Join our Admissions team for one of our upcoming virtual events. Why is Digital Literacy So Important to Health? The taught modules are taken over two semesters – September to December (Semester 1) and January to May (Semester 2).

An overview of all modules of the master's program Digital Health can be found here. The running of this module is dependent on there being sufficient numbers of interest. DHBM-HS Modul Fundamentals of Healthcare Systems In this model the necessary basics for working in international health systems with their concrete requirements and special characteristics are imparted. The planning will involve the setting of learning outcomes for the students, combining themes for teaching content, learning and teaching tasks, and evaluation of the students’ learning. Our approach to course revision is described online (PDF, 72 KB). Application process for Care & Custody and This Lead is Killing Us, US Department of Health and Human Services, Create a Strong & Easy-to-Remember Password (, Find Reliable Health Information Online: Website Detective (, Use MedlinePlus to Find Reliable Health Information (, Providing access to computers and high-speed internet, Helping users develop the digital literacy skills needed to use the computer (e.g., how to use a mouse), Helping users develop the necessary skills to evaluate online health information resources, See how Wisconsin Health Literacy is supporting digital health literacy in their state at, The National Digital Inclusion Alliance provides resources on access to technology at, LibrariesTransform offers free toolkits on digital literacy and health literacy at, Check out the tutorials and resources from, The Public Library Association offers resources on, Download our free citizen science guides for libraries and community partners at, Learn more about citizen science by taking our online, See what NNLM is doing with citizen science and crowdsourcing at. The interdisciplinary, English-language, master’s program in digital health is aimed at  computer science and medical students who want to work as highly qualified experts in the health sector, at the interface between IT, computer science and medicine.

This module is suitable to be studied as a stand-alone module and is designed for use across a range of disciplines. The MSc includes an integrated programme of skills workshops that connect your academic learning with the development of personal and professional competencies. Available online. The MSc in Digital Health is distinguished by its interdisciplinary character and an emphasis on applied skills that will be of particular value if you are looking to follow a career in digital health.

Introduction to Digital Health Transformation: to realise the potential of digital health ecosystem solutions requires innovators to possess skills to examine frameworks to design, develop, implement and evaluate digital technologies and innovations, and appreciate that a digital health intervention should adapt and evolve based on understanding user needs and data informed outcomes. Study at the University of St Andrews and experience the world-class teaching and cutting edge research of Scotland’s first university. The press area of the Hasso Plattner Institute provides you with the latest press material, news, information on our social media channels and contact details. At HPI, students learn in small groups with the close support of their professors. Students will learn of the ethical, social and political challenges of using AI in healthcare; the difficulties of integrating intelligent applications to workflows; and the requirement to demonstrate clinical value. These include big data from heterogeneous data sources, data with high acquisition frequency and fast processing times. The World Health Organization defines digital health literacy as the ability to seek, find, understand, and appraise health information from electronic sources and apply the knowledge gained to addressing or solving a health problem. Academic transcripts and degree certificates. Students applying to study this module should have a basic level of digital fluency and access to on-line computer facilities and be interested in developing technology within the health and social care arena. You have an English language proficiency level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This module aims to address these requirements. In order to be awarded with the Graduate Certificate in Digital Health, participants are required to complete the 5 core modules (o) within a maximum duration of 3 years. Application deadline for the Master's Program at HPI is July 15 for the winter term and December 1st for the summer term. Digital health is inherently interdisciplinary. Funded by the National Library of Medicine. The final version of the DHM will be integrated in the postgraduate curriculum of both countries. Theoretical learning is applied to real-world case studies, and you will develop an understanding of practitioner and industry perspectives and the work that is needed across academia and other sectors to advance digital health. Electronic Health Record (EHR) – jurisdictional health records; Support from tutors who are research active in digital health; Support from external champions with experience of digital innovation in health and care. Workshops bring together students from other Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies Masters degrees, helping you to make new interdisciplinary connections. We have a wide range of scholarships, bursaries, grants and funds available. Find out more about your tutors. The focus here is on the introduction, integration and monitoring of digital solutions.

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