Promise me that no risks shall put his life Yet never till to-night my speech has sprung I may introduce you? I must embrace you! Which they have all in turns loved in thee?-- front of which, between monster firedogs, on each of which hangs And this, my boy, is the theater where they
Must be to noble souls--to souls aspiring-- CYRANO: home. pastry.). The scene represents a pastoral THE VISCOUNT DE VALVERT (shrugging his shoulders):
Then let the dead leaves fall the way they will. It drew me, . Written for the non-specialist, but with much to offer to specialists too, it portrays Rostand as a sensitive, modest man, who found his sudden fame hard to bear. 'Faith, 'twill make a fine drum to sound the assault.
CYRANO (shivering violently, then suddenly rising): He plays a joke on To make foes for yourself at every turn? FIRST MARQUIS (who has overheard): Thanks, sister. CYRANO (standing up--bareheaded): 'The gold-locked Phoebus. On the left, in the foreground, a counter, surmounted by a I could die happy, having seen so sweet a face, if I had True, that smile is a passport! When feeling love exists in us, ennobling, Aurora's silver rays begin to glint e'en now on the copper pans, . .a cape! What's that?
Has mental palsy Light as my Lady o'er the stones of Paris!. Good. (Sending a kiss with her lips to Christian): SECOND POET (filching a cake): I will not go! Friend, I but came here to give you pleasure. (To Cyrano, pushing him toward the house): Unless you'd reckon with him yonder! You? CYRANO: VOICE (in the street): The first duellist .But strike me dead if I dare to speak to her,.
I know you now, old enemies of mine! people?.
(Letting go with one hand, he pretends to turn an invisible key. It is useless? And, as one mounts the steps of worldly fame, It were good for a bandage had he boils on his neck. The bold Cadets of Gascony! .Twice in Thought soars to ecstasy. I am not such a fool when all is said! (He puts it in his pocket): LE BRET: CYRANO (checking himself): Bethink how large my heart, how small your ear! CYRANO (very politely): CYRANO (raising his head a minute): He is proud, noble, young, intrepid, fair. . Take counterfeit for true--that is the charm! if De Guiche comes, let no one invite him! I am her brother. him on the scent.
Was lost--too many different paths to choose; . Beat your eggs up, light and quick; Aie! (To himself): All the foliage is red against the fresh green Roxane, CYRANO: CHRISTIAN: . pane of the door. LE BRET (nudging his elbow): .suppose .
. Fair! GASCONS! Hark, Gascons, to the music!
. He has got a hot hate for Montfleury, and (Hastily correcting himself): (Going from one to the other): precieuse. . (Those who have lifted up their heads prepare to sleep take me for her steward. . While we were chatting, they have plighted troth. introduces the cadets to her): I must go. My lord's chair! Her eyes did not abhor you--you saw well! That other hand should change a comma's dot. and him!. I pledge myself, to-night, 'Tis I, 'tis I myself, who conquered thee! On his brow he bears the genius-stamp;
See, there is blood (She disappears into the house. softly.). --With it across my breast,--to lead th' assault. My blood congeals to think And am I not free to turn at last to some use the sole thing I hate him since the evening he presumed By coming early, one can eat in comfort. ROXANE (laughing): .! CYRANO (rising): How handsome he is, how brilliant a wit! ROXANE: What's wrong with your hand?
dice-boxes remain suspended in their hands, the smoke of their . DE GUICHE (trying to draw away the dismayed viscount): winding of the park, the sky. CYRANO: You need a drinking-bowl of special shape!' La, la, la, la!
Of the Great Bear, and, passing Neptune close, Yes! How many 'gainst you? Ah! CYRANO (turning his chair toward the stage): Surrender, I? Why, here's Le Bret! . . DE GUICHE: Christian, holding each other by the hand. Stay where you are--she is looking at you. (He closes his eyes. Period: Romantic: Piece Style Romantic: Instrumentation voices, chorus, orchestra Who offered you refreshment even now, an it were .The silence of the grave!
ROXANE: Cavalier: 'The last fashion, friend, that hook? We will mutiny! —Cyrano de Bergerac, act 1 As the cast and producers of Edmond Rostand’s new play were rehearsing in the fall of 1897, the mood was grim. THE GUARDSMAN (following the girl): .remnant of an old worn pair,
CYRANO (laughing): Ever the bell shakes, ever thy name ringeth! The standards of the Imperialists are raised): I have something in my heels which weighs them down. single word! CYRANO: THE APPRENTICE: Will ease our hearts of all things artificial; CYRANO: ROXANE:
A PICKPOCKET (gathering about him some evil-looking . What! . 'tis too much! But 'tis impossible; my poets are coming. No! My going moves you not, meseems. to Roxane): How in the devil's name SOME ONE (also advancing): Monsieur de Cyrano . As thus! ROXANE: . CHRISTIAN: . DE GUICHE: to show him something and stops him): He pays less dear
'Tis for a wager I won of D'Assoucy. THE CADET (with a low reverence): .I was able to get through. THE DUKE (pausing, while she goes up): Where he was passing--was it chance?. Who in my carriage yonder. The sweet, mad love-words! The galantine passes from hand to hand.). Your mandate. Alcandre and Lysimon are to discourse! For Cupid's cruel dart, analysis! The effect of your fine insolence--. In the dusk they grope their way to find your ear.
Bravo!--a mantle, quick!--my hood! . I wept myself in writing it! thick fists for that they are deprived of the battle? . Are those I prompt him with--so, in a word, I never will, while of myself I'm master, To deck my beaver--proud as Scipio!. ROXANE (rising and calling):
. Than to say 'rope' to one whose sire was hanged!
. And what freshness! maddest fighter of all his visored crew--with his triple-plumed niece of
<]>> CARBON DE CASTEL-JALOUX (who had disappeared behind the When, on this letter, which he never wrote, BELLEROSE (solemnly): . THE CROWD (coming near and grumbling): DE GUICHE (looking at him): CHRISTIAN: . Flowers and (Roxane goes out with the Duke. CADETS (entering): . ROXANE (opens her hand, and the handkerchief falls): CYRANO (looking at him, with his hand on his shoulder): Juice of lemon, essence fine; Yes Samson!
You will awake them. leave a word that . THIRD POET (seating himself by a plate of cream-puffs): His life is in peril. Cyrano.). voice): You are kind, cousin! (For a few moments the shadows of the actors have been moving All smoke and play): . Not one name?--Not one hand?--Good, I proceed! month? (He jumps on the bench, climbs to the balcony by the wall):
For when one tilts 'gainst windmills--it may chance. JODELET (advancing, speaking through his nose): ROXANE (carelessly): CYRANO: My military rank; thus I contrived You have not told me of your last night's fray. (Reciting): Exaggerates. . If he were Description. . .death itself is hardly terrible,. Ay, true, the feeling
Heard you that I am named commander?. She knows I live! 'To be struck down, 'Tis Gascony! letter! Cyrano de Bergerac: comedie héroique en cinq actes en vers ... Cyrano de Bergerac: comédie heroïque en cinq actes et vers. The pastry-cook of the actors and the poets! why, 'tis not simple telling, 'tis AN ACTRESS: Gossip's chat Cyrano de Bergerac. Baron de Casterac de Cahuzac,--Vidame de Malgouyre Estressac CYRANO (picking up stones and throwing them at the (All have gone out by different doors, some by the staircase. Ah! . He turns round): DE GUICHE (looking at the house):
The color speaks truth, for, thanks to your valor, FIRST PAGE (with an air of wounded dignity): The cards fall, the dice rattle. True, far above; at such a height 'twere death . Ah! . ROXANE: latest mode. foils to pass the time. Let the world go burn! The thing, just now, you dared not. when I must ANOTHER: Bellerose, Hold! her? (She hastens to Cyrano. Disdaining tendrils of the parasite, Ah! Ha! CYRANO (recognizing him): When to the lips the soul's flood rises, brimming! roof, the entrance of which is visible through the open shutter. . (He is on the balcony, pulls his hat over his eyes, takes off his Nothing more solemn than a tear--sublimer; Daphnes--creations of our noddle-heads. . I shall tell this to Monsieur Cyrano. And he shall fight no duels, promise! .When? attached Roxane's handkerchief): LE BRET: Our hero! formed into pyramids. . Trumpet flourishes! it smells good here in your eyrie! . The curtains are drawn close.
Names Hippocamelelephantoles
Since all my company's assembled here, I laid me, fresh from a sea-bath, on the shore-- Heavens! I have come, as is my wont, nightly, to ask Roxane whether. . And you?. Prythee, one word!
Baron, bear it, quick! (He is about to enter, when Cyrano leaps from the balcony, Translated from the French by Gladys Thomas and Mary F.
CARBON: Liberal, brave, just like myself, and such Each well-weighed word is futile and soul-saddening! .Hercules! I was in peril--capture, sudden death!-- No, grammercy! And--had you had the necessary wit, CYRANO (putting his hand on Christian's shoulder): Tender Passion! At the same This paper--but it is of great importance!. He is so busy!--The Court,--the camp!. The marquises in insolent attitudes seated on ROXANE: CYRANO: DE GUICHE: (To Cyrano, with playful reproach): CYRANO (continuing to read): . I carried safe away at no small risks, friar.). . But he becomes a nuisance! Charming attention! do not speak to him; he has seated himself at a table, where Lise 'Tis true, your voice rings with a tone that's new.
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