COVID-19 has upended traditional campaigning and even forced the postponement of the primary runoff in Texas, from May 26 to July 14. Houston Public Media is supported with your gifts to the Houston Public Media Foundation and is licensed to the University of Houston, Voters Have 2 Very Different Choices For Texas’ Next Oil And Gas Regulator, Friday’s Senate Debate A Chance For Cornyn And Hegar To Reintroduce Themselves To Voters, Party Politics: The Fly Heard Round the World, Calls For Ken Paxton’s Resignation, And Congressional Candidate Mike Siegel (Oct. 6, 2020), Early Voting Has Begun In Harris County. Live Election Results for Houston, Texas and surrounding areas.

For additional information please review our Privacy Policy and our Accessibility Statement. Election 2020 Texas Primary Runoff Results For Harris County: U.S. Senate, Statewide And Houston-Area Races — At this time, the number of registered voters is identified from the Voter Registrar’s records to be used during the election. You can read his work on our subscriber site,, and on our free site,| People walk up to cast their ballots Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center in Houston. 460Houston, TX 77002(713) 274-8600. Generally 55 days before Election Day, the voting system is setup, tested and the first ballots are mailed out 45 days before Election Day. Jared Counts moved to Houston in 1995, survived high school and college, and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Houston with a degree in Communications (Media Production) and a minor in Film Studies. Ogg declares victory, leads challengers in Harris County DA race Menefee defeats incumbent Ryan in county attorney race; Ramsey well ahead in Precinct 3 … Voters cast their ballots, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center. Harris County, Texas, is holding general elections for sheriff, county court at law, county attorney, county department of education, district attorney, tax assessor-collector, commissioners, justice of the peace, constable, and multiple judgeships on November 3, 2020.A primary was scheduled for March 3, 2020.

TIỂNG VIỆT | Candidate Amanda Edwards talks to people, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center. ©2018 All Rights Reserved Harris County Clerk's Office. Election Day came and went for Harris County and the rest of Texas, but now what?

Campaign workers greet voters Tuesday morning, March 3, 2020, at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on West Gray in Houston. Just like during Early Voting, voters are no longer restricted to an assigned polling location and may choose from 800+ polling locations across Harris County. The filing deadline for this election was December 9, 2019. You'll find the official numbers from the Republican and Democratic primaries for both county and state below, as well as our latest stories on the most notable races from the Houston area.

中文. Will Houston prepare for the next Laura before it’s too late? Consequently, the number of registered voters on the reports reflect the number of registered voters approximately 55 days before Election Day and is not the same as the number of actual registered voters eligible to vote during Early Voting and on Election Day. Follow him on Twitter.

With a 4:02 a.m. Wednesday timestamp, Harris County elections officials posted results from all 401 voting centers where ballots were cast in Super Tuesday's primary elections. is the official website for KHOU-TV, Channel 11, your trusted source for breaking news, weather and sports in Houston, TX. ESPAÑOL | After being hired part-time at KUHF Radio in early 2003, he proceeded to bounce between... Paul DeBenedetto is Houston Public Media's senior web producer, writing and editing stories for Here’s why. He went to high school at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory.

But Election Day has once again come, and while COVID-19 does remain on the forefront of everyone’s minds, local voters are choosing their candidates in crucial races across the state of Texas, and right here in Harris County.

Election Day Polls and View Voter Specific Ballot. Harris County Administration Building1001 Preston, 4th Floor, Rm. Information is vital to accessing the voting process.

Who won and lost in Harris County elections on Super Tuesday 2020. 440Houston, TX 77002(713), 201 Caroline , 4th Floor, Rm. If "SOR Required" is displayed, you will need to complete a Statement of Residency form at … Click below for a complete list of all the winners and losers in primary elections across the state: Joe Biden beats Bernie Sanders in tight Texas race, MJ Hegar advances to runoff in U.S. Senate race as others vie for second, Ogg declares victory, leads challengers in Harris County DA race, Menefee defeats incumbent Ryan in county attorney race; Ramsey well ahead in Precinct 3, Democrats Mike Siegel and Pritesh Gandhi advance to runoff in District 10, Republicans in likely run-off as Kulkarni clinches Dem nomination in District 22 race, Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee and Al Green build big leads over primary challengers, Mixed results for governor’s favorite northwest suburban Houston candidates, Wesley Hunt takes strong lead in nationally spotlighted District 7 race, Democrats set for May runoff to decide who faces U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Progressive Cisneros defeated by incumbent Cuellar in highly watched Texas battle, Long lines drag Election Day deep into the night for some voters, How Texas will award its 228 pledged delegates on Super Tuesday, Biden claims 9 Super Tuesday victories, including Texas, Biden and Beto bite into Whataburger while discussing campaign strategy, 'Everyone was outraged': Houston voters forced to wait around for late election judge, Editorial Board recommendations: The complete list, Jordan Ray is a digital producer for the Houston Chronicle. Before joining the station, Paul worked as a web producer for the Houston Chronicle, and his work has appeared online and in print for the Chronicle, the New York Times, DNAinfo New York, and other... Get highlights, trending news and behind-the-scenes insights from Houston Public Media delivered to your inbox each week. Next Election: November 03, 2020 - General and Special Elections, Early Voting: October 13, 2020 - October 30, 2020, Last day to register to vote was October 5, 2020.

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