These last three damned souls are not present in the final game, although all three can be seen in each mouth in the original concept art. Brave Ulysses. Man is the one who has spread it like a disease, cultivating it and empowering it. DO NOT UTTER A WORD!". Lucifer is very smart and shrewd and convinces his followers to obey him by bargaining to get what he wants. Cleopatra | ", "Ah, Dante, you took the bait just like Eve at the apple. After Dante managed to free Beatrice from Hell, Dante then descended to the Circle of Treachery where he met Lucifer and one of his giant form of three faces and a froze lake formed by his own frozen tears called the Cocytus. He had glowing red/orange/yellow eyes, two large horns on his head and small spikes on his shoulders and chest. ", "You dare assault ME?!
When in the circle Gluttony, Lucifer mocks Dante by believing the Bishop's words, calling him the "salesman of salvation". Lucifer Since there are only two main characters—Dante and Virgil—and they don't fight each other and they don't really fight anyone else, much less defeat anyone (Hell takes care of that for them), there is no true antagonist. ", "Your race made it easy to keep this place going! The bishop, in a last-ditch effort to trick him, tells Dante his superiors lied to him as well. Voice actor While Dante was off fighting in the Crusades, Lucifer made a deal with Beatrice. His angelic wings are torn off with only smoking stumps left, although during his battle with Dante, he still seemed able to fly. Death |
"I waited eternity for this emancipation! He was trapped waist-deep in ice in the frozen Lake Cocytus within the circle of Treachery. His fellow rebels also suffered, becoming the first members of his new demonic hierarchy. Dante's Inferno Once God's most glorious angel, Lucifer was banished from Paradise as punishment for leading a rebellion against Him. Such vanity and such pride. „ ~ The Bishop to Dante Aligheri and the crusaders.. Corrupted and consumed by his pride, he deluded himself into thinking that God was incompetent and he was the rightful ruler of the Universe. Dante's Inferno Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Antagonist Character Role Analysis None. He wore a brass-colored armlet on his right arm in the shape of a serpent and his legs appeared goat-like, akin in the form to a satyr. However, to Lucifer's dismay, God sent his only son named Jesus Christ to Earth. Often, he forced his foes to endure harsh trials before they could encounter him. You, the flawed creation and I was to bow down to you? The animated movie is more accurate to this than the game. Yes! However, before he could deliver the final blow, Lucifer revealed to Dante that he was actually dead and could not leave Hell. The Bishop is a major antagonist in the videogame Dante's Inferno.
", "You could not imagine what it means to be free of that prison. King Minos | However, their souls are not black enough to free him from his prison. To manipulate Dante Alighieri and the other crusaders into thinking they would be forgiven for their sins in exchange for their services in the Crusades within the Middle East (partially succeeded). As an immortal creation of God Himself, Lucifer is a god-like celestial being of immense supernatural power.
The winds that he created are felt throughout the other circles of Hell. ", "Even the purest of souls can be corrupted. In some of the cutscenes, Lucifer's true form is shown with four fingers and then sometimes with five fingers. ", "Soon, we shall all witness the end of the Universe! He was exceptionally proud, arrogant, overconfident, conceited, sadistic, monstrous, calculating and gleefully punished the Damned as it was he who devised and controlled all of the tortures of Hell. He is well-endowed, yet this part of his anatomy remained flaccid in all appearances (Likely an allegory of the seductive, but ultimately sterile nature of evil and to the sin of Lust). A repentant soul in Judecca?! Hobby Explaining that the titan that Dante just battled was yet another part of his prison, Lucifer revealed that Dante was always his true victim. Lucifer also referred to the bishop as a "salesmen of salvation" alluding to the fact that he could not forgive sins. His power wanes over the world.
His deal with Beatrice was nothing more than a means to draw the former Crusader to him. The Bishop is a major antagonist in the videogame Dante's Inferno. ", "Man. The three faces in Lucifer's first form are diabolical counterparts of the three persons of the Godhead: Impotence, Ignorance and Hate, contrasting with Power, Wisdom and Love. “I will reclaim my rightful place in Paradise. She was the bait. Over time, Lucifer lured many heroes to Hell to try and free him including Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Odysseus (Also known as Ulysses) and Lancelot. In his true form, Lucifer was a muscular, supernaturally tall and humanoid demon with dark grey skin and several glowing scars around his body. Cherubim had four heads (One of a man, one of a lion, one of an oxe and one of an eagle) and having legs of an ox and they had four wings. Although making claims stating that he was an angel of justice and righteousness, Lucifer's views are ridiculously skewed, having a sense of pride that overwhelmed any sort of ability to act with kindness, goodness or reason toward any individuals besides himself and his allies. Believing about being holy as well as the cause. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. By the orders of God Himself, no soul that entered Hell was allowed to leave. Phlegyas | In time, Lucifer attained dominion over the infernal realm, plotting a means to destroy Paradise, kill God and drag the last of his beloved human race into the mouth of the Inferno. There are untold pleasures here, pleasures that your human senses could not fathom. ", (To Dante) "You are the warrior of a weak and dying God - a God who is the true evil. His inner ugliness caused by his hatred and wickedness slowly became reflected in his outward appearance, transforming him into a brutish and fearsome abomination. Soon after, Lucifer then began to fight Dante in Cocytus, but the demon was dominated by Dante, Lucifer also revealed that despite Dante's defeat of Death, and that Dante was still dead therefore could not leave Hell because of his own sins but Dante called on the souls he had absorbed to aid him in his journey against Lucifer. He saw himself as a tragic fallen hero, but in reality, his pride existed from the beginning, deciding that he would rather reserve his praise for himself than humanity, going out of his way to explicitly disobey God, thereby severing his connection to Him and Paradise. John Vickery (game); Steve Blum (movie). ", "How does it feel to have betrayed humanity? When Death gives Dante "everlasting damnation" for sins, the latter responds that the Bishop absolved them. His name was stripped from him and he earned the title, "Ha-Satan" (The Adversary). No force could stop me! He wore a brass-colored armlet on his right arm in the shape of a serpent and his legs appeared goat-like, akin in the form to a satyr. (Moments before being bound by ice), (To Beatrice) "There is not only suffering in Hell, my love. „ ~ Death to Dante. In this form, he tricked the First Woman named Eve into eating the Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge, stripping the human race of innocence by granting them the knowledge of good and evil. His angelic wings are torn off with only smoking stumps left, although during his battle with Dante, he still seemed able to fly. But later, the Bishop's true nature was revealed: He could not forgive the sins. In the PSP version, the battle with Lucifer's massive form is skipped.
Lucifer was God's most powerful servant, having no superiors other than God Himself. He had glowing red/orange/yellow eyes, two large horns on his head and small spikes on his shoulders and chest. In the game, Lucifer had the same voice actor as. ", "You are nothing to me! My path will be paved with the sins of Man and yours, Dante shall be the bedrock of my return and all of that is good shall be gone from the Universe forever!
The price of sin was spiritual damnation. When Dante finally confronted Lucifer in the center of Treachery at Lake Cocytus, it was revealed that during the course of his quest, he inadvertently broke the Chains of Judecca that kept Lucifer imprisoned. Slave Girl. Full Name " Mercenaries of Florentina!
", "How dare He make YOU the favored creation! ", "Did you really think that this was all about the girl? All of the other members of the Heavenly Hosts are subjected to his will including the other Archangels.
Remember the Rebellion! If Dante had amorous relations with another woman while he was gone, Lucifer would be able to take Beatrice to Hell to be his bride. Lucifer, Other The thin lava-like lines or scars, resembling streaks of tears flowed down Lucifer's face.
The BishopSalesman of Salvation (by Lucifer) The initial devilish form was taken on by Lucifer in the Book of Genesis. Lucifer was God's most favorite angel, known as Morning Star, Heaven's most brilliant angel, he called himself and lived in Heaven, and no one else as superior to him except the Lord himself.
Lake Cocytus You have a fire inside you!
You can't go anywhere. The Bishop | Together, we will rule the three kingdoms of the afterlife! Death was a major antagonist in the video game Dante's Inferno, in which he functioned as the first boss. However, Dante managed to fight his way through each circle of Hell, destroying many of Lucifer's demon servants and redeeming Beatrice's soul, allowing an Archangel to spirit her away to Paradise. Unknown ", (After being defeated) "Wait! ", "The fallen sons of Paradise will rise again!
As the embodiment and creator of evil, Lucifer had all of the characteristic descriptions that would fit the common criteria which evil was depicted.
Many tried and many failed me. ", "I will reclaim my rightful place in Paradise. Behold your ruin and witness my escape into the Kingdom of Purgatory and Paradise! They eventually became the guardians of the City of Dis. ", "You worship God, but it was He who created evil! In payment for taking up the cross to reclaim the Holy Land, your immaculate Father hereby absolves you of ALL your sins! Alias
As a result, Lucifer gathered an army of rebellious angels up and attempted to storm Heaven. However, Lucifer's glory and power fostered arrogance, leading him to believe that he was a being of perfection. He is a proud and calculating demon who has the pleasure of punishing sinners, he also had no sende of honor and he was also a delirious who believed he was doing good since he who commanded all tortures in Hell and he liked to eat your enemies's organs and brains.
Therefore, he was responsible for the damnation of the Crusaders as he had in fact controlled them. It was He who created ME. (Talking about God by pointing upward) By Him. This goes for the same with his giant form: His eyes are pitch darken before fighting Dante and they turn into a more bright grey color. Beatrice | ", "I'll make the Earth tremble, shake kingdoms and leave the world a desert! ", "I am sovereign of the Underworld and the Afterlife! However Dante was perfect for this role as he had the strength to fight his way through Hell and his dark soul was enough to free Lucifer. His treachery against his Father earned him imprisonment in the lowermost Circle of the Inferno where his bitter tears and the icy winds generated from his ruined wings created Cocytus which was a frozen lake. Gender In the comic by Diego Latorre, this Bishop also appears in the third pit of the Malebolgias where Dante criticizes him for lying about the Crusade.
Evil-doer During the game, Lucifer actually had three forms. He was related to all of the other angels, but especially his fellow archangels, Michael, Azrael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. This is most likely an animation error by the game's developers. Though he doesn't appear in game, he is mentioned by Dante twice. He is only seen during cutscenes.
Not a single soul may leave this place.
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