He is not sure about the spelling, however. [7] During a 2000 BBC online chat Fagen recalled discarding some other sections set aside for solos, "because nobody was comfortable with [them]. Gadd's drumming came in for praise; the reviewer also noted that "Fagen's mellow vocals are at their best. [20], This leads to a short interlude in which the vamp gives way to chord flourishes punctuated by beats from Gadd in between soft cymbal taps. Through it all, Dias plays a jazzy solo of long runs on clean-toned guitar, while the rhythm guitar plays cluster triads, including mu chords. Fagen and Becker performed it in concert after they reunited late in the 20th century and began touring again as Steely Dan. I am only temporarily They spent most of their time indoors with books, music and recreational drugs. [40], According to Breithaupt, one repetitive device in "Aja" is unique to it among the album's songs. The two albums show a more relaxed attitude to production, less morbid lyrical themes and an upbeat jazz pop sound, but with the characteristic wit and musical complexity of their 20th century work remaining. Most Steely Dan songs, and indeed all of the other songs on the album except "Home at Last", eschew natural imagery in favor of name-checking brands, products, businesses, and other human-made artifices. In the 1999 Classic Albums segment on Aja, Dias recalled the song as being particularly challenging for the guitarists, claiming that "its very existence is a contradiction. Leave feedback. "Of course that didn't bother us at all." This page was last edited on 4 July 2018, at 02:49 (UTC). Their fastidious standards in the studio and use of world-class sessions players has also been a hallmark of their work.
"[68], Credits adapted from the album liner notes and Donald Breithaupt's book:[12][13]. One thing led to another and they ended up in California where they came to success. Steely Dan “Home At Last” by Brian Miller December 2, 2018 February 3, 2020 “Becker and Fagen later said that if, when they were listening back to one of their songs, it didn’t make them howl with laughter, they regarded it as a failure.” ( from the book Steely Dan by Brian Sweet, Omnibus Press 1994) The result is a rambling eight-minute epic highlighted by Wayne Shorter's stately, rhapsodic solo which descends gracefully into a recapitulation of the vocal theme.

She quotes Becker: He was very thoughtful and probing about the musical possibilities ... Wayne said that as a jazz musician there could be a stage where you'd see a certain harmonic thing going on and react to that in a programmed way. I run ...", joined by a repeated long "u" (oʊ): "through ... to you") Assonance is combined with consonance, a repeated consonant sound, as well: the combination of the short "a" (/æ/) and "n" (/n/) recurs throughout the verses ("banyan", "ranch", and "angular banjoes") and then in the chorus's "dancin'". I have a passport. is "about eight minutes", the song's running time. They gained a new and appreciative audience as well as substantial back-catalog sales. Walter Becker passed away on September 3, 2017. The interlude chords briefly return, and Gadd resumes keeping the beat, with a few more flourishes, while Shorter's solo continues. Production duties were handled by Gary Katz; the album was released through ABC Records. "Time out of Mind", the album's second single, references a "mystical sphere ... direct from Lhasa / Where people are rolling in the snow / Far from the world we know". Sophisticated, distinctive rock group built around accessible melodic hooks, complex harmonies and time signatures, and a devotion to the studio. [34], Like many Steely Dan songs, the lyrics of "Aja" are sung from the point of view of a character in a narrative, rather than a universal first person as is common in most other modern popular music. And I’m too young to die. "[25] Ten years later, he elaborated further that he had heard of Becker and Fagen's difficulties and "[a] lot of the musicians weren't very optimistic that they were ever going to get these things done." Their music is characterized by dark, witty lyrical narratives, obscure lyrical allusions and complex, jazz-influenced instrumentation and chord sequences, overlying more ordinary popular song structures. [66] Both versions differ from the original release only in having an extended fadeout. Sophisticated, distinctive rock group built around accessible melodic hooks, complex harmonies and time signatures, and a devotion to the studio. [29] "He was a little worried, getting into how he would play with Miles," Fagen said. Ferlinghetti’s book A Coney Island of the Mind had been required reading for almost every young writer for almost ten years by the time our boys made it to college in the mid-sixties: “I am an American. This continues for ten measures; during a short break after the vocals stop, Feldman's marimba joins.[32]. They were very fond of the Beat poets Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Gregory Corso. "Aja" is a jazz rock song, with elements of jazz fusion and progressive rock, by the American rock band Steely Dan (by that time, Walter Becker and Donald Fagen) from the album of the same name, their sixth studio album, released in 1977.
", Despite its complexity, and unlike most of the other tracks on the album, "Aja" took a very short time to record, which Steely Dan credit to the musicians' ability to learn it quickly, without rehearsals. Home at Last (Steely Dan song) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Home at Last. One run of shows, performed that August at the Beacon Theatre in New York, was devoted to Aja. "Steve Gadd, being a fantastic drummer, is a fantastic sight reader and didn't really need to rehearse; neither did the rest of the band," Becker told Steely Dan historian Brian Sweet in 2007. I am in line Indeed, Breithaupt notes, "Aja" has none of the brand names or particular locations that often appear in the band's other lyrics, adding to the sense of timelessness in the lyrics,[35] although Breithaupt implies that the "dude ranch above the sea" might be a sardonic reference to Los Angeles. If you are unable to attend the new date, you will be able to request a refund. And, that day, it just seemed to fall into place. A tie salesman.”

"[His] part was not written. The outro's layered use of synthesizers evoked, to him, David Bowie and Brian Eno.

[32] The album cost close to a million dollars to produce and took two years to come together. In 2003 they released Everything Must Go, and some critics claimed it had already gone. Steely Dan is an American jazz rock band which formed in 1972.

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