I frequently use surveys and survey experiments in my work. Experimental measurements with femtosecond and chirped picosecond pulses confirm the necessity of this method.  •  window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Express 13, 2969 (2005)].

Okay, one more red carpet to go and we're officially done with 2015! to produce dense electron-positron clouds which were used to drive current instabilities in a Helium plasma (Warwick et al. Jae Hee Sung's 86 research works with 1,620 citations and 6,201 reads, including: Production of Deeply Ionized Super Heavy Ions from Ultraintense Laser-Driven Plasma The DPA-bas... We report on the development of a sub-mJ Ti:sapphire laser operating at 50 kHz. A novel self-calibrated diagnostic method is developed to acquire the absolute energy spectra and charge state distributions of Au ions abundant at the charge... 150-TW, 23-fs laser pulses with high spatial and temporal qualities have been generated at 5 Hz from a chirped-pulse amplification Ti:sapphire laser. In that spirit, I have three lines of research. We developed a new variant of Fourier transform holography (FTH) to overcome the separation condition of FTH by subtracting the autocorrelation signal, named as autocorrelation-subtracted FTH (AS-FHT). As laser propagation, plasma wave formation and electron acceleration are highly nonlinear processes, the laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is extremely sensitive to initial experimental conditions. We propose... We report the experimental generation of highly energetic carbon ions up to 48 MeV per nucleon by shooting double-layer targets composed of well-controlled slightly underdense plasma (SUP) and ultrathin foils with ultra-intense femtosecond laser pulses. Kim has blurred the lines between a classic and a contemporary, and also, fine arts and architecture/crafts. Currently, the average output energy of 46.3 J has been reached at 0.1-Hz repetition rate. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2
2015 KBS Drama Awards by girlfriday. Laser-driven

The 5-ps laser pulses form the front-end system were selected at 10-Hz repetition rate and temporally cleaned in the range of a-fewhundred ps by two UPCs.
For achieving a wide bandwidth of 78 nm, a programmable spectral control filter was applied to the regenerative amplifier to compensate for th... We report on the development of foam-based double-layer targets (DLTs) for laser-driven ion acceleration. The active spectral shaping was facilitated by controlling the temporal profile of a pump pulse in the OPCPA preamplifier. A spectral bandwidth of 57 nm was obtained by max... We theoretically investigated the temporal profile of a background pedestal in a single-stage optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system, and showed that the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) prepulse in the saturation regime degrades the contrast ratio. We report proton and/or ion acceleration in the intensity range of 5×10^{19} to 3.3×10^{20} W/cm^{2} by irradiating linearly polarized, 30-fs laser pulses on 10-to 100-nm-thick polymer targets. We find optimal phase-matching conditions and calculate the parametric gains as a function of pump intensity and interaction length. The experiment has been performed with the 10 Hz, 100 TW Ti:sapphire laser system at the Advanced Photonics Research Institute in Gwangju, South Korea, which is based on the chirped pulse amplification technique. I received my PhD from the Department of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; Tags: awards, Han Ga-in, Han Ji-hye, Im Shi-wan, Jae Hee, Jaejoong, Jo Jung-seok, Jo Seung-woo, Kang So-ra, Kim Jae-won, Kim Min-seo, Kim So-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Jang-woo, Lee Sung-min, Lee Yoon-ji, Micky Yoochun, Nam Bora, Oh Yeon-seo, Seo In-gook, Sohn Dam-bi, Sohn Eun-seo, Sung Yuri, Yeo Jin-gu, Yoon Eun-hye. The experimental results that demonstrate the changes in the characteristics of laser-driven proton beams are presented along with numerical simulations, as the relativistic laser profile changes from Gaussian to Laguerre-Gaussian. Residual wavefront error was 0.071 μm (RMS) and 0.374 μm (PV). And no, I don't mean that in a drama way. 158 December 31, 2015 December 31, 2015. My research interests are in comparative party politics, political behavior, and political psychology, with a focus on party campaigns, party rhetoric, voter attitudes, and voter behavior in Western democracies. The soft x-ray pulse was generated by a laboratory-scale intense pumping laser providing coherent x-ray pulses up to the level of 10(11) photons/pulse. Tags: Gu Hye-sun, Jae Hee, Jung Kyeo-woon, Uhm Jung-hwa, You're Too Much. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. generation of a relativistic electron beam with a stabilized pointing This method eliminates the separation condition of FTH by removing the autocorrelation signal, thus allowing three-fold larger specimens than those previously used in FTH under the same illumination conditions. The nanoparticles, generated through laser ablation of aluminium, were introduced into the plasma and used to trigger the injection of electrons into the nonlinear plasma wake excited by a high power femtose... Wavefront correction of the PW laser system at IBS-GIST (Korea) was successfully performed using double deformable mirror system. The DLTs were experimentally investigated by varying the pulse intensity, laser polarisa... A 0.1-Hz 4.0-PW Ti:sapphire laser is being developed for research on relativistic laser-matter interactions. Currently, the stability of beam generation and the ability to scal... A wavelength swept broadband source based on a sub-10-femtosecond (fs) pulse laser and a spatial filtering method was developed for the application to frequency-domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT). fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); considered a challenging task in laser particle acceleration. Tags: Ahn Jae-hyun, awards, Bong Tae-kyu, Cha Tae-hyun, Chae Shi-ra, Chae Soo-bin, Eugene, Go Du-shim, Gu Hye-sun, Han Chae-ah, Jae Hee, Jang Hyuk, Jo Boa, Jo Soo-hyang, Kang Byul, Kim Gab-soo, Kim Hyang-gi, Kim Hye-ja, Kim Ji-suk, Kim Min-jung, Kim Seo-hyung, Kim Seul-gi, Kim So-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Tae-woo, Kwak Dong-yeon, Kwak Shi-yang, Kyung Su-jin, Lee Hana, Lee Sang-woo, Lee Won-geun, Nam Joo-hyuk, Park Bo-gum, Seo In-gook, Seolhyun, Shin Mina, Shin So-yool, So Ji-sub, Song Ha-yoon, Yeo Jin-gu, Yoo Oh-sung, Yook Sung-jae. Tags: Gu Hye-sun, Jae Hee, Jung Kyeo-woon, Uhm Jung-hwa, You're Too Much.

The electron density and its profile were calculated from the measured phase shifts, and their dependences on the prepulse intensity... We report on the development of a GW-class femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser operating at the repetition rate of 100 kHz using downchirped pulse amplification (DPA) technique. The characteristics of the preplasma, such as the electron density and its profile, were investigated from a measurement of the phase shift due to the preplasma in an experiment on high energy proton beam generation. I received a BA in Political Science and International Relations with highest honors.

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Figure 1(a) schematically shows the experimental setup for generating electron beams via the LWFA scheme using 70 TW, horizontally (p-) polarized, 800 nm laser pulses with 30 fs pulse duration. // Load the SDK asynchronously be useful for many applications. wavelength improve the absorption of high-contrast ultrashort intense Particle-in-cell simulations reveal that carbon ions residing in the ultrathin foils undergo rad... We demonstrated the generation of 4.2 PW laser pulses at 0.1 Hz from a chirped-pulse amplification Ti:sapphire laser. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 65840H, Laser prepulse dependency of proton-energy distributions in ultraintense laser-foil interactions with an online time-of-flight technique, Wavelength tunable broadband source based on Ti : Sapphire femtosecond laser applicable to FD-OCT system - art. The development will be achieved by increasing the pulse energy to 84 J and decreasing the pulse duration to 21 fs.

var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; We report the experimental generation of deeply ionized super-heavy ions (Au) with unprecedented energy of 1.2 GeV utilizing petawatt femtosecond laser pulses at the intensity of 1022 W/cm2. proton, electron, and X-ray generations. One of two petawatt Ti:Sapphire laser beamlines at CoReLS was upgraded to a high-contrast, 4 PW, 20 fs laser with a repetition rate of 0.1 Hz and its performance has been tested for multi-GeV electron acceleration. This is a direct and relatively simple method for stabilizing the CEP of femtosecond laser pulses, compared to the conventional method based on phase-locked loop. Jae-Hee Jung Finally, we also note that these results suggest a concurrent measurement of both the angular distribution and frequency spectra of γ radiation could provide us with information on the time evolutions of the electron energy and laser intensity during the interaction.

The transmission properties were strongly related to the energy fluence, pulse duration, and chirp parameter. }); });

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