The 1971 Fund is in the process of being wound up and does not cover incidences occurring after 24 may 2002. 2000. Brussels 1. It lays down the principle of strict liability for ship owners and creates a system of compulsory liability insurance. TOPIC 1 : Response on the coast Mr Brian Dicks Technical lessons learnt from the Erika incident and other oil spills - Brest, 13-16 march 2002 TERMINATION OF SHORELINE CLEANUP – A TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVE1 Mr Brian Dicks – ITOPF – Staple Hall, Stonehouse Court, 87-90 Houndsditch –London (contact Royal Belgian Bird Protection), The toll was very high: over 63,000 oiled birds were collected, 82% of the affected birds were guillemots, over 400km of shoreline along the Brittany coast between Finistère and Charente-Maritime, France, Why respond to wildlife affected by oil and other hazards, Effects of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) on wildlife, International conventions and key players, Combatting Oil at Sea/Protecting Sensitive Areas, Deterrence, Hazing and Pre-emptive Capture, European Oiled Wildlife Response Planning, Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Workshop and Handbook, Reducing the Impact of Oil Spills – RIOS project, Environment and Safety Management Cooperation on Shoreline Oil Spill Response–EnSaCo.

Protocole de sauvetage d'oiseaux mazoutés. Oiled seabirds were cleaned and fed, survivors were subsequently released. One of a number of measures undertaken at EU and international level in the wake of the Erika incident off the coast of France in December 1999, was the adoption by the International Maritime Organisation in May 2003 of a Protocol to the 1992 Fund establishing a Supplementary Fund. The 1992 Liability Convention provides a first tier of compensation which is paid by the owner of a ship which causes the pollution damage. �\�|�]�|�m>�v��fw��4I3��OZ5��:�+�{�|��W��ߏ����5�~����f�o���f�u�h���. 2000.

As a non-segregated ballast ship, the Erika would have discharged less than 0.2 cubic meters of oil per trip in her ballast or something like 2 cubic meters per year. Claims arising out of a costly incident can push up the contribution required in any given year.

The Erika would have used about 10,000 tons of non-segregated ballast per trip.

From This provides an extra layer of compensation. site and will not be responded to individually. Irelands main concern is that an equitable system should be in place to provide adequate compensation to victims in the event of an oil spill off our coast.

2 or 3 oils, as described in the separate ITOPF paper on the Fate of Marine Oil Spills) are generally considered to be readily dispersible at most sea temperatures. Opération "Sauvage des oiseaux victimes de l'Erika" par la L.R.B.P.O. Protocole de sauvetage d'oiseaux mazoutés.

Do not include any personal details in the box below. Opération "Sauvage des oiseaux victimes de l'Erika" par la L.R.B.P.O. The Erika, laden with 31,000 tonnes of heavy fuel, was en route from Dunkirk (France) to Livorno (Italy) in very rough sea conditions. The Oil Pollution of the Sea (Civil Liability and Compensation) Acts 1988 2003 give effect in the State to the 1992 conventions and the 2003 Protocol.
The 1992 Fund Convention provides a second tier of compensation which is financed by oil importers in Member States who have imported, by sea, more than 150,000 tonnes of oil in the previous calendar year. The size of annual contributions vary according to the amount of oil eligible for levy and the number and size of claims settled in any one year.

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This is a prototype - your feedback will help us to improve it.

As it was the Erika spilled about 30,000 cubic meters. Dec 2011 Towards Erika IV ? It encountered structural problems off the Bay of Biscay and sent out an alert message.

Session 1 Katharina Stanzel Deputy Managing Director INTERTANKO International Association of Independent ITOPF Case History: The Erika CEDRE: Case studies and articles (in French and English) Mémoire. The discussion centred on the state of both the shipping and oil and gas industries with regards to spill response. Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. government on a number of spills, including ERIKA (1999) and PRESTIGE (2002). %PDF-1.4 %���� The information you submit will be analysed to improve the Compensation is payable in accordance with two international conventions: the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (Liability Convention) and the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (Fund Convention). Franck joined ITOPF in 2006 and has since acted as a technical adviser on maritime incidents worldwide. During the last 45 years ITOPF has attended over 700 incidents in 100 countries, including landmark cases such as AMOCO CADIZ, EXXON VALDEZ, BRAER, SEA EMPRESS, ERIKA… Ireland became a Party to the Protocol in July 2004 and was one of eight states worldwide which enabled the Supplementary Fund to enter into force on 3 March 2005. Franck has attended a number of incidents involving tankers, including the main IOPC Fund cases of these last ITOPF Case History: The Erika CEDRE: Case studies and articles (in French and English) Mémoire. The upper limit for dispersion is likely to be reached with heavier oils (Group 4 oils). One of a number of measures undertaken at EU and international level in the wake of the Erika incident off the coast of France in December 1999, was the adoption by the International Maritime Organisation in May 2003 of a Protocol to the 1992 Fund establishing a Supplementary Fund. Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Local wildlife responders in Brittany had almost a week to prepare for the hundreds of oiled birds that were expected to arrive. Thousands of animals arrived on a daily basis over a period of three weeks, overwhelming the system that was set up. On the 12 December at 6:05 am the captain sent out a Mayday: the ship was breaking in two. For more information, please see the IOPCF website. It then proceeded to transfer the cargo from tank to tank, and the captain informed the French authorities that the situation was under control and that he was heading to the port of Donges, at reduced speed.

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