Sunset over the James River near historic Jamestown, Virginia //, The Army Corps of Engineers nonetheless pushed forward with the project, carrying out analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

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A red-tailed hawk peers out over a snow-covered Bryan Park. JRA has organized after-school stewardship events to help advance the ability of the region’s high schools to provide enhanced environmental education, leadership development and to increase community service through high school environmental clubs. Construct 70,000 LF of 24” water main to deliver flow to a new treatment plant located near Ferncliff, VA. Project 3:  Water Treatment Plant Here are a few service project idea to help guide your service groups through community service projects. James River Association Board of Directors, The Great Return of the Atlantic Sturgeon. v. Todd Semonite, et al. We believe if you change the James, the James will change you. This is generally thought of as a fairly involved service project that may be suitable for an Eagle Scout project or an entire troop project. We celebrate the ecological work of one of Richmond’s first environmental activists, Newton Ancarrow, who documented plants in the James River Parks System in an effort to save them. The JRWP will reduce the reliance on ground water and allow the Counties to achieve their growth and economic development potentials. That theme was obvious form the outset when I broke in the resolution by hiking out onto the Huguenot Bridge and taking pictures of 2014’s first sunset — over the James. I mean, the James kind of has it all. Volunteer this fall for a healthy James River. That would mean a lot of travelling, and as much as I love to travel, I still have to punch someone else’s timeclock to pay the bills. Will They Share a Bed?, [4] “5 Myths and 5 Facts About Dominion’s Ill-Conceived Transmission Line Plan at Historic Jamestown.” National Parks Conservation Association. The Army Corps of Engineers nonetheless pushed forward with the project, carrying out analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). For more information about invasive plant species check out our Watershed Restoration Program. Living Shorelines/Erosion Prevention A scout can document invasive species in the area and alert the public through the kiosk that these species are invasive and should be controlled and not spread. Also included are a 5 million gallon pre-settling basin and a 2 million gallon finished water clearwell tank. The James River Water Development District cooperates with agencies, landowners and the general public and may participate in the planning and implementation of programs and projects that support the restoration of the James River Watershed and ecosystem. Rain gardens provide all of the privileges of Bayscaping with the added ability of reducing the amount of runoff that leads directly into the stream/river. The James River Association created the River Hero Home program to celebrate... Are you a shoreline property owner?

The James River is the 2019 winner of the Thiess International Riverprize.Help us keep the comeback coming. The JRWP will reduce the reliance on ground water and allow the Counties to achieve their growth and economic development potentials. And it was also a pretty amazing success, as I pretty much doubled over the total number of shots I’ve taken since 2005 when the end of the year had rolled around and I finished with over 5000 frames shot. “The project came about as the old bunkers were just getting old and worn out,” said LaFoy.

In Design: James River Bridge Rehabilitation. Living Shorelines provides much needed erosion protection for the tidal James River and its tributaries. I’ve already taken hundreds of amazing pictures of the James, and I really like the idea of exploring it further. The river’s very origins comes from the junction of two rivers west of Lynchburg, the Jackson and the Cowpasture.

We offer Water Quality monitoring training every spring for volunteers to take samples from Memorial Day to Labor day. The James River Water Project (JRWP) was originally envisioned in 1995 by Louisa and Fluvanna Counties as the best solution to providing a long term and sustainable water supply to the two Counties. Available at: The Plants of the James River Project (PJRP) is a group of botanical artists working to educate the public about the beauty of native plants and threats to them. The James River Association is prescribing you a dose of nature! Benefits .

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