When God’s Word is preached, one can expect large crowds of people. Sadly, many today are not willing to do what Philip did. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Maybe I ought to read this article every two years! AM has been in a city in the ME since 2009, leading a team, leading his family, planting a church. Standing beside the evangelists are other ministry gifts; the pastor, the prophet, the teacher, and the apostle. Thus the church in Ethiopia could be genuinely Ethiopian! We have seen several come to Christ through reading this book, which focuses on the Old Testament! We must desire the pure milk of the Word (I Pet. Text: Acts 8:26-40 . 1:38). Philip, also, remembered why he was there at Samaria, Azotus and Caesarea (Acts 8:5, 40). He instructed his daughters in the Word of God, 3. He knew this question would be a good one to begin sharing the good news of salvation. The lamented Johnny Ramsey once said, “When Christ is the point of focus we will proclaim His message, follow His example and obey His commands.

Philip and the Ethiopian: 14 lessons in cross-cultural evangelism.

Evangelists are the shock troops of the kingdom. Especially liked #12 about not putting additional requirements because we have been disappointed in how some people have done after receiving the good news. It's probable they knew one another and were friends.​. Like the other apostles, Philip deserted Jesus during his trial and crucifixion. Our post-Christian world is like a cross-cultural one. reply.     so he did not open his mouth.”. The Ethiopian eunuch died without physical descendants but there is a tradition as old at least as Irenaeus that says he fathered the birth of Christianity in his nation. Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. Starting with John the Baptist, Philip sought the path to salvation, which led him to Jesus Christ. Like Peter and Peter's brother Andrew, Philip was a Galilean, from the village of Bethsaida. 4:34). Philip fervently sought the Messiah and recognized that Jesus was the promised Savior, even though he did not fully understand until after Jesus' resurrection. We entrust new believers to the gospel implanted in them and the power of the Holy Spirit. The life of this Philip, as recorded, is a very remarkable one. If I could pick one word to describe this, it would be obedience (Acts 8:26-30). We will suffer disappointments and setbacks but we still baptise people on their faith in Christ, not on any extra conditions! This is the message that was preached by Peter on Pentecost (Acts 2:22-36). We must never be ashamed to preach the gospel of Christ (Rom. ( Log Out /  When men obey the gospel, great things happen: 1. They show obedience to God who expects us to practice hospitality (Rom. (John 1:43, NIV). Philip approached the man and began the conversation by asking one question, Undestandest thou what thou readest? As they rode along, they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “Look! Both times, he obeys. Perhaps you have seen the joy manifested in the faces of those who are coming up out of the waters of baptism. When the Samaritans accepted the Gospel, it was a great breakthrough because it proved that Christ is for the whole world, not just the Jews. 11; I Pet.

We must take time to read the Scriptures (I Tim. Philip was in the middle of leading a successful revival in Samaria when an angel of the Lord told him to head south along the desert road to Gaza. Earlier in chapter 8 Philip had baptised Simon Magus who turned out to be a massive headache and to cause many problems. His name is mentioned 16 times in this book. Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. In the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus tested Philip by asking him where they could buy bread for so many people.


Life Lessons from Philip the Apostle Starting with John the Baptist, Philip sought the path to salvation, which led him to Jesus Christ. The thing that attracted the Ethiopian was that someone understood his pain. In Acts 21:8 we read, “And on the morrow we departed, and came unto Caesarea: and entering into house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, we abode with him. When we preach the gospel of Christ to our friends and family, and they obey this gospel, much joy is being brought to their lives. To ask a simple question of people…Or, in some cases, to provide a simple answer? 15:1-4). Evangelists should be sensitive to God’s voice (Acts 8:26). It is only through the practice of God’s Word in our lives that we can experience a blessed life (Lk. 12:13; Heb. There’s some water! 11:25-26; 1 Jn. Philip and the Ethiopian: 14 lessons in cross-cultural evangelism 1. Jesus issued a personal call to Philip: "Follow me." Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Let us emulate the ability Philip had to study with people and always be wise to know what to say as we begin Bible studies. There are several Christians who are always looking for excuses not to practice hospitality, instead of looking for opportunities to help others in the kingdom. Can you answer, “Who is the prophet talking about?” (v34) from any place in the Old Testament?


He is the only way to heaven and the only solution to the sin problem (Jn. He preached His message, followed His example, and obeyed His commands!

As Christians, we must be ready to answer questions during a Bible study (I Pet. GREAT LESSONS FROM THE LIFE OF PHILIP THE EVANGELIST by Willie A. Alvarenga, All Scripture quotations have been taken from the ASV 1901. Philip the Apostle - Follower of Jesus Christ, Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. How can they understand unless someone explains? And it led to a profound discussion about the Ethiopian’s eternal destiny.

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