has voted almost unanimously in favour of the proposal. So now I eat a croissant with my coffee every morning, picking up every flake with a moistened forefinger. About 80% of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually flakes of skin. euonymus alatus Rosa roxburghii, when mature, peel and flake in cinnamon tinted hues. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Quinoa is the whole seed, whereas the quinoa. Skin appears older when it flakes and dehydrates. It is advisable to use a seperate conda environment for development. These can be easily raised in newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered flake, and small daphnia and other pond foods. They have as much chance as a snowflake in hell. If you already have one, just edit it.
We rushed out-of-doors to feel the first few tiny flakes descending. Some painters prefer foam brushes for trimwork because of a smoother finish, but others think foam flakes apart or falls off the handle too easily. Rep . or an employee. Floyd Flake, a Democrat from Queens, said.
From the undercut flake toward the right hand side.
Last 100 years 5 ounces of flake hard glue. Oval-shaped head lice nits can be distinguished from dandruff because they are glued at an angle to the hair shaft, whereas flat, irregularly shaped flakes of dandruff shake off easily. This room needs decorating - flakes of paint keep coming off the walls. Configuring. 46. September’s Words in the News explain all. Last 50 years
When you squeeze a handful of snow, the. The flakes of mud would have been carefully removed and put in the rubbish bin in the kitchen: 15. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. Known as "bather waste", chlorine also breaks down oils, lotions and skin flakes. Random good picture Not show. Flake tools came later, when people had become better at flint knapping (the term used for making flint knapping (the term used for making flint tools ). Patches of skin are starting to flake off. A microdermabrasion treatment exfoliates away dead skin flakes, old makeup and debri. Flakes of falling snow were fluttering in that light.
It's difficult to see flake in a sentence . Wax scales are tiny flakes secreted from glands on the underneath the worker bees ' abdomen. Use equal parts for ingredients, i.e. I have tried watercolour, acrylics and indian inks, but they all subsequently flake off. Kohl: Kohl tends to be richly pigmented and because of that, and during the application process, it's not unusual for eyeliner "flakes" to fall off and onto your cheeks or under eye area. Some of these are recognizable as pale yellowish and white mica; others seem to be chlorite, the remainder is perhaps kaolin, but, owing to the minute size of the flakes, they yield very indistinct reactions to polarized light. The implements found in the relic bed under it were axe-heads of stone, with their haftings of stag's horn and wood; a flint saw, set in a handle of fir wood and fastened with asphalt; flint flakes and arrow-heads; harpoons of stag's horn with barbs; awls, needles, chisels, fish-hooks and other implements of bone; a comb of yew wood 5 in. The flakes are quite handy, as they are easy to measure and you don't need to chop up the block of solid wax before melting it. Cook for at least 15 minutes, or until fish flakes when separated with a fork. The snow was coming down in big heavy flakes now. The paint coating the frame was peeling and a small flake was ripped off by a breeze and was carried away. These may be quick direct belays on situ pitons or round spikes or, 27.
When I finally get my eye shadow brush in there and manage to get some actual color on my eyes, copious amounts of dust and makeup flakes have already fallen onto the counter top, and unfortunately, my shirt! 5. Learn more. Flake after flake ran out of the tubs, until we were compelled to hand the end of our line to the second mate to splice his own on to. Examples of 'flake' in a sentence flake. Snow fell in lazy, fat flakes, sticking to his clothes and hair. The pepper flakes will part and scatter to the sides of the bowl, making the water clear again. Lightly sprinkle the cubes with dried fish flakes. For some reason it began in a thick snowstorm of large white, 28. I think I'm going to flake out; I'd better sit down.
Differently formulated from its competition, this mascara's wand dips into a makeup mixture that forms small "tubes" around your lashes, abolishing clumps, streaks, and flakes that are common culprits of most eye makeup products. After about three weeks or so, the fry can be weaned onto frozen adult brine shrimp and crushed flake food. flake Harper's PD2 is currently inside and Geoff Hodkinson is dealing with the flaking paintwork in the upper deck.
If you prefer to use Castile flakes, use four ounces of those mixed with one quart of water.
Boil the water (if using dry herbs, steep them now for about twenty minutes) and then pour over the soap flakes and stir until the flakes dissolve. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Examples of flakes in a sentence: 1. 4. Other stray finds from topsoil included five flint flakes, animal bone and medieval to post-medieval pottery. Similar words: snowflake, make sure, make sense, shakespeare, spokesman, flat, flag, flask. Plus, once the skin starts to heal, it can peel and flake.
Soy wax can be purchased in blocks, and it also comes in flakes. Iron was not known, but copper and tin ores were mined, and the metals combined into bronze of much the same alloy as in the Old World, of which hatchet blades and other instruments were made, though their use had not superseded that of obsidian and other sharp stone flakes for cutting, shaving, &c. Metals had passed into a currency for trading purposes, especially quills of gold-dust and T-shaped pieces of copper, while coco-beans furnished small change. 2.
Last 10 years It is available in solid form and flakes. if using 1 cup of soap flakes, use 1cup of water and 1 cup baking soda as well. Pets Dead skin flakes, urine, feces, saliva, and hair can trigger asthma.
Skin and flake the haddock, removing any stray bones you come across, and set aside. flake. Here are some examples. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word flake? The use of a wooden billet or bar permits the removal of longer, thinner, and flatter flakes; and, because wood is resilient, it does not shatter the edge of the flint, and it leaves smaller and flatter bulbs than those obtained by stone on stone. Sometimes, with traditional eyeliners, if you try to increase the coverage by going over the line you've drawn again, the eyeliner may flake and fall.
You can pass some project-based configuration parameters using a file. Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children.
4. 2. Flakes of falling snow were fluttering in that light. Small flakes of metal could peel up and find their way into your meal.
Children can be enticed to eat more fiber by sprinkling bran flakes over their yogurt or other dessert.
You can't just grab a box of food flakes and call it a day when you're feeding a box turtle. Add the pepper flakes and hot sauce of your choice to the batch for your human friends. If your dog's nails tend to break or flake easily and are discolored, a visit to your veterinarian can confirm whether this is due to the presence of a canine nail fungus. A snowflake or so glistened in her black hair. He swiped at the flakes then braced himself to change into his jaguar shape. Snowflake ornaments and tiny red ribbons were fastened to the Christmas tree. quartz phyllite can also occur in these sizes, and phyllite flakes may range up to 7mm in size. Staying moisturized, hydrated, and exfoliated will allow you to stave off the flakes and redness that sometimes accompany the colder months.
Her breath came quick as little flakes of snow. There are blades, bladelets, several small cores and many struck flakes, a few having light retouch. 63. Place loose powder under the eyes to catch any makeup flakes that may fall during the application process (after you've finished applying color simply use a large, soft brush to sweep the powder away). If you're planning to display the finished flower pot outside, you'll also want to spray the pot with a clear protective sealer to make sure your rub-ons don't start to flake when exposed to the elements. Graphite, nearly pure carbon, is characteristic of " gray cast iron," in which it exists as a nearly continuous skeleton of very thin laminated plates or flakes (fig. Simply use a wire brush to scrape any paint flakes and followed by a commercial rust remover. mica flakes from this area of the rock and study under the microscope. 5. More unstable moves lead up to the hollow flake around which I could finally place the crucial protection- a 60cm sling.
Easy slabs lead to a flake belay in a small corner. flake definition: 1. a small, thin piece of something, especially if it has come from a surface covered with a layer…. The answer Jim suggests: an analogy - some people like corn flakes, others rice crispies.
Here, till far on into the 1 9 th century, the Englishmen could watch the natives striking off flakes of stone, trimming them to convenient shape for grasping them in the hand, and edging; them by taking off successive chips on one face only.
6. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. The
of flake charcoal is generally sufficient for the insulation of the holds, though for deck-houses and other parts exposed to the sun the thickness must be greater.
4. And then they get dorky and either forget, start hanging around their friends, and just basically flake out. Using granules, they serve to exfoliate the skin and eliminate flakes and scaly patches.
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