Pretty stress about it, as I’ve just got rejected for volunteery from many schools. The area houses several "brand-name" schools such as Pei Hwa Presbyterian and Methodist Girls' School (Primary), where many parents hope to enrol their children.
See more of Hong Wen School 宏文学校 on Facebook.
I didn’t know anyhing about this school until I moved into an area about 1.5km from Hong Wen. 75% of candidates were eligible for the Special/Express courses in Secondary schools (National: 62%).
The school was then forced to close and it reopened in 1945, a month after the war ended. Madam Chua chose the school for her children - her younger son is in Primary 1 there and her six-year-old daughter will join it next year - as it is near the home of her parents-in-law. Log In.
I also like to keep in touch with u…. or. Madam Chua Huay Wen, 39, her husband Kenneth Seah, 43, and their children Jonathan (left), 11, and Matthew, eight, outside Bukit Timah Primary School, which sits among private estates and "brand-name" schools such as Pei Hwa Presbyterian and Methodist Girls' School (Primary). It has recently completed (finally!)
This was largely due to the decreasing enrolment as more and more city dwellers moved out of the city to settle in the new towns all over the island.
I make sure my kids do well, but I'm not the typical kiasu parent. The only disadvantage is due to it is a christian school and also a single sex school. We have been experiencing some problems with subscriber log-ins and apologise for the inconvenience caused.
so i’m thinking and hesitating whether should i send my gal to hongwen or St Margaret.
Freelance baker Safia Abdul Hamid, 39, chose Opera Estate Primary for her son, 11, and daughter, now 13, because she wanted them to have more "balanced" lives.
Both schools are within 1 km of each other. Will it be not so healthy for their growing up?
Ever since MOE stopped releasing the names of top PSLE performers and their schools, the best primary schools in Singapore have been a mystery. While the school’s academic performance has come down over the years not so much due to poor teaching, but more to do with the growing strength of neighbouring schools that led to a more even distribution of good students in the area, the school spirit is still very strong. At that time, there was only an enrolment of about 30 female students and lessons were conducted by Madam Lin Suqin, the Principal herself, in Hokkien.In 1930, the school underwent a revamp. Hong Wen is now located at Towner Road. next yr 2009, i’ll be registering my gal for P1.
But Hong Wen School has a rich Chinese culture, which I like, too," she said. Then what is the point of becoming a member??
), Parent Volunteering Details:, Alumni:, Religious/Clan Affiliation: Hin Ann Huay Kuan, Religious/Clan Affiliation Details:, CCAs:, School Bus Service: Thanks. So it depends on whether you value the Chinese language or if you prefer a missionary school. You can see in this website it does not rank very high in terms of producing top students. Good luck to all the mummies, me too ,,,,,,,,,—serving-the-community-@-hong-wen-school,,, In the same year, Mandarin became the medium of instruction.Over the years, the school saw success in its increasing enrolment and good academic results till the Japanese Occupation in 1942. I gave $2 (or more) Learn the meaning of 2 lines or more of Majulah Singapura (5 mins).
Forgot account? Create New Account. Chongfu is well regarded as a high-performing school and much sought after by parents in Yishun, other parts of Singapore and overseas. Really depends what is your definition of good school. However, if you feel you want your child to build up on English (with you providing Chinese exposure), and a strong and confident personality, St Andrew’s would be a good option. has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website. I want to enrol my child to Hong Wen school & we are still staying within 1km. The 40-year-old housewife said: "A lot of parents choose Mee Toh, but distance is more important to me. School Vision: A happy, healthy, and vibrant learning community. Any parents with kids in Hong Wen? My DD will be enrolling in 2017 . Not Now. For Maths, I understand they changed a HOD so the standard kinda went up. Hopefully for PV phase can successful enrol into the school.
Ong Ye Kung.
Details available on MOE’s School Information Service. Personally i find the Chinese culture is strong in Hong Wen. But I heard from a source, that even being a member, securing a seat is not definite… due to overwhelming response for 2009/2010 placement, may have to ballot too . You can read this subscriber-only article in full, All done! Parents like the rich heritage of Yangzheng, which turns 110 this year.". Our PSLE results have been consistently above national average and we have also achieved good results in quality passes.
Similarly, Punggol resident Peggy Chan enrolled her daughters, aged eight and 10, in Edgefield Primary instead of the more popular Mee Toh School. However, our command of Chinese is not as strong. Internet Banking | Mobile
Since January 1999, Chongfu has been a member of the N2 Cluster of schools. The school is the only one in Bukit Timah that still has vacancies at the end of Phase 2C, the fifth and most competitive stage of the Primary 1 registration exercise which is for children with no links to schools. It has strong focus on Chinese culture, such as "Shu Fa", Chinese music and dance, aside from learning Higher Chinese.
Hong Wen School and Hong Wen School Alumni Association cordially invite you to our annual Character & Citizenship Art Exhibition from 17th March to … This is despite the traditionally popular Rosyth School being a 10-minute drive away.
or. Can any one share with me your recommedation? To continue, create an account by selecting one option. School Mission: Nurturing our young to be leaders of upright character who face the future with confidence and are rooted in Chinese culture.
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