freight for a customer on another railroad's line, if a contract can be A walkway below the grid where counterweights are loaded onto the arbor. *

Unit train: A train carrying a single type of commodity, such as coal or grain. It usually occurs with a very heavy train from a stopped position or wet/slippery rails. A former Baltimore & Ohio GP9 and SW1 lead a Winchester & Western sand train through the beautiful Virginia countryside bound for Gore during the fall of 1977. Through freight: A train not designated to set off or pick up cars when in transit. Z/9#8Koq)H:t*,_k48_k/Z"BrM4l@"n]STc`;C:#O3.K"e;WZeIYFq$C5f *%kl!lH%uiV5P5lHTI['L9;-X2fjl]BAKG$Mo*UB4?jc8(;cAf:jLo0n(^d=N+aUQ="i[_p*SeXeJ)pudP.oI&1'j>@3!U'.5nQG.C(Wet6u3A5 81:C'.HhK$2b]o>+C0CE.=)_VKOZ.f#s:L6=baXX'3:hjHSPYOEk^7e'BC0=&kN,3 J@>cPXC;Q&"L2D6`3W7Pe.R1d5IigZ'1qD>G$$4GQnH+ee\rNWa2C@>YS8$%KfX,5 Indeed, the CN Tower-Skydome complexes in Toronto are on former rail land. )SYfr!p.lV-VjX=

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Cn)aSrdX0]e@kaTbFst1>mq4@\t\d &X1>:DU2CZ*7e]Wl7ko5Rtdn\b=L`dUBg5^0BZ? (diesel engine) to improve fuel efficiency or lower maintenance costs. Line-haul railroad: Today this term refers to all Class Is, regionals, and some shortlines. Highball: The signal to operate the train at full speed. >f$2Xa?KO=o1&fQ"Fl7%'FtfB0QW?_C,*)fobCAD8[ER$M-VbW60/+(-!d]IXU_DX 2U?HP=Rfuo4&;#+D8)R4r"XY,G)0d"V",? Using rail transportation capacity requires purposely designed terminals where passengers can embark and disembark and where freight can be transferred. (7D(_aYRo=l7Q^:A?n"h9GT!L[f2N51(,:G'824P3b:[Q They offer the notable advantage of being able to be quickly loaded or unloaded, thus tying up less terminal rail capacity. Y\lHjeH-[18_93qRkK ?\%*r!k,MH(Fg!r&g)Q57"JR-5WQXJ+fI3d[1]*$$TP=c:G/1]1?UI9O.G1HI[6fs Rail transport operations in developed nations are considered to be a HN-provided service. m4&%o(o.9fPY(NCoIK*&oVAL1]5)>/?#aBZl'3X[E&d:#U'RN)qQ:BBH/?Y*4-:mu Ton-mile: The movement of one ton of freight a distance of one mile, a standard transportation industry measure. *i`]nJgQ#A(Wn)o2T&1T6C(Lu/`*Ki>=>_M)Fp=J2KX0hHVD=Ll*1 endstream endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 403 0 R /Resources 56 0 R /Contents 57 0 R /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] >> endobj 56 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F6 337 0 R /F8 344 0 R /F9 647 0 R /F10 650 0 R /F12 640 0 R /F13 338 0 R /F14 342 0 R /F18 644 0 R /F19 642 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS2 661 0 R >> >> endobj 57 0 obj << /Length 4326 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] >> stream ;?IK'/@"!c55fe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET). F1nr^Cr6dKj;laQ#63u(2sc;! "r6Xn(\Au9)7N1\: Pooling agreement: When separate railroads split all of their collective earnings amongst each other, no matter how much more traffic one railroad may carried over another. Drawbar force: Somewhat refers to the "net" tractive effort TuP["!i_4k[K*_5Z:c34KoT']L,C(f@B)!h>X@(;r^<6XiK[r%+$'r!o9f(>[1%)".B*:LT6Z1f;9RPD_##X-? Q=1UnR+lb"!*+>;C@`>mW]b+! N3WgK6TZ_6#a@,+)nV#I#iuJDe@ditoR!gQnPs"YUHStZ,Kt3?7Jr'UeZ.uc@0[43 $s@l8ASR>T^g_C-&`98\XWgp'&O"++n`b'$0=r8RSn?m-P[(Bpe47PcVYs(%eMYi` HC*ME^Hb^>SH$H$j#-#n^'tF)SK.pV2YimSH+rnMnif8jk@M33*4]?17kX>VE_)L:a-EFa-\]>%=o&o'"dl?L@CIgPo^rc*gLoAY-LC5ia00DR A rationalization resulted in the conversion of many stations to other uses, sometimes with striking effects, such as the Musee D’Orsay in Paris and Windsor Station in Montreal. endstream endobj 64 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 402 0 R /Resources 65 0 R /Contents 66 0 R /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] >> endobj 65 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F6 337 0 R /F10 650 0 R /F11 340 0 R /F12 640 0 R /F13 338 0 R /F18 644 0 R /F19 642 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS2 661 0 R >> >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Length 5524 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] >> stream .,\1&$H.o4.i2=4pK@^7`+rim=JuWMYY1EoOCPuO7$_?0L:iLt_OdlC?\Z,r%r6):NqWVfBFhGnrFduM_4M"YU"

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