Despina F August 15 Nymphodora F September 10, Olga F July 11 Myron M August 17 Anargyros, Argyris M November 1 Antononine F June 10 This task is difficult since the name day of a name must belong to a saint or martyr of the Orthodox religion and at the moment we only know the Saints of the Greek Church. Fokas M September 22 independence, celebrating their victories with music, poetry and dance, together with friends! Akylas M July 14 Stefanos M December 27 Karpos M October 13 our site : namedays, name days, synaxarium, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Click for info on how to add namedays to your pages, ILARION (Ilarion, Ilarionas, Ilaria, Ilariada, Lariada), SATURDAY OF SOULS (2)(*) (Saturday of Souls), SEVASTIANI (1) (Sebastiani, Sebastian, Sevasti, Sevi), DAY OF THE HOLY GHOST (*) (Day of the Holy Ghost), LUKE Simferoupolis (2) (Loukas, Loska, Loskas, Lucas, Luke), ALL SAINTS (*) (All Saints, Agioi Pantes, Agios Pantas), AFGOUSTINOS (Afgoustinos, Afgoustos, Augoustos, Avgoustis, Avgoustinos, Avgoustos), BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST (Ayiou Ioanni Baptisti), PANAGIOTIS (3) (Panayotis, Panagiotis, Panos, Panousos, Panagis, Panagos, Giotis, Yiotis, Panikos, Takis, Panagiota, Panayota, Yiota, Giota, Panagioula, Panagoula, Pani, Tota, Toula, Pegie, Pegy), PETER (Petros, Peter, Paul, Petroula, Petrina, Petras, Petrakis, Petrinos, Petria, Petra), APOSTOLOS (1) (Apostolis, Apostolos, Tolis, Lea, Lia, Apostolina, Polina). This is the country where you get tantamount to two birthdays – the day of your birth and the official day of the saint you are named after. From these 3800 names : 2800 names (750 prime names και 2085 derivatives) have known nameday according to the Orthodox Synaxarium. Martyrios M October 25 Domnine F October 4 Leonidas M April 15 Mertios M January 12 Kyriake, Kiki F July 7 Herakleios M May 18 Marina F July 17 Sokrates M October 21 • You will get a detailed look at Crete's very hospitable people, rich history and culture, weather, climate, and wildlife and will find maps of Crete, and plans how to reach us by flight, ferry boat, yacht, public bus, foot, taxi, or hire car. Zenovios M October 30 Markianos M February 17 Basileios M January 1 Dometianos M January 10 September 1 - Simeon September 14 - Stavros - Stavroula Kerykos M July 15 Glykeria F May 13 Eudokia F March 3 Lazaros M November 7 Charitine F October 5 Fevronia F June 25 Badimos M April 9 Ioulitte F July 15 Ioulianos M June 21 Kornelios M September 13 Spyridon, Spyros, Spiros M December 12 Xenofon M January 26 Horentios M June 25 Natalia F August 26 It is popularly believed to be an especially rainy week, and this is to some extent supported by statistics, as late July … Chrysa F December 25 Nazarios M October 14 Nektarios M November 9 Agathodoros M October 13 Eutropios M March 3 Polychronios M October 7 Eustratios M January 9 Thymios M January 20 Temperatures, seasons, and the best times to visit Crete. Sisoe F July 6 Those who are not named after a saint have a party on All Saints' Day, … Those who are not named after a saint have a party on All Christina F July 24 Iosif M July 31 Nathanael M April 22 Lazaros M April 23 Nikandros M June 5 Iouliane F August 17 Pavle F June 3 Nike F April 25 Ioustioune F October 2 Augoustinos M June 16 Leon M August 18 Eustratios M December 13 Eroteis F October 6 Ambrosios M December 7 Achillios M May Brave people that have stood up against their many invaders, preserving their tradition of Aspasia F September 9 Kosmas M July 1 Manouel M June 17 Tychon M June 16 Eufimias M September 16 Baia F April 28 Apollonios M July 23 Copyright ©
Enjoy their generosity! Olympia F July 26 Olympas M November 10 Rodion M November 10 Tzannis M January 7, Vangelis M March Orestes M December 13, Pachomios M May 15 Sevastiani M October 24 our site : namedays, name days, synaxarium, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Click for info on how to add namedays to your pages, SATURDAY OF SOULS (1)(*) (Saturday of Souls), SATURDAY OF SOULS (2)(*) (Saturday of Souls), SAVINA (Sabina, Sabena, Savina, Savena, Zabia, Zabina), SERAPHIM (1) (Serafeim, Serafim, Serafina), SEVASTIANI (1) (Sebastiani, Sebastian, Sevasti, Sevi), SEVASTIANI (2) (Sebastiani, Sebastian, Sevasti, Sevi), SMARAGDA (Smaragdenia, Smaro, Smaragda, Smara, Smaroula, Smaragdoula), SMARAGDOS (Smaragdos, Smaragdis, Smaragdenios, Smaris), SOCRATES (1) (Sokrates, Sokratis, Socrates), SOCRATES (2) (Sokrates, Sokratis, Socrates), SOPHIA (Sofia, Sonia, Fifi, Sofianos, Sofoula, Sofoulis, Sofouli, Fouli), SOSIPATROS (1) (Sosipatros, Sopatros, Patra), SOSIPATROS (2) (Sosipatros, Sopatros, Patra), SPIRIDON (Spiros, Spyridon, Spyros, Spyridoula), STAMATIA (1) (Stamatia, Matoula, Mato, Stamela, Stamatina, Stamata, Matina, Mata), STAMATIA (2) (Stamatia, Matoula, Mato, Stamela, Stamatina, Stamata, Matina, Mata), STAMATIA (3) (Stamatia, Matoula, Mato, Stamela, Stamatina, Stamata, Matina, Mata), STASINOS (*) (Stasinos, Stasini, Stasia, Stasa, Stasina), STEPHANOS (Stefanos, Stephania, Steven, Stefania, Stephen, Stevan, Stevenson, Stevon, Stevyn, Steve, Stefan, Stephan, Steffen, Stefon), STILIANOS (Stelios, Stylianos, Stella, Stelia), STRATONIKOS (Stratonikos, Stratos, Stratis), SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY (*) (Sunday of Orthodoxy), SUNDAY OF THE ANCESTORS OF JESUS CHRIST (*) (Sunday of the Ancestors of Jesus Christ), SYMELA (Simela, Symela, Soymela, Soumela). Michaios M August 14 Eufimia F July 11 Anthimos M September 3 Aphrodisios M June 21 Phoebe F September 3 Hermaios M November 4 Dina F May 21 Philippos M November 14 Thalassios M February 22 Palladios M January 28 Hermolaos M July 26 Tarasios M February 25
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