It was also very noisy. Dr Kunde’s pregnancy care package is designed for those couples who prefer to see a consultant obstetrician for one to one care throughout pregnancy. Finally the doctor came and the result was my contraction had stopped completely, I was half a centimetre dilated. Sorry you had a bad experience, but if you weren't in labour then you wouldn't need to be admitted anyway? i know after my delivery I had problems sleeping and the midwifes were great they took my son for some time while I slept and I had booked with Mr Kunde from a recomendation from a thread on here last year.
We didnt have any apology from Lansdell and we didnt have a penny discount for the treatment we received. the fact I mention the breakfast is because it was charged clearly on the invoice. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Privacy Notice. There are a series of health insurance firms that prefer specialist gynaecologists. I think it was something about my natural instinct telling me it was not safe for the baby to come out yet.
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When it comes to choosing a gynaecologist, let us have a look at the issues that needs consideration: Gynaecology is actually a huge area of expertise and takes into account, a series of things that are involved in a woman’s life. In the end, we went home all the way across half of London.That was Monday. i have never complained about my birth BUT I wont be having my baby in the same hospital this time so fingers crossed it will be a better experience for me xxx hugz. We really wanted to go privately but it is a lot of money and had a look around all the other units. If you are on the lookout for a private gynaecologist London at Lansdell Suite, it is advisable to go through a series of tips. When we asked about it in Lansdell whether I would be sent home if I came in early labour, they said no because I'd have my own room (which was already paid for months ago), I could also use the delivery suite facilities - which didn't apply to me at all.For the last few months in my pregnancy, I was also worried about how to arrange my local hospital for postal natal care. I had mentioned this point to my consultant various times in my last few weeks ante natal appointments. Not sure what you mean by the midwife didn't change you?The issue with the post natal visits sounds more concerning & if you are going to complain I would focus on that. This was my first pregnancy and we didnt have much experience, in fact we were in shock to find out there was no room available as they had promised us it would NEVER happen, but it did. Terms & Conditions including Cookie Policy I was put in a treatment room, lying on a hard coach for nearly an hour just waiting for my consultant. So there I was told either to go home or to stay around the hospital (not in Lansdell or the delivery suit) to see if Id have a chance to get a room. Dr Eugene Lansdell Suite consultant obstetrician at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust London, Greater London, United Kingdom 6 connections We had to go to our local NHS hospital as we were so worried whether there was anything not right with the baby. However, women usually prefer getting in touch with a private practitioner which is available at, Another important part of choosing a gynaecologist is whether you would like to get in touch with a male or a female gynaecologist. There are some women who usually feel comfortable with female gynaecologists.
I had read so many praises about Lansdell before I made up my mind, but if only I had known better...My daughter is fourteen months now. The Definitive Online Directory of Consultants and GPs, Sir Rupert Jackson - Keynote Speech - The Medico-Legal Conference - 16 May 2019, Example Legitimate Interests Assessment for Doctors, Mediation Journal - Latest and Previous Issues, Legitimate Interests Assessment Template for Users, Terms & Conditions including Cookie Policy, St Thomas' Hospital,6th Floor, North Wing, Westminster Bridge Road,London SE1 7EH.
If your husband keeps good health what prevented him going and getting his own breakfast?Money, you've mentioned money,are you seeking a refund?Future births, I'd suggest visit local unit,view and meet staff,see the facilities,anecdotally ask other mums their experienceGood luck with future births. I'd book a debrief with them address your dissatisfaction What was situation with room?i see you attempted to be admitted on Monday but baby didn't arrive til Tuesday?Are you saying you wanted admitted despite not being in active labour?Your reports of Poor aftercare, yes do query this and give examplesask Why did your medical notes go to wrong hospital?That is significant Ask Why did you not receive community follow up in 72hourI suggest book follow up appt with lansdell discuss your experienceOther pointsits hard to comment on reasons adjoining room occupied as you wouldn't be privy to that,and you can't confidently comment on the reasons for occupancy (the woman may have been high risk in for monitoring for example)Breakfast, well it be honest your husband could have gone got himself food,instead of sharing yours,leaving you inadequate nutrition. We asked the staff member and the answer was not sure, maybe they have changed the rule, so we shared one breakfast, after I had lost 1L blood during the labour. There are a number of units linked to NHS hospitals e.g. I didnt have anyone to see me in first 72 hours since we got home. I will not recommend the Lansdell Suite to anybody but I dont know where I can go if I have a second baby. The first stage in this process is to Register - please click here to Register. A midwife will be present throughout your labour and delivery to assist Dr Kunde. I would not fault my consultant on the other hand - he did his best given the limitations of Lansdell and was very professional. Also, the adoption can get extended and be much more costly than most other individuals varieties of adoption.
I hope the next person will have a better experience... BTW, something I forgot to mention here...I know in NHS hospital if you are not 4-5 cm dilated you won't be admitted. All Rights Reserved.
This one was the cheapest but the team were really experienced and really helpful. Yes, there was no room! The woman next door seemed not to have given birth yet, she sounded very agitated and chatted on the phone all the time I cant imagine why they sent me home when I was 12 days overdue and had contractions while someone else just took the room as if she was in a hotel. It is advisable to go through a series of tips if you are on the lookout for a, It is advisable to go for practitioners who practice in a group as this will help you to avoid problems in case you are required to meet with your ob gin when he or she is out of town. If you have already Registered, please click here to login. Whenever I look back at our experience at Lansdell, I feel bad that we were so poorly treated despite having paid so much money to the hospital. offers a pleasant and relaxed environment. The Lansdell Suite is a private maternity care London which is six-bedded private patient facility, based within the main maternity unit at St Thomas’ Hospital offering private maternity care … The, which is six-bedded private patient facility, based within the main maternity unit at St Thomas’ Hospital offering, The birth of a new baby is a very special time for you and your family. Annoyed that its mostly people in safe jobs that are calling for full lockdown. Husband should have gone out & found his own breakfast & not eaten yours. Thank you for all your messages!I will not make a complaint to the hospital - it won't change my feeling, it will only add more stressful time in my memory.I want to share the experience as I hope next time when someone, especially for a first time mum, can have more information she needs when it comes to choosing private care. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet.
There are so many scare stories about NHS births, but the private birth experience can be equally awful.I would not fault my consultant on the other hand - he did his best given the limitations of Lansdell and was very professional. This includes access to anaesthetists, paediatricians, and ultra sound services and our Special Care Baby Unit or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, if needed. There are so many scare stories about NHS births, but the private birth experience can be equally awful. Every time I was told not to worry about this as staffs in Lansdell are experienced and professional!!! The delivery suite seemed fine to me, and although on MN you'll find a lot of people very anti St Thomas' (and I don't think I would have a baby there on the NHS, the general postnatal ward seemed pretty chaotic compared to the calm of the Lansdell), I never encountered a problem, and couldn't have been happier. I had to come in a few times during my pregnancy as I was having some problems. for south London the Kensington Wing at the Chelsea & Westminetr.Perhaps look into doulas too if you want intensive professional 1:1 pre and post birth support? I was lucky enough to beat the planned induction. Print This Page After the baby was born we went back to our room. The unit was really nice, the food was better than what my friend had at Lindo Wing and the views of bign ben were amazing!I would recommend anyone that is thinking of private care to go and look around St Thomas unit it was much better than expected. We were thinking of the Lansdell (decided to go on the NHS in the end) but sharing good and bad stories would have helped me manage my expectations of private care while we were deciding.
When I went into labour, we contacted Lansdell but we were told there were no rooms available I dont think it was too dramatic to say that as soon as I heard this, my contractions began to slow down. Make sure to choose a, make you sure about the health insurance policy comes with a better coverage in case you visit a particular specialist. Finally I've decided to share our experience, just to make it a more complete picture about private birth stories. When the breakfast service came, we were not sure if my husbands portion was included. Women are provided with a private en-suite room for the postnatal period, with access to telephone, television & radio, hair drier and complimentary toiletries in, Child birth services with reliability, safety and Care, Choosing the best Gynecologist with, Best Gynaecologist Service at Lansdell Suite. I was terrified at that point - you think this won't affect my body?I lost 1L blood during labour, I could not hold myself up or stand up, so a midwife had to change my bed sheet and maternity pads. We went to the hospital in the early morning, waited at least 10 minutes for a midwife to answer the door. Restrictions may also be imposed on the coverage. I don't think you can control contractions by thinking there is or isn't a place for the baby to be born!I agree with scottishmummy - couldn't your DH have got his own breakfast?!
This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 11 messages.). The experience is different for everyone and the staff at the.
© Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo). Based within a major London maternity unit, it gives you the added reassurance that the most modern equipment and latest technology are available to you and your baby 24-hours a day. As I was 12 days overdue at the time when we called Lansdell, we still went to the hospital thinking we had already paid for our room there was no reason they should turn us away how wrong I was!!!
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