Azazel may be a wilderness-demon, but its identity is mysterious. [14], The majority of scholars have concluded that the Pentateuch received its final form during the Persian period (538–332 BC). With sacrifice and priesthood established, chapters 11-15 instruct the lay people on purity (or cleanliness). This material is dated according to one theory in the 7th century bc and is regarded as the law upon which Ezra and Nehemiah based their reform. Scholars agree that Leviticus belongs to the Priestly (P) source of the Pentateuchal traditions. Eating certain animals produces uncleanliness, as does giving birth; certain skin diseases (but not all) are unclean, as are certain conditions affecting walls and clothing (mildew and similar conditions); and genital discharges, including female menses and male gonorrhea, are unclean. Eating certain animals produces uncleanliness, as does giving birth; certain skin diseases (but not all) are unclean, as are certain conditions affecting walls and clothing (mildew and similar conditions); and genital discharges, including female menses and male gonorrhea, are unclean. [32] The role of atonement is reflected structurally in two-part division of the book: chapters 1-16 call for the establishment of the institution for atonement, and chapters 17-27 call for the life of the atoned community in holiness. Chapters 6-7 go over much the same ground, but from the point of view of the priest, who, as the one actually carrying out the sacrifice and dividing the “portions”, needs to know how this is to be done. Hebrew Texts Leviticus 23:24 Hebrew Study Bible (Apostolic / Interlinear) [23], The main function of the priests is service at the altar, and only the sons of Aaron are priests in the full sense. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! [5], For detailed contents see:*Vayikra, on Leviticus 1-5: Laws of the sacrifices*Tzav, on Leviticus 6-8: Sacrifices, ordination of the priests*Shemini, on Leviticus 9-11: Tabernacle consecrated, alien fire, dietary laws*Tazria, on Leviticus 12-13: Childbirth, skin disease, clothing*Metzora, on Leviticus 14-15: Skin disease, infected houses, genital discharges*Acharei, on Leviticus 16-18: Yom Kippur, centralized offerings, sexual practices*Kedoshim, on Leviticus 19-20: Holiness, penalties for transgressions*Emor, on Leviticus 21-24: Rules for priests, holy days, lights and bread, a blasphemer*Behar, on Leviticus 25-25: Sabbatical year, debt servitude limited*Bechukotai, on Leviticus 26-27: Blessings and curses, payment of vows, (See Gordon Wenham, “The Book of Leviticus”, and Frank Gorman, “Divine presence and community”)[6][7], II. [31] Atonement rituals involve blood, poured or sprinkled, as the symbol of the life of the victim: the blood has the power to wipe out or absorb the sin.
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