Thank you, Report review titled Extremely unacceptable unprofessional behavior as unsuitable.

as unsuitable, by Anonymous - Posted on 22 September 2019. Report review titled Blood Test dept appointment as unsuitable. Tried again, tried to push door open on crackling sound from intercom.

The exercises completely ignored all information I had given regarding what equipment I had access to at my gym.

by Barnet resident - Posted on 20 August 2020. I am returning from France and will be required to quarantine. Door not opening. Took 2 weeks to receive follow up exercises, which meant I had to move my next appointment back to be in line with the advised timeframes.

Started haranguing me for being "rude" for pressing on intercom. Thank you for taking time to leave a review, please pass my apologies to your niece. Overall a very poor experience!!!!!!!!! Based on this, I requested to see a different physiotherapist for my next appointment in January - checked in upon arrival and waited for 20 minutes. Call each individual service for individual opening times (see website below for telephone numbers) The care you describe is below the standard we set ourselves and I will make sure staff are made aware. Finchley Memorial Hospital is currently open for urgent and essential appointments only. Further information on booking your blood test can be found below and information regarding the visitor restriction is available here. 24 hours, 7 days. Phlebotomy Services, Finchley Memorial Hospital Needing monthly blood tests at the local hospital the Sangix system has improved the experience considerably.

No response to press on intercom button, beyond slight crackling noise from speaker - sounded like faulty intercom.

Instead of turning up to queue it is now possible to book the appointment and, after checking in via the terminal, the maximum wait is around 5 minutes instead of three0 or more as previously. I went in to get my X-RAY done at Finchley Memorial Hospital today i.e 17/09/19. I waited 15 minutes at reception as only 1 member of staff was on duty. Richard Chester - deputy director of patient experience. Richard Chester - deputy director of patient experience. I hope any further contact you have with Finchley Memorial Hospital we are able to show you at our best.

The children's blood test clinic at Chase Farm Hospital runs at the following times: Tuesday 8.30-11.30am Wednesday 8.30-11.30am Thursday 8.30-11.30am Friday 8-11.30am We do not open on bank holidays. The nurse took a look at my sons chin told my husband he’d need glue or possibly stitches but as they closed at 9pm they wouldn’t have time and told him to go to Barnet General Hospital A&E. I will raise with staff so they can look at how the actions made a difficult situation much more difficult. I waited over an hour for the assessment that actually lasted less than 30secs .I was told that the burns were fine and I'd had a lucky escape. Upon questioning how far behind schedule the dept was running, I was informed my therapist was not even in. You will need to call 020 8349 7460 to make an appointment . Tried to explain this to staff member. But I cannot. Richard Plus, get staff who CAN LISTEN to what visitors are saying.

I was not believed. I know it's late in the evening and the staff are trying to get through everyone but a little more attention would be nice. I appreciate the replies given here stating "Sorry & will improve the services" reassurance to all those who have stated their unfortunately bad experiences but I am definitely not looking for the same as I want this to be taken to the next level since it was a horrifying experience which none should receive . My knee pain has increased drastically since beginning the exercises and I have no point of contact to discuss this with. I tried to self treat but a few days later I am in pain and small blisters have started to form. Report review titled poor service and rude staff as unsuitable, Hello Each time I get cut off. Another staff member appeared but rather than deal with me spent the next few minutes chatting to colleagues. She asked me to fill in the form and wouldn't allow me to think to write the information she wanted me to, she asked to change into the gown to get the X-RAY done but rushed me to do it as i was finding it difficult to change because of the pain, after the x-ray was done I went to change my clothes, she started calling again and without knocking she opened the door while i was changing and their was another man standing outside the door, she barged into the changing room, pushed a chair towards me which hit me and asked me to go out. Absolutely appalled in their behaviour, I completely apreciate the NHS and I know how under staffed they are but to turn away a 2 year old he has split his chin open because they want to get home at a decent time is absolutely disgusting. I am sorry for the care you describe, one of our values is 'visibly reassuring' and we don't seem to have met that with you. Kind Regards Thank you for sharing your experience on NHS Choices, having had burns myself I know how painful they can be and I hope you are recovering well. Finally, pressed and held intercom button for about 10-15 seconds.

This does not leave one with a good impression of the hospital in general... Report review titled Impossible to contact by phone as unsuitable, Hello We repeated this about four or five times, hearing crackling, calling on intercom, trying to open door. I attended the walk in centre after burning parts of my hands and arms after a pressure cooker exploded. Went in. Richard Chester - deputy director of patient experience, review titled Tryng in vain to cancel my appointment, review titled Blood Test dept appointment, review titled Disappointing physio experience, review titled Extremely unacceptable unprofessional behavior, review titled Impossible to contact by phone, review titled Appalling treatment of teenage niece by reception staff, review titled poor service and rude staff. There was no consideration for her having English as a second language and she left in floods of tears. There are no email addresses given anywhere, and no one is available to speak to on the telephone. Regards Thank you for leaving a review, I agree not being able to get through does not leave a good impression and I am sorry for that. I was not asked about any ongoing pain, when i pointed out the blisters that were forming I was told to go home and use cream on my arms. I was given a follow up appointment 5 days later.

I attended for the treatment of a minor wound which was dealt with after a three hour wait. I have tried phoning the blood test deparment today at least 7 times for an esstential blood test appointment. Aside from the fact that one is greeted by an automated menu announcement that expects you to know which Health Care Trust the department you wish to be connected with comes under, and uses an abbreviation that is not straightforward to interpret, on every attempt I was then cut off, once after someone had actually answered with "hello" and I had started to explain why I had phoned.

Report review titled Disappointing physio experience as unsuitable. Waited 4 months for a physio appointment for long term knee pain. Please note that the online booking service is currently suspended. I was made to feel as though I was wasting their time.

As a parent I can understand how frustrating and infuriating this must have been to you and your husband as well as distressing for your little boy.

GET IT FIXED instead of banging on to visitors who cannot get through door due to faulty intercom, no signals, no information, no instructions etc.

I then had to reschedule to appointment and wait a further 5 weeks, with no advice on my exercise programme, which ended before my follow up appt. × Terms and Conditions Need help booking online? Finchley Memorial Hospital has not yet replied. It appears you have been able to get through, in future if you found it difficult getting through please contact our PALS service at 020 8216 4924 or Kind Regards It includes a queueing system, calling screen, reporting and much more, please see an overview of major features listed below: I was scared, i was petrified.

More crackling from intercom speaker and this time door released. Once inside female member of staff started to explain how to 'use intercom' - I know HOW to use an intercom, this one DOESN'T WORK. To book a blood test appointment at any of our hospitals, use the appropriate link for your closest site in the box above.

I understand there were others that needed to be seen but they should have closed the doors. Thank you for taking time to leave a review.

I have an appointment for an ear syringe at 4 pm on 29 September. My 2 year old son was playing in the bath, he slipped and cut his chin open. Report review titled pre care assessment as unsuitable, Dear Neil Report review titled Appaling Treatment as unsuitable, by Anonymous - Posted on 17 September 2019, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

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