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The exact dates of the Carnival vary, depending on Easter. The rest of the lamb is grilled on Sunday morning for lunch, accompanied by wines and dances. Greek Name Days in June from Athens Info Guide, the most complete information guide about Athens, Greece. This festival is of great importance in all the regions of Greece but some places, such as the Greek islands of Corfu island and Chios island, are very famous for their Easter celebrations. Generally, Greece has many interesting Christmas customs that revive very vividly all over the country. Festivals have a religious base and they are following the Orthodox calendar. There are many sorts of festivals in Greece that take place mostly in summer, in the mainland and the Greek islands. Please comment using our contact form. Here you can find the Greek name day calendar showing all the names for June 05
The present Greek name day portal includes more than 3800 Greek first names with known name day and 980 Greek names with non established and thus unknown name day.
Where to stay? All Rights Reserved. This day is characterized by military parades. On Good Friday, a special celebration takes place when all the flowered tombs of the Christ (named Epitaphios) are gathered at the squares and make the tour of the towns. At Lakeside, seaside or riverside locations, the priests throw a cross into the water and young locals dive to compete for the privilege and blessing to catch it. View the upcoming cultural events and festivals. After midnight, families and friends eat "magiritsa", a soup made from lamb tripe, rice, dill, and lemon. It celebrates the day that the Holy Spirit presented to the Apostles and asked them to teach Christianity to the world. January 1st is also the day when Christmas gifts are given to the children. Easter is the most important festival of the Greek Orthodox Church. This day coincides with a National Holiday in Greece, the day where the Greeks declared the Revolutionary War against the Turks, on March 25th, 1821. Copyright © www.namedays.gr Name days are celebrated in many European countries. Please comment using our contact form.
When someone is named after one of those saints, that day becomes their "name day" and, traditionally, is celebrated. Information about Religious festivals based on the Christian Orthodox religion. January 1st is the Feast of Agios Vassilis (the Santa Claus in Greece is Saint Basil), celebrated with church services. This is when Services are held every evening in the churches. This custom is supposed to bring good fortune upon the house. It is a beautiful spectacle. That day, all Greek families cut the vasilopita, sweet bread with a coin inside which brings good luck for the year to come to its finder. Name days are a big deal in Greece, often celebrated with more fanfare than birthdays – especially if one has a common name. On December 24th, children traditionally sing Christmas carols (kalanda) from door to door. © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Greeka. Those who ... Akylas M July 14 Akyline F June 13 Akyline F April 7 Alcebiades M August 16 Alexandra F August 30 Alexandros M August 30 Alexios, Alexis M March 17 Alphaios M October 9 Ambrosios M December 7 Ananios M October 1 Anargyros, Argyris M November 1 Anastasia F December 22 Anastasios M January 22 Anatolios M July … And more? Name days celebrated in June. However, the coordinated attack of the German-Italian forces in April 1941 succumbed to the Greek army. This is the feast of Agia Theofania, or Fota, which celebrates the day when the "kallikantzaroi", or hobgoblins that appeared during the period of Christmas, are re-banished to the netherworld by the church's rites. This is a calendar of name days in Greece. Other important festivals in Greece have a cultural nature. The Carnival takes place three weeks before Lent Monday. The day of the student rise against the Greek Junta of 1974.
Those greek festivities are part of the Greek culture.
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