliant with Government directives and guidelines. It has been reported in the local press that one of our students (and three others with whom he has been in close contact) have been placed in self quarantine by the health authority as a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus. To ensure that the objectives of the MCO to flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections is achieved, the full cooperation of the Malaysian public is needed. By accepting the offer online via Curtin Malaysia eStudent, student have confirmed that student have read, understood and agree to the Refund Policy, the Terms of Offer and Important Information and Student Declaration below: Additional declaration for International student: This offer is valid only for the semester stated.
The stay at home strategy is being practiced in nearly every city, town and country across the globe and I ask us all as part of that global community to play your part by following the guidelines and showing tolerance, patience and kindness to others.
Buses will also be sanitised before and after each journey. I trust those of you celebrating Hari Raya or Eid have been having an enjoyable time with your loved ones despite the unusual circumstances, and that those celebrating Gawai Dayak soon will also have meaningful and memorable times with your families. For the majority of staff at Curtin Malaysia, that means seeing out the current Conditional Movement Control Order and remaining off-campus until at least 9 June, though limited access to the campus is being given to final-year and HDR students to undertake their projects and research activities in labs according to Ministry of Higher Education guidelines and Ministry of Health SOPs.
If you wish to make use of the services provided, you are still required to complete the form even if you already filled out other forms previously. In compliance with the Restriction of Movement Order being imposed by the Federal Government, Curtin Malaysia will proceed with a shutdown of our campus operations for two weeks beginning 12 midnight on 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020.
Curtin ID Date of birth. Ministry of Education Registration Number : KPT/JPT/DFT/US/Y02 DULN003(Q). Please ensure that the information that you provide is complete and accurate as you are allowed to submit it only once.
This is a critical time and we need to remain vigilant. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the University’s Privacy Statement. Sign the Declaration – you must read the Declaration before signing.
I am aware that my CRL has been awarded based on the course on my current offer (if applicable).
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