I did find it amazing that both times I really lost my s*it with the midwife as I was at the end of my tether the anaesthetist miraculously appeared...! Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. NIH
They also do a pamphlet that outlines clearly - the pain relief options that the hospital use and pros and cons of each.

Do they really not give epidural and ur not can I somehow force them to?

This is only possible if you are on the labour ward rather than in the birth centre although it is possible to begin labour in the birth centre and then move across the corridor if she then decides she wants the epidural. Think they are also called mobile epidurals. Hope they can offer it at the Royal Surrey. I have to choose between NHS care at chelsea Westminster and st.thomas. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Would there be time?

Most people I've spoken to haven't heard of these, but I would like to know if any of you have had one of these and if you'd recommend them?

As Chelsea and Westminster is so big though I assume there's a non-birth centre labour ward she could go to?

The midwives do seem very professional but I think the labour ward can be very pressured.


good luck.


%���������  |  Lumbar and thoracic epidural Thanks! When used appropriately epidurals can decrease a patient's opiate consumption, as well as reducing the risk of adverse cardiorespiratory outcomes. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Read more about paracetamol and co-codamol, Low fat foods are recommended to avoid nausea and sickness (your partner may bring in some food for you)—we have hospital restaurants, coffee bars, shops and cold drinks machines at each site and, if you are at Chelsea, there are restaurants on Fulham Road, Flannel, sponge and water spray may be useful for cooling off, Lip salve, toiletries and hair accessories keep your hair out of your face, Oil for massage, as this can be very relaxing and help with pain relief such as backache (although not all women will find it helpful)—, Old shirts or t-shirts to wear for labour and warm socks, There is no evidence of risk to mother or baby, TENS is most useful in early labour and lets you move around freely, TENS is less effective during active labour, You can control the rate and strength of the electrical impulses, TENS can be used in combination with other methods of pain relief (but not in water), In early labour at home, a warm bath or shower can be very relaxing and support mobility, We have birthing pools for women who wish to continue their labour and/or give birth in water—the water is kept at a comfortable temperature just below 37.5°C, Can be used in combination with any other method of pain relief, You control how much you want to use and when, It can be used as a pain relief method for home births, It can make some women feel light-headed and sick, Prolonged use can make you tired and thirsty, so you need to drink plenty of fluids, Pethidine is recommended in cases where mothers are very tired or anxious, as it can make you feel sleepy and relaxed (whereas with Meptid you generally feel more alert), They can make some women feel nauseous and a further drug is then given to combat sickness and vomiting, You cannot use a deep bath or birthing pool after taking pethidine or Meptid until the effects have worn off, Pethidine crosses the placental barrier in labour—meaning it can remain in the baby's system for up to 72 hours—this is not dangerous but may interfere with the first feed if given to the mother close to the birth, It does not make you feel drowsy or sick and you may still have some feeling in your legs, It can be topped up to give complete pain relief, Not everyone can have an epidural—you should discuss this with your anaesthetist, You may feel shivery for a time but this stops quite quickly, There is a 1 in 100 chance of experiencing a severe headache, but this can be treated, It may cause a sudden drop in your blood pressure and your baby's heart rate – but extra fluids given through your drip will correct this, You may need to have the epidural adjusted or re-sited if you still experience contractions, You may be unable to pass urine and then will need a catheter for a minimum of 6 hours following the birth of your baby, Serious epidural related problems are extremely rare and areas of numbness, pins and needles, or weakness are usually a result of the childbirth itself, not the epidural. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 16 messages.). The CW Innovation programme was launched in September 2019 with the aim to deliver a portfolio of evaluated, real-world projects by connecting frontline clinical and operational staff with partner organisations. Epidural. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. MDWW - I've read that gravity helps and that your pelvis is able to open more if you're in a upright position - I've a narrow slightly twisted pelvis and think I'll need all the help I can get!.

I find it ridiculous and want to file a complaint etc. Yes I was going to say the same, is it a midwife led unit/birthing centre? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

However, from what a lot of you have said about your birth experiences, I'm under no illusion as to whether or not I'll be able to bear the pain. Liverpool partying scenes, Share your child’s messiest moments with Farrow & Ball - £100 voucher, virtual colour consultancy and F&B Modern Emulsion paint to be won, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox.

You can walk but very carefully - you are quite wobbly. charleypops, they do do it at rsch.

Do either have antenatal appointments in the evenings? A birthing centre? Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Scotland launches UKs second Covid-19 contact-tracing app, NHS Covid-19 contact-tracing app launched in England and Wales, ‘Major questions unanswered’ about effectiveness of NHS Covid-19 App, NHS Covid-19 contact-tracing app to be launched in England and Wales, Guy’s and St Thomas’ chooses Epic as ‘preferred supplier’ for £175m EHR, NHS Covid-19 app ‘more privacy-centric than original model’. My DH thinks he should be applauded for only wanting a baby to make me happy.. Why would anyone behave like this?

Epidural top-up solutions for emergency caesarean section: a comparison of preparation times. Thank you for your responses. I don't suppose you combine them with a waterbirth, but could you maybe labour for a bit in water and then get out to have the epidural? This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 7 messages.). Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Chris Chaney, chief executive of CW+, added: “The world we live in is changing dramatically with very significant impact on how we care for our patients.

Choose us. Midwife even fought my corner with the consultant when the epidural didn't work. I have given birth at C&W twice and had an epidural both times (first ended in emcs, second VBAC). Instagram, © 2020 Only drug free births happen in the wonders of the very nice birthing suite!

Chelsea and Westminster epidural (7 Posts) Add message | Report.

When I was having my ds I asked about them, but my hospital didn't have the correct equipment as it is very expensive. Spinal epidural abscess is a rare but potentially fatal condition if left untreated. stevetaylor20 Tue 18-Jul-17 07:51:53.

You can feel the contractions which helps with knowing when to push.

Hi sorry to gate crash, was lurking and just wanted to add my two penneth. Hi, This is my first pregnancy and I'm in my mid 30's. I had a "mobile" epidural at Chelsea & Westminster when I gave birth to dd 7yrs ago. You can walk but very carefully - you are quite wobbly. It takes the pain away but not all sensation. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust hasn't reported 0.0% of trials which they must report by law on the EU Clinical Trials Register. was busy. When it came to the pushing bit they let the epidural wear off so still felt the full monty with the head coming out!!!!! To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account.

It takes the pain away but not all sensation.

You can certainly get on all fours and although you can't squat you could use a birthing stool which I did. Int J Obstet Anesth. Get the latest public health information from CDC: https://www.coronavirus.gov.

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