(Read the legend of Oisin and Niamh.) Listen to author Frank McCourt in the audio so you can get the correct Irish pronunciation of these Irish boys names.

Some of the names are longer and you can create a nickname from it to keep it short. Scottish and Medieval English form of Nicholas. As traditional quartermasters to the O’Neills, the kings of Ulster for over four centuries, Quinns were responsible for arms and provisions in both war and peace.

The people begged him to do something to help them.

Is it easy to say?

Scottish version of Stephen, meaning ‘crown’. DESCRIPTION: From the same root as Colm, it means “little dove” and has developed into a seperate name from Colm and there are said to be 350 saints of the name. DESCRIPTION: Comes from inis “island.” Ennis, a town in County Clare is situated on an island between two streams of the River Fergus. After years of helping new pup parents, here are some tips we’ve picked up when it comes to selecting a name for your dog: Once you have a name, how do you teach it to your dog?

Forced to guard sheep on the Slemish Mountains in Country Antrim for six years he had a vision urging him to convert his captors. When he died soon after their arrival Columba saw Odhran’s soul ascending to heaven following a battle between angels and devils. Before he established his monastery Fintan sought the advice of his mentor St. Colmcille.

Scottish form of Alexander, which is from the Greek for ‘defending men’.

We’ve compiled a list of over 100 Scottish Gaelic boys names to help you in your quest for the perfect baby name. We’ve compiled a list of over 100 Scottish Gaelic boys names to help you in your quest for the perfect baby name. There’s so much to love! It was also believed that he was in the Holy Land when Christ was crucified. DESCRIPTION: “one who worships a different god.” Iollan was the son of the High King Fergus Mac Roth and a champion at the court of King Conchobhar Mac Nessa. The city of Wurzburg still celebrates a festival of mystery plays each year, known as Killianfest. Anglicized version of Suibhne, meaning ‘well-going’ in Gaelic. Click here to start your Amazon baby registry now!

A very popular name again in Ireland.

DESCRIPTION: Meaning “fair-haired,” the name has been popular since the sixth century when St. Finbar came to an area of Cork that was being tormented by a serpent. DESCRIPTION: A name with two sources, St. Malachi (1095-1148 AD) was the Bishop of Armagh who adopted the name from the Hebrew prophet “Malachi” whose name means “my angel” or “messenger of God.” It is also linked to the High King Maoilseachlainn “devotee of St. Sechnall” one of Saint Patrick’s first companions. Scottish spelling of John, which means ‘gracious’. DESCRIPTION: An old name from con “a hound” or “swift-footed warrior” and in the form conan means “little warrior.” Conan Maol (“Bald Conan”) was one of the warrior-band, the Fianna (read the legend). They’re cool, cultured and unique – perfect for your new pup. Meaning ‘servant of the bishop,’ this is the Anglicized spelling of the Gaelic, Gille Easbaig.

Scottish nickname for Robert, meaning ‘bright fame’.

DESCRIPTION: From the Irish word cearbhall and means “fierce in battle.”. Flannery – meaning ruddy and valor; Conan – little wolf; Murphy – sea warrior Noted as a man who wasn’t always comfortable in the company of other human beings, he was very much at home with the animals.

The name is growing in popularity again in Ireland. Each night they made a fresh bed in a sheltered spot and legend has it that these beds can still be seen today in many remote places. It was popular in Scotland in the Middle Ages. Most popular Irish baby names – boys and girls.

Wait until they look away and then repeat the process 3-5 times.

Ailbe may be used for a boy or a girl. On Douglas Bridge I met a man Who lived adjacent to Strabane, Before the English hung him high For riding with O’Hanlon. Anglicized version of Coilean or Cailean. Cindy is a Kindergarten teacher and a District Literacy Lead, as well as a mom to two little girls.

The name is still popular in this part of Ireland. When he fell a ferocious animal came from the ocean to protect the dead body of the chieftain until it was retrieved by his O’Kelly kinsmen. Hot Trending Irish Boy Names: Niall, Cian, Darragh, Liam, Oisin. It was a very popular name in early Ireland and is still used today. This is a great way to find out how to exactly pronounce Irish male names. Gaelic spelling of Neil, meaning ‘chapion’. Want to learn more about how to teach a dog their name? I hope this list will help you find the perfect names for your wee bairn! Did you know that Ireland has quite a few native dog breeds? Check to see if the name matches your dog’s personality and appearance. Popular diminutives are Des and Dessie. DESCRIPTION: From the Irish ailleacht “beauty.” Ailill was the young husband of Queen Maebh, chosen by her because he was “a man without meaness, fear or jealosy, a match for my own greatness.” His argument with Maebh over who had the greater herd of cattle led to The Cattle Raid of Cooley (read the legend), one of the greatest epic tales in Irish mythology. After all, Irish dog names are spirited, charming and fun, with just a wee bit of mischievous mixed in.

St. Colman of Kilmacduagh, lived as a recluse until his meeting with the king of Connacht. He inspires her to be a better pet parent and to share advice with other dog owners. In the 1970s Tim Severin recreated St. Breandan’s voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in a flimsy, hide-covered rowboat known as a “curragh.” St. Breandan is venerated in Ireland as the patron saint of seafarers and travellers.

DESCRIPTION: Comes from an old Irish word and means “born of the yew tree.” In Northern Ireland the name Eoghan is found in Tir Eoghan, County Tyrone or “The Land of Eoghan” and is often accompanied by Roe in memory of the Irish patriot Eoghan Roe (“Red Eoghan”) O”Neill who won a great battle over the British at Benburb in 1646. Online since 1999. Strong, Rustic Boys Names You’re Guaranteed to Adore, Three Letter Names for Boys That You’ll Fall in Love With, 200 Cute Unique Names for Boys That You’ll Adore.

DESCRIPTION: Hugh is a translation of an ancient name Aodh meaning “fire.” A name with nationalistic connotations as Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone and Red Hugh O’Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell together led a rebellion and won some major battles against the forces of the English queen Elizabeth 1st, before being defeated at the Battle of Kinsale in 1601. In one story, when a local landowner planned to drain the lake or forbid local people access to it Gearoid made his horse bolt, fatally injuring the landowner. Teaching your dog their name is a lot easier than you think. Some of these breeds include the Irish Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Wolfhound, Kerry Beagle, Kerry Blue Terrier, and the Wheaten Terrier.

DESCRIPTION: ean meaning “bird” and suggests “birdlike” or “freedom of spirit.” A soldier and a prince Enda was converted by his sister, Saint Fanchea.

The Nobel prize in Literature was awarded for his “works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.”. “da + ra”). Originally a surname, it became popular to honour the Stuart royal family, which produced several Scottish and English kings.

A Gaelic name can celebrate your Scottish or Irish heritage or pay tribute to a beautiful culture, even if you don’t hail from a Gaelic speaking area. This list of Scottish Gaelic boys names will help you find the perfect name for your son. paganism) and converted the population to Christianity.

Paddy after my grandfather …Thomas Patrick Casey.

DESCRIPTION: It seems to come from fearghal “brave, courageous, valorous.” Fergal Mac Maolduin was an eighth-century High King renowned for his efforts in battle. Turlough O’Carolan was a 17th century blind harpist and composer who wrote one of the most haunting pieces of Irish music, “O’Carolan’s Concerto.”. They fought so bitterly that the river itself fled its bed in terror to give them room for their warfare. Originally a surname used in England and Scotland. Anglicized spelling of Diarmad, meaning ‘without envy’.

Saddened by this he built a new monastery closer to the roadside which became the modern town of Roscrea.

You may want to choose a Gaelic name to honour your Scottish or Irish history. These name are full of character and would make excellent dog names.

DESCRIPTION: St. Jarlath (born c. 550 AD) was noted for his piety and his ability as a teacher.

Anglicized version of Tasgakll, and old Norse name meaning ‘god’ and ‘helmet’. Anakin: Coming from the American culture, it sounds like a modern day warrior name.

This is important for both you and your pup.

And second, they represent people we all know, giving your dog a unique but recognizable name. ENGLISH: Bert, Bertie, Parthalon, Partlan, DESCRIPTION: The name of one of the twelve apostles, it is the Irish form of the Hebrew name Bartholemew “Son of Talmai.” Bartley is also a derivation of the name Parthalon who was the leader of the first people to occupy Ireland after the Biblical flood, about 2,800 BC, and who, according to legend, brought agriculture to their new homeland. Originally a Scottish surname, from the Gaelic for ‘plain’ or ‘field’. If not, then it’s not the right name and you should move on. DESCRIPTION: From ri “king” and bardan “poet” it means “royal poet.” In Irish tradition the poet was very highly regarded in any royal household as he acted as scholar, historian and advisor to the king. If your dog is on the list of breeds indigenous to Ireland, then of course you should add some cool Irish dog names to your list! The name means “little French man” and was popularised in Ireland by the Franciscans whose founder was St. Francis of Assisi.

Here are five easy steps to take to teach your dog their name.

They were originally used to hunt wolves, which is how they got their name. English spelling of Iomhar, meaning ‘yew’ and ‘warrior’.

A Scottish or English surname, originally meaning ‘Welsh’ or ‘foreigner’. All pup parents go through this scenario.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When asked if he had any thing to say in response to this sentence Emmet gave what is considered to be one of the most moving speeches of the period: “…When my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then, let my epitaph be written.

Meaning ‘summer traveler’, this name was originally from the Old Norse. Say it out loud. He was known for his generosity to the poor and to travellers. To give you the full scope of the name, this list includes traditional meanings. As time wore on they grew thirsty and approached a well guarded by a hideously ugly woman. Strong yet charming, Irish male names can also serve as a moniker for your pup.

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