But, we haven’t seen the two of them do the same thing.. Or at least not as often as he does. In this world, perfection is the goal of most. The first season consists of 155 chapters, and season two continues from chapter 156 onward. Instead, she wants to move to Wellston and may threaten the identity he has come up for several years. -Elaine’s a smart cookie.
That same day, Elaine was partnered up with Auriel to work on a literary analysis presentation. She probably wouldn’t even be friends with them if not for their strength.
Arlo (unOrdinary) Elaine (unOrdinary) Blyke (unOrdinary) Reader; Remi (unOrdinary) Seraphina (unOrdinary) John Doe (unOrdinary) Cecile (unOrdinary) Isen (unOrdinary) Other Character Tags to Be Added; Holden; Rei (unOrdinary) Claire (unOrdinary) Adrion(unOrdinary) Leilah (unOrdinary) Additional Tags: Requests; I decided to post it now on ao3 too
Bro I don't know if you realized but Seraphina's character is shit and inconsistent and her popularity has plummeted, Cecile is at least a consistent character with valid motivations. She was also seen either taking notes or doodling during Uru-chan's lecture on abilities.[4]. Also John throws tantrums and water is wet. Topics unOrdinary 18+ contains and are not limited to are sexual acts, murder, body type, heavy-detailed torture, et cetera.
In combat she heals any injuries she sustains, and has the skill and strength to break her opponent's arm.
Elaine didn’t know what Arlo was planning; she just assumed he was trying to get Sera back into the hierarchy, which went with what she KNEW. She didn’t know Arlo was digging into John’s past. Blyke is pretty much the living definition of protective loyal best friend.
Which he used to spy on sera but seeing as she’s willingly crawled to his knees Elaine is now totally irrelevant. When using her healing abilities, her eyes glow an emerald green hue. (Someone please get a therapist for these kids), A/N: those are things that I want to happen, not predictions, I don’t really expect any of the following things to happen, but I can still wish for it. With that being said, if you rather enjoy futanari sex but an amateur writer is at work, feel free to take a peak. Upon his return from his month-long suspension, John discovers that things have changed since he was gone. No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (17), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, but they play it off in typical gen z fatalism humor, They collectively have five functioning braincells, Agwin students guest star in special chapters, i am a crackhead making crack and sharing it with yall, orange juice is mentioned too many times bc of elaine, theres an underaged warning bc isen reported a school nurse who got too handsy, there's an event that should have traumatised a character, when an Unknown Number makes a groupchat and tells you that they're taking down the hierarchy, Honestly all of these can be read as romantic or platonic, The trio is probably going to be a thing though because I love them, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, possible cw for descriptions of moderate injuries, they brought healers though so the kids will be ok, Remi (unordinary)/Talia Sallows (original character), All credit goes to uru-chan for making this :D, This version of John is similar to the one that is smart and cunning, unOrdinary Jisen That Should Have Probably Stayed Inside My Noggin, Just an excuse for me to dump all my ideas out for these idiots, Brief mentions of other unOrdinary characters, Which Mcfugger Thot This Was a Good Mcfuggin Idea || Chat Fic ||, Social anxiety is something we're blessed with, everyday we stray further and further away from god, john's braincells are slowly dying from the amount of hair gel he uses. Press J to jump to the feed. How would our beloved characters handle jealousy, lust, and betrayal?
All I did was explain. Elaine adhered to what society expected of her, and for a while had no reason to think anyone else wouldn't. Yeah, that’s why I like her so much.
A chat full of over powered prestigious academy kids, who have nothing better to do then cause destruction, drink, regret their decisions and then do it all over again. As she said in episode , he was making her look bad, ruining her image infulencing her friend to disregard her "duties" and just mess around. In John's first day of school, while he was getting ready to leave for Math class, Elaine introduced herself and welcomed John to the school. Basically her personality is consistent, and she aint a hypocrite.
unOrdinary is a webcomic created by uru-chan in May 2016, exploring the trials and tribulations of super powered students at an elite private school. And keep in mind this is probably the first time she's healed a person in extreme danger. And with all this in mind she decided to call the most reliable and trustworthy person she knew for help/guidance, the king of wellston, Arlo. A wikia dedicated to chronicling uru-chan's original webtoon series, UnOrdinary since September 2016.We are currently editing over 431 articles.Careful: This wiki contains spoilers, read with caution! Elaine is a third-year student of Wellston Private High School and Seraphina's roommate. Treating someone differently just because off of how they were born and not what type of person they are makes them a bad person imo. [3], Elaine appeared on the tier list as an Elite Tier. Elaine (unOrdinary) Remi (unOrdinary) Blyke (unOrdinary) Isen (unOrdinary) Original Character(s) Summary. I want to know more about her AND new bostin. Don't remember denying that, My bad if that all wasn't apparent enough, I'll try better next time. This is a collection of the UnOrdinary girls doing things to each other that's considered 18+. Showing us that just like the rest of the royals, Elaine was oblivious to what was happening to those ranking beneath her. After Elaine was released from the time freeze, she received a call from Arlo to get ready for the Turf Wars. I want a Elaine redemption arc.
- Elaine, episode Anyway, let's get into the unOrdinary incident. That’s why I like Cecile, she’s like the only decent being except for Blake since he’s changing. Everything is nicely worded and easy to understand.
Each thrives to be the greatest, but only one can surpass.
You're completely missing the point anyways, yeah she wouldn't have even interacted with them in the first place if it weren't for their strength but Elaine clearly cares about them more than for just , that's all I'm saying. She’s pretty out of the loop. You're not obligated to like her but you should atleast understand her, Now when we first see Elaine she approaches John only to snap when he reveals that he's a cripple...... pushing him simply because he was weak, having no abilitiy. Kings aren't meant to have regrets, but if Arlo could name one thing, it would be John. Chapter 7. Elaine seems to be one of the more friendly students at Wellston due to her outgoing and hospitable personality. And a Blyke focused arc.
What happens when our dearest raven haired drama king enters the royal gc??
Aura bonding, considered to be an urban legend, a simple myth that kids were told. Blyke is working for the CCG in Wellston when he is captured for by a group of ghouls.
This man used his powers only for others.
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