Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change Compared to LGi.
Add your review of Surgical Pre-assessment Clinic LGI (1440) 1. I shall pass your comments onto the Patient Relations Manager at Leeds General Infirmary for their comments.
Select; 2. Review. Me Cat LGI (Leeds General Infirmary) Private Rooms? But we are extremely sorry that on this occasion your post-natal experience was not a positive one. , Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 3EX
Leeds PCT 11 years ago.
I doubt that pointing your finger in the face if a new mother and berating her for visitors arriving early (unbeknown to the mother I. e. me! Have you experienced something like Me Cat did, here or elsewhere? I spoke to the same postnatal matron, who again was reluctant to assist me with a very simple query and once again displayed an appalling tone and attitude., This Department is managed by Visit Ward Number Ward, Clinic or Unit Telephone (0113) Floor Wing Site; J1: Neonates Unit: 2069101: 5: Gledhow Wing St James's University Hospital; J10: Respiratory Medicine 11 years ago.
(as the patient), L44 Obstetrics 11.42. (as the patient), As i was group b strep i had to stay in for 36 hours so my son could be monitored for any signs of illness.I was taken down to the ward and put in a bay, nobody came down to even say hello let alone ask if i was ok. After about half an hour of being sat there a midwifery assistant came and was a bit surprised to see me sat there, she got me a cup of tea and some milk for my baby as nobody had given me any milk for my son.
The main benefit of St James is you can park your car!
LJ I shall pass your comments onto the Patient Relations Manager at Leeds General Infirmary for their comments. Close menu, 0113 243 2799 However, I was very sorry to hear that the treatment and care you received on the postnatal ward was less than satisfactory. NEW ‘Home from Home’ Midwifery Led Unit Birthing Suite Opens at LGI. visibility, This means that some features of Care Opinion won't work, We recommend you enable JavaScript in your browser and then. If you've got questions about choosing a hospital or birth centre, this is the place to post. Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change
My only strong concern as a new mother was the appalling attitude and unprofessional manner of the matron on the postnatal ward. After returning home, I wanted to make an equity via telephone with regards to something I was advised to do by my delivery midwife. Thanks
I appreciate that the staff on this ward are very busy, it is just very unfortunate that one person in a senior position was responsible for turning a very positive first experience into a stressful and negative one. - we'll pass your stories to the people in health and social care who can make a difference. The staff in both the delivery suite and postnatal wards were excellent - in particular, the delivery midwives: they work so hard and are clearly passionate about what they do. My overall experience was extremely positive after having my first child at LGI.
I had a 9 hour uncomplicated labour at LGI, however i am group b strep positive so the baby needed constant monitoring throughout labour.
Review of Leeds General Infirmary; 3. A nurse/midwife -dont know who she was as she never introduced herself came and told me i was moving bays to the other side of the ward. Submit; 4. Mine is low risk pregnancy and I am confused wht to choose. 11.13. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. My only strong concern as a new mother was the appalling attitude and unprofessional manner of the matron on the postnatal ward. Ask other Netmums about their experiences and share feedback on different maternity units and birth centres. Leeds General Infirmary Maternity care Visit
Midwifery support workers have received appropriate training to carry out a range of duties including supporting breastfeeding and postnatal care. This story has been heard by a subscriber.
or call us on 0845 113 0012. Lucy Potter, ... so they don’t need to get moved to Postnatal wards, the checks before home are done straight from the room you gave birth in. My overall experience was extremely positive after having my first child at LGI. I was disgusted with what I feel was a lack of care given to me and would never want to be on that ward again.
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