The recent report by Smith et al using a model of mice expressing multiple hFcγRs72 opens the way to performing these analyses. Human immunoglobulin transgenic mice provide a method of obtaining human monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) using conventional hybridoma technology. Modulation of immunoglobulin (Ig)E-mediated systemic anaphylaxis by low-affinity Fc receptors for IgG. These results support and strengthen results obtained on the contribution of neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages to systemic anaphylaxis in WT mice.38,92 The mediators responsible for the induction of hFcγRIIA-dependent anaphylaxis have not been identified yet. 2019. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Destructive arthritis in the absence of both FcgammaRI and FcgammaRIII.
In agreement with the results obtained in GaMD-ASA,92 PAF receptor antagonists strongly inhibited BSA-ASA.38 Altogether, these data propose on the one hand that macrophages activated after FcγRIII engagement release PAF that is responsible for GaMD-ASA and, on the other hand, that neutrophils (and basophils) activated after FcγRIII and FcγRIV engagement release PAF that is responsible for BSA-ASA (Figure 3). Contribution: P.B. hFcRn was reported not only to transport and recycle IgG but also to transport IgG-bound antigens favoring antigen presentation and subsequent immune responses,3 and to enable phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized bacteria by neutrophils.4. 2020 Jul 3;11:1393. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01393. Front Immunol. The MHC class I-like Fc receptor promotes humorally mediated autoimmune disease. Biosynthesis of Paf-acether (platelet-activating factor): VII. Recently, nevertheless, a novel polymorphism affecting the locus encoding human FcRs has been reported that leads to hFcγRIIB expression on NK cells and has been shown to negatively regulate IgG-induced NK cell activation.9 Finally, hFcRn is expressed on antigen-presenting cells, monocytes/macrophages,16 neutrophils,4 vascular endothelial cells, intestinal epithelial cells, and, importantly, on syncytiotrophoblasts, which allow transfer of IgG from mother to fetus antenatally17 (Table 1). Alleles of the Ly-17 alloantigen define polymorphisms of the murine IgG Fc receptor.
Mabs with four distinct specificities were derived from a single transgenic mouse, consistent with an extensive diversity in the primary repertoire encoded by the transgenes. FcγRI/IIB/III-triple knockout (3KO) mice, lacking 3 of the 4 mouse FcγRs, were indeed described to retain the ability to develop collagen-induced arthritis after immunization with bovine collagen type II in Freund adjuvant.65 Because these mice express only FcγRIV as an activating IgG receptor, it was deduced that FcγRIV contributes to collagen-induced arthritis. FcgammaRIV deletion reveals its central role for IgG2a and IgG2b activity in vivo. 2019 Oct 15;51(4):735-749.e8. Surprisingly, IgG1-induced PSA was not abrogated in mast cell-deficient mice.54 The depletion of monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, or neutrophils had no effect, whereas basophil depletion abrogated IgG1-induced PSA.87 Basophil-deficient mice, however, develop IgG1-induced PSA,90 which is in contradiction with the result obtained after depletion of basophils. The recent generation of mice deficient for all endogenous mouse FcγRs and expressing multiple hFcγRs (hFcγRI/IIA/IIB/IIIA/IIIB)72 allowed to study their properties without the interference of endogenous FcγRs or usage of blocking mAbs. Although inhibitory FcγRIIB was considered to be the main FcγR involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous immunoglobulin,56,59,60 FcRn58 and FcγRIII61-64 have also been reported to be involved/mandatory. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! If other human IgG receptors play a role in these diseases in humans, other cell types than those identified so far may contribute to, or even be responsible for, their induction. Novel specific mAbs generated against mouse FcγRs have facilitated the examination of the expression pattern of FcγRIII and of the newly cloned FcγRIV. Expression of FcgammaRIII is required for development of collagen-induced arthritis.
Furthermore, when binding IgE, mouse FcγRIV was proposed to be a “functional” homolog of human IgE receptor FcϵRI.26. The control effect of histamine on body temperature and respiratory function in IgE-dependent systemic anaphylaxis. Anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG mediated through the inhibitory Fc receptor. NIH Corresponding references are provided. Impressive advances in defining the properties of receptors for the Fc portion of immunoglobulins (FcR) have been made over the past several years. Recently, however, the generation of multiple FcR-knockout mice has enabled the study of a particular FcR in the absence of most/all other FcRs. Spontaneous autoimmune disease in Fc(gamma)RIIB-deficient mice results from strain-specific epistasis. Indeed, an increasing number of reports have revealed that activating FcγRIII mediates the anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous immunoglobulin in experimental thrombocytopenia when expressed on DCs61 or on macrophages,62 in allergic airway inflammation when expressed on NKT cells,63 and in a nonimmune inflammation model of obstructive nephropathy.64, Using knockout mice for a particular FcR was for a long time considered the standard approach to address the function of a particular FcγR in vivo (ie, by studying the effect of its absence). Another example is hFcγRIIIB, which has been reported to be expressed not only on neutrophils, but also on basophils.15 hFcγRIIIB has been recently reported to play specialized roles on neutrophils, different from those played by hFcγRIIA.2 Creating mouse models expressing multiple or, preferably, all hFcRs (with the same expression pattern as that found in humans) may be a necessity to comprehend their role in disease induction/modulation, and thereby of the cells expressing them. The current paradigm states that anaphylaxis is an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to an allergen/antigen mediated by IgE, resulting in the release of granular mediators by mast cells and basophils in patients sensitized to a particular allergen/antigen.
WT mice treated with anti-FcγRIII mAbs have shown that FcγRIII contributes to K/BxN arthritis,41 to active systemic anaphylaxis (ASA), and is mandatory for IgG1-induced PSA.38 WT mice treated with anti-FcγRIV mAbs have revealed that FcγRIV contributes to experimental thrombocytopenia,24 K/BxN arthritis,41 and ASA and is mandatory for IgG2b-induced PSA.38 WT mice treated with a combination of anti-FcγRIII and anti-FcγRIV mAbs have revealed that these receptors are, together, responsible for K/BxN arthritis41 and for ASA.38 That these receptors are responsible for the induction of K/BxN arthritis is in agreement with previous reports using knockout mice.52,55,56 However, that these receptors are responsible for the induction of ASA is unexpected.
A macrophage Fc gamma receptor and the mast cell receptor for IgE share an identical subunit. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. In addition, the functions of FcRn were reported to compose also antigen uptake and processing by DCs17,32 and phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized bacteria by neutrophils.4 hFcRn might therefore contribute to more models of disease (or therapy) than initially thought and should be studied in vivo when coexpressed with hFcγRs. IgG Fc receptor polymorphisms and association with autoimmune disease. Fig.1 Construction of transgenic mouse strains.
Novel blocking mAbs specific for these activating IgG receptors have enabled, for the first time, the investigation of their roles in vivo in wild-type mice. Finally, FcRn, the neonatal IgG receptor, is a high-affinity receptor for all IgG subclasses at pH less than 6.5 (Figure 2).
Expression of a functional high-affinity IgG receptor, Fc gamma RI, on human mast cells: up-regulation by IFN-gamma. Human basophils express the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored low-affinity IgG receptor FcgammaRIIIB (CD16B). The murine high-affinity IgG receptor Fc(gamma)RIV is sufficient for autoantibody-induced arthritis. Active anaphylaxis in IgE-deficient mice. Notably, hFcγRI was found to be a high-affinity receptor for IgG4.18 The capacity of hFcγRI to bind IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4 with high affinity was proposed to rely on the third extracellular domain (unique to FcγRI).12 However, recent crystallographic data suggest that this capacity is the result of a shorter loop between the F and G β-sheets (FG-loop) in the second extracellular domain of hFcγRI, compared with low-affinity hFcγRs.21 Of note, the high-affinity IgG receptor hFcRn22 is quite dissimilar from hFcγRI in that hFcRn binds IgG through the CH2-CH3 hinge region of IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG423 only at acidic pH (pH 6-6.5), hFcRn is structurally related to MHC class I molecules and hFcRn expression requires association to β2-microglobulin.17, Affinity constants of human IgG receptors for human IgG subclasses (× 105M−1)18.
Arthritis critically dependent on innate immune system players. The field of Fc receptors has increased in complexity after the identification of a novel IgG receptor in 2005.24 The generation of knockouts for each mouse FcR and of specific (blocking) anti-FcR mAbs, nevertheless, enabled to establish a refined picture of FcR properties and functions in vivo. Importantly, human activating IgG receptors may be negatively regulated by hFcγRIIB only on B cells and basophils, but not on mast cells, NK cells, and on most neutrophils and monocytes that do not express this inhibitory receptor. - indicates no binding.
Epub 2016 Apr 26. Finally, data published on different models of systemic anaphylaxis compile in a rather complicated picture on the various cell types, antibody receptors, and mediators involved (Figure 3). Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs: a quest in the past and future.
IgG4 was, indeed, considered a “neutral” IgG isotype because it does not bind complement and was thought not to bind hFcγRs.19 Indeed, IgG4-based therapeutic antibodies have been designed based on this assumption, for example, natalizumab (anti–VLA-4), gemtuzumab (anti-CD33),20 and TGN1412 (anti-CD28); the 2 latter drugs have now been withdrawn from the market.
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In agreement with the results obtained in GaMD-ASA,92 PAF receptor antagonists strongly inhibited BSA-ASA.38 Altogether, these data propose on the one hand that macrophages activated after FcγRIII engagement release PAF that is responsible for GaMD-ASA and, on the other hand, that neutrophils (and basophils) activated after FcγRIII and FcγRIV engagement release PAF that is responsible for BSA-ASA (Figure 3). Contribution: P.B. hFcRn was reported not only to transport and recycle IgG but also to transport IgG-bound antigens favoring antigen presentation and subsequent immune responses,3 and to enable phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized bacteria by neutrophils.4. 2020 Jul 3;11:1393. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01393. Front Immunol. The MHC class I-like Fc receptor promotes humorally mediated autoimmune disease. Biosynthesis of Paf-acether (platelet-activating factor): VII. Recently, nevertheless, a novel polymorphism affecting the locus encoding human FcRs has been reported that leads to hFcγRIIB expression on NK cells and has been shown to negatively regulate IgG-induced NK cell activation.9 Finally, hFcRn is expressed on antigen-presenting cells, monocytes/macrophages,16 neutrophils,4 vascular endothelial cells, intestinal epithelial cells, and, importantly, on syncytiotrophoblasts, which allow transfer of IgG from mother to fetus antenatally17 (Table 1). Alleles of the Ly-17 alloantigen define polymorphisms of the murine IgG Fc receptor.
Mabs with four distinct specificities were derived from a single transgenic mouse, consistent with an extensive diversity in the primary repertoire encoded by the transgenes. FcγRI/IIB/III-triple knockout (3KO) mice, lacking 3 of the 4 mouse FcγRs, were indeed described to retain the ability to develop collagen-induced arthritis after immunization with bovine collagen type II in Freund adjuvant.65 Because these mice express only FcγRIV as an activating IgG receptor, it was deduced that FcγRIV contributes to collagen-induced arthritis. FcgammaRIV deletion reveals its central role for IgG2a and IgG2b activity in vivo. 2019 Oct 15;51(4):735-749.e8. Surprisingly, IgG1-induced PSA was not abrogated in mast cell-deficient mice.54 The depletion of monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, or neutrophils had no effect, whereas basophil depletion abrogated IgG1-induced PSA.87 Basophil-deficient mice, however, develop IgG1-induced PSA,90 which is in contradiction with the result obtained after depletion of basophils. The recent generation of mice deficient for all endogenous mouse FcγRs and expressing multiple hFcγRs (hFcγRI/IIA/IIB/IIIA/IIIB)72 allowed to study their properties without the interference of endogenous FcγRs or usage of blocking mAbs. Although inhibitory FcγRIIB was considered to be the main FcγR involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous immunoglobulin,56,59,60 FcRn58 and FcγRIII61-64 have also been reported to be involved/mandatory. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! If other human IgG receptors play a role in these diseases in humans, other cell types than those identified so far may contribute to, or even be responsible for, their induction. Novel specific mAbs generated against mouse FcγRs have facilitated the examination of the expression pattern of FcγRIII and of the newly cloned FcγRIV. Expression of FcgammaRIII is required for development of collagen-induced arthritis.
Furthermore, when binding IgE, mouse FcγRIV was proposed to be a “functional” homolog of human IgE receptor FcϵRI.26. The control effect of histamine on body temperature and respiratory function in IgE-dependent systemic anaphylaxis. Anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG mediated through the inhibitory Fc receptor. NIH Corresponding references are provided. Impressive advances in defining the properties of receptors for the Fc portion of immunoglobulins (FcR) have been made over the past several years. Recently, however, the generation of multiple FcR-knockout mice has enabled the study of a particular FcR in the absence of most/all other FcRs. Spontaneous autoimmune disease in Fc(gamma)RIIB-deficient mice results from strain-specific epistasis. Indeed, an increasing number of reports have revealed that activating FcγRIII mediates the anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous immunoglobulin in experimental thrombocytopenia when expressed on DCs61 or on macrophages,62 in allergic airway inflammation when expressed on NKT cells,63 and in a nonimmune inflammation model of obstructive nephropathy.64, Using knockout mice for a particular FcR was for a long time considered the standard approach to address the function of a particular FcγR in vivo (ie, by studying the effect of its absence). Another example is hFcγRIIIB, which has been reported to be expressed not only on neutrophils, but also on basophils.15 hFcγRIIIB has been recently reported to play specialized roles on neutrophils, different from those played by hFcγRIIA.2 Creating mouse models expressing multiple or, preferably, all hFcRs (with the same expression pattern as that found in humans) may be a necessity to comprehend their role in disease induction/modulation, and thereby of the cells expressing them. The current paradigm states that anaphylaxis is an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to an allergen/antigen mediated by IgE, resulting in the release of granular mediators by mast cells and basophils in patients sensitized to a particular allergen/antigen.
WT mice treated with anti-FcγRIII mAbs have shown that FcγRIII contributes to K/BxN arthritis,41 to active systemic anaphylaxis (ASA), and is mandatory for IgG1-induced PSA.38 WT mice treated with anti-FcγRIV mAbs have revealed that FcγRIV contributes to experimental thrombocytopenia,24 K/BxN arthritis,41 and ASA and is mandatory for IgG2b-induced PSA.38 WT mice treated with a combination of anti-FcγRIII and anti-FcγRIV mAbs have revealed that these receptors are, together, responsible for K/BxN arthritis41 and for ASA.38 That these receptors are responsible for the induction of K/BxN arthritis is in agreement with previous reports using knockout mice.52,55,56 However, that these receptors are responsible for the induction of ASA is unexpected.
A macrophage Fc gamma receptor and the mast cell receptor for IgE share an identical subunit. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. In addition, the functions of FcRn were reported to compose also antigen uptake and processing by DCs17,32 and phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized bacteria by neutrophils.4 hFcRn might therefore contribute to more models of disease (or therapy) than initially thought and should be studied in vivo when coexpressed with hFcγRs. IgG Fc receptor polymorphisms and association with autoimmune disease. Fig.1 Construction of transgenic mouse strains.
Novel blocking mAbs specific for these activating IgG receptors have enabled, for the first time, the investigation of their roles in vivo in wild-type mice. Finally, FcRn, the neonatal IgG receptor, is a high-affinity receptor for all IgG subclasses at pH less than 6.5 (Figure 2).
Expression of a functional high-affinity IgG receptor, Fc gamma RI, on human mast cells: up-regulation by IFN-gamma. Human basophils express the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored low-affinity IgG receptor FcgammaRIIIB (CD16B). The murine high-affinity IgG receptor Fc(gamma)RIV is sufficient for autoantibody-induced arthritis. Active anaphylaxis in IgE-deficient mice. Notably, hFcγRI was found to be a high-affinity receptor for IgG4.18 The capacity of hFcγRI to bind IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4 with high affinity was proposed to rely on the third extracellular domain (unique to FcγRI).12 However, recent crystallographic data suggest that this capacity is the result of a shorter loop between the F and G β-sheets (FG-loop) in the second extracellular domain of hFcγRI, compared with low-affinity hFcγRs.21 Of note, the high-affinity IgG receptor hFcRn22 is quite dissimilar from hFcγRI in that hFcRn binds IgG through the CH2-CH3 hinge region of IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG423 only at acidic pH (pH 6-6.5), hFcRn is structurally related to MHC class I molecules and hFcRn expression requires association to β2-microglobulin.17, Affinity constants of human IgG receptors for human IgG subclasses (× 105M−1)18.
Arthritis critically dependent on innate immune system players. The field of Fc receptors has increased in complexity after the identification of a novel IgG receptor in 2005.24 The generation of knockouts for each mouse FcR and of specific (blocking) anti-FcR mAbs, nevertheless, enabled to establish a refined picture of FcR properties and functions in vivo. Importantly, human activating IgG receptors may be negatively regulated by hFcγRIIB only on B cells and basophils, but not on mast cells, NK cells, and on most neutrophils and monocytes that do not express this inhibitory receptor. - indicates no binding.
Epub 2016 Apr 26. Finally, data published on different models of systemic anaphylaxis compile in a rather complicated picture on the various cell types, antibody receptors, and mediators involved (Figure 3). Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs: a quest in the past and future.
IgG4 was, indeed, considered a “neutral” IgG isotype because it does not bind complement and was thought not to bind hFcγRs.19 Indeed, IgG4-based therapeutic antibodies have been designed based on this assumption, for example, natalizumab (anti–VLA-4), gemtuzumab (anti-CD33),20 and TGN1412 (anti-CD28); the 2 latter drugs have now been withdrawn from the market.
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