font-weight: bold; } padding-left: 10px; .race_header.democratic { } color: white; height: 50px; letter-spacing: 0.03em; height: 22px; } .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { .results_row {

Let’s be real. font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 7px; font-size: 16px; background-color: #f9d334;

font-weight: 200; DEMANDING A QUALITY EDUCATION FOR EVERY CHILD. School districts in Tennessee | Eighth Mayor of Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. width: 95% !important; display: block; } .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Election governance | This is a great deal for Metro taxpayers, and it also creates a stable revenue stream that ensures the Predators will be in Nashville for years to come. Pushing for pay raises for teachers – Mayor Briley has introduced a budget Including funding to allow MNPS to give teachers a 3% pay increase in 2019. } function indicateScroll (){ .top_disclaimer { Preserving the land as green space was the right thing to do, and it also marked a new day in how our city deals with developers. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. I will praise our public schools when they are successful. He was not my first choice — and I wrote the editorial endorsing Briley — but I want my city’s mayor to do well for our citizens. } Citizens had plenty of issues besides the Barry scandal that they did not want to move away from: the rising cost of living, the growing congestion, tourists (despite their money) treating Music City like their playground, and longtime and native residents feeling they were being left behind while newcomers were arriving to replace them. That both Briley and Cooper elbowed each other to be known as the “progressive” candidate was an unnecessary distraction. Immigration | ", Excerpt: "As Vice Mayor, I will work every day to continue the advancement of these efforts by working with teachers, parents and students, the School Board, the Metro Council and Mayor, charter school advocates, the Chamber of Commerce, and everyone else who shows up. Website designed by, Bone McAllester Norton Welcomes David Briley Back to the Firm’s Nashville Office, BoneLaw Attorney holds Employment Law Workshop for NACE, New Fellows Inducted into the Nashville Bar Foundation, Bonelaw Attorney Elected as Nashville’s Next Vice Mayor, Entrepreneurial and Emerging Business Law, Bone Law Attorney Courtney Lutz To Present at Upcoming Tennessee Bar Association CLE Seminar “Tort & Insurance Law: Privilege Law in Tennessee”, Bone Law Attorney Stephen Zralek To Present at Upcoming Nashville Bar Association CLE Seminar “Successfully Navigating Zoom Trials and Arbitration During the Pandemic”, Bone McAllester Norton Founder Charles W. Bone Featured in NBJ Article About Pursuing Freedom for Cyntoia Brown, Bone McAllester Norton Attorney James Crumlin Publishes Nashville Business Journal Column About Reopening Schools Amid COVID-19, Housing Fund: Former Member of the Board of Directors, Sister Cities of Nashville: Former Member of the Board of Directors. He received a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University and a J.D.from Golden Gate University. House of Representatives |

Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. margin-bottom: 1px; .inner_percentage.Democratic { .inner_percentage { The following candidates ran in the general election for Mayor of Nashville on August 1, 2019. function defer() { width: 90%; .widget-img { David Briley practiced law from 2007-2018 at Bone McAllester Norton, and now returns to his law practice at Bone where he is engaged primarily in civil, commercial and class-action litigation. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { vertical-align: top;

} vertical-align: middle; margin-bottom: .75em;

margin-bottom:16px; background-color: white;

He represented his clients in a variety of matters in state and federal court in both Tennessee and California, including wage and hour claims asserted by employees, securities class-action litigation, and civil litigation. }

Making such a dedication of funds like this would help us preserve the vitality and affordability of our urban neighborhoods, while acknowledging the power of the real estate market. Subscribe and support local journalism. defer(); The following candidates ran in the special general election for Mayor of Nashville on May 24, 2018. width: 35px !important; background: #4c4c4c; The decision of his predecessor not to raise the property tax rate after the 2017 reassessment put him in a position of either raising the rate in 2018 or going with an austerity budget that broke Barry's promise to raise wages for public employees.

Establishing an Education Kitchen Cabinet – To focus on a strategic plan to help low-performing priority schools, Mayor Briley has established a working task force of Nashville education leaders. padding-bottom: 5px;

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