These similes usually contain the word like or as. The story's narrator only has access to the thoughts and feelings of the novel’s protagonist, Stella Mills. Be inspired by Stella's writing style to write something of your own, which uses figurative language. Draper, Sharon M. Themes & Questions.

June 2017

The main focus skill is to use chapter titles to write brief summaries. 4. If  you include textual support, remember to cite the page number in the text. Some short chapters are combined. Other focus skills are using the text (to describe setting, to describe a character, to make a personal response, to ask a question, to d, This companion pack for the novel Stella by Starlight has been produced to integrate a variety of literacy skills. Answer the questions using 3-5 complete and concise sentences. December 2013 - Reading Template for Home Learning logs (5x this week), of the thing you're writing about.
January 2013 Stella by Starlight is a book by Sharon M. Draper, who has signed the wall in our school under her quote. ONLINE MAY 2020 Reading and Characterization, 3. Research things that happened in 1932 and match them up with events in the book.

Stella wishes she could research several different things.
In this product you will find chapter by chapter questions for the book Stella by Starlight by Sharon Draper. The novel study, Use this novel study with your students while reading the novel Stella by Starlight, written by Sharon M. Draper. Then tell how this comparison helps you understand the story. 1-5, Summary, Extra HP for figurative language, 3-5 bullet points Rube Goldberg Research Rube Goldbergs using the links and your own search Rough draft due Monday December 5 Look at packet and google doc for more directions Use as classwork, homework, or even in literacy centers. The questions you will receive require students to answer "right there" questions, make inferences, text-dependent questions, and use evidence from the text to support their thinking. January 2014 HINT: See the example document in the. In addition, it was created to save paper and can be used in a variety of ways.Google Slides available!What does this pack include?Vocabulary activities for each part of the book5 week, I have created reading comprehension questions for the novel "Stella by Starlight" by Sharon M. Draper. April 2014 The choice board activities created are specifically made for this text and to address personalize, Stella By Starlight - (Reed Novel Studies), Stella by Starlight - adaptable for distance learning, Stella by Starlight - 130+ EBOB Questions, North Carolina EBOB 2018-2019 Bundle of Questions, Stella by Starlight Reading Response Journal, Novel Study: STELLA BY STARLIGHT by Sharon M. Draper, Stella by Starlight Basic Comprehension Test, Stella by Starlight: Complete Unit of Study, Stella by Starlight Choice Board Tic Tac Toe Novel Activities Menu Assessment, Stella by Starlight - Character Inferences & Analysis, Battle of the Books Questions "Stella by Starlight", Stella by Starlight Lit Log (Novel Study) (For Distance or Classroom Learning), "Stella by Starlight"- Chapter-by-Chapter Reading Comprehension Questions, Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper Book Club Discussion Guide, Stella by Starlight Vocab List 3 Chap 11-20, Crossword & Vocab Quiz for "Stella by Starlight" Novel by Sharon Draper, Stella by Starlight - Novel Study Questions, Stella by Starlight - Complete Novel Study, Stella by Starlight Novel Study Choice Board Based on Bloom's Taxonomy. March 2015 January 2019 Search and share any patterns, you have discovered, of people who have made it to the Olympics. In the book, author Sharon M. Draper uses similes to compare one thing to another. In the second copy change the underlined words to your own words to create another variation of the mentor sentence. Then copy it again directly below the first copy. This unit includes a list of activities that can be done in conjunction with this novel.

I wish I could fly like that great bird I saw in the sky. May 2015 Then, decide who you would dedicate a book to someday. Battle of the Books Questions "Stella by Starlight" A great pre-reading activity.

Out of my Mind by Sharon M Draper Book Club Discussion GuideJohnny Tremain by. Copy the following Aha Moment signpost, using quotes and page reference: - How does this relate to the conflict or the theme? Test students on how to spell the words and the definitions. Pick one of her wishes and make it come true through your research. I have not i, Included are 45 questions that can be used to complete a book club or literature circle on Out of my Mind by Sharon M. Draper. Figurative Language.

Stella uses figurative language in her writing such as similes, metaphors, and hyperbole. Also included in: North Carolina EBOB 2018-2019 Bundle of Questions. November 2014 Here's a 20 question Crossword Puzzle & Vocabulary Quiz to introduce new terms students will encounter in the novel "Stella by Starlight" Novel by Sharon Draper. Do some kind of a survey to find out the passion of other people. Stella by Starlight Sharon M. Draper My rating: ★★★ ISBN: 978-1442494978 Publisher: Atheneum Date of publication: January 6, 2015 Age: Grades 4 - 8 Genre: Historical Fiction Themes: race, segregation, KKK, Great Depression, constitutional rights, storytelling August 2016 Doodle Notes and Figurative Language; Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora; Facts and Details; Footer Davis; Front Desk; Making Inferences and Drawing ConclusionsCloze Notes and Power; Making Predictions; Office 365 Log In; Sequencing; Somewhere Among; Stella by Starlight; What a … Sentence Mentor / series commas – Journals.

This book was set in the year 1932. Alliteration "Then it happens!

Stella by Starlight is a wonderful story set in the segregated south in the early 1930's. 6. Stella by Starlight is about a girl named Stella, who lives in These are questions to go with the novel Stella by Starlight by Sharon Draper.Questions cover basic story elements such as plot, conflict, setting, and character development, as well as requiring students to summarize, make inferences, identify figurative language and imagery, etc. -Literature Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter?

November 2016 Though prejudice and the KKK are a constant threat to their way of life, the folks of Bumblebee, North Carolina don’t let fear keep them down. June 2014 Mentor Sentences 3-14 need to be completed by end of week - check your writing folder, 2.

March 2016 MAKE A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT FIRST. - after reading extended responses December 2012 Create your own sentence, following the pattern of the mentor sentence, 1. - before reading activities

This will be a FUN activity for any boy or girl that is obsessed with race cars, fire fighters, tractors, construction, horses or trains. February 2016 ... Then, take those words and form them into your, - Close Reading for homework/book report 2, 7. February 2013 Text-to-Text Connection: Picture Book, "Voice of Freedom, Fannie Lou Hamer" by Carole Boston Weatherford. In this product you will find chapter by chapter questions for the book Stella by Starlight by Sharon Draper. - after reading activities October 2018 Use COPY /PASTE ---, Begin Sentence Mentor / series commas – Journals. This is a multiple choice, basic comprehension test for the book Stella by Starlight by Sharon Draper.

Each question is given in two formats - a list that can be placed in a notebook to use as you practice and as cards that ca. 3. 4.

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