From posters on the walls to fountains and flowers dotted round, there's plenty to see purely on the journey to your seat. The Party. They rock the room. The Party at the O2 … with my mum. After being a resounding hit in Stockholm, Mamma Mia the Party has come to the UK… In no other place than the O2 Arena. The food is top notch (the olives are divine) and you get a.
Here’s Bjorn’s closing speech @ MMTP O2 on September 19th 2019: Finally on the warnings – you do not get a menu. Mamma Mia! have avoided every iteration of Mamma Mia! Remarkable. Vocally Steph Parry offers a masterclass along with Julia Imbach – powerful stuff of Broadway standards. Just what we need in 2019!
This is entertainment for the people! As the lights dim and the show starts, the waiters serve us fried squid while singing Thank You for the Music – a balancing act I never thought I’d see. Mamma Mia!
There’s unplugged live music from the band to get you in the mood. The show is packed with MM legends. Stunning on every level. The Party is simply the best night out in London in 2019!
The entire company are wonderful….performing magnificently under what is quite difficult circumstances. You just get carried away by the atmosphere and love being there. Leave an hour from central London. There’s a thin line between the show and the room which makes it even more glorious. Monday night and the lights are low. Wednesday, 25 September 2019. It’s like the movie. Enjoy EXCLUSIVE interviews from the Red Carpet on Gala night @ the O2…. Your email address will not be published. The show is vocally faultless and hugely powerful! Just give it a chance – it’ll make you smile. Then suddenly out into the night – not a balmy Greek one, but a stuffy Jubilee line one. I’m going to call her bluff and do it in style.
Over the course of about four hours, the audience enjoys a spectacular show, a four-course gourmet Mediterranean … That’s how they do it at Nikos. Akin to Cirque Du Soleil, the show never starts or ends. Joanna Monro was a born Debbie/Rosie – effortless. Enjoy our exclusive Mamma Mia The Party HD TV Video - MUST SEE EVENT 2019. You get what you’re given. By the end of the show Mamma Mia! We really could be on holiday in Greece, from the bougainvilleas climbing mottled walls to over-enthusiastic Brits waiting to get drunk. Thanks to the attention to detail throughout, none of the space feels tacky or cheap and each crevice feels authentically Greek. Mamma Mia! has extended its franchise yet again with a completely new and original idea, Mamma Mia! There's no denying this is a pricey experience but it's so worth it if you want to channel your inner Julie Walters and feel like a Super Trouper for the night. Once checked in you’re given a complimentary drink and then you take your table. The Party at London's O2 arena is an 'immersive' live show of Abba's greatest hits, featuring a triumphant performance of the long-running stage show Mamma Mia! BOOK now in Stockholm and London. You are at Niko’s. Queuing next to women in sequinned catsuits, we file through into the immense courtyard of a taverna.
I cannot imagine anyone not being swept away by this event. What stands up is the music, framed in striking style.
A perfect amuse bouche to set the mood for our party night out in Greece. Required fields are marked *. You need the Jubilee Line to get to the O2 at North Grenwich tube. It’s part play, part musical, part party and fabulous camp night out – concluding an ABBA-mania disco from 10.30pm! The first thing that blows you away is the scale of the room. Be prepared for ‘things’ to happen at any time in front, behind or even right next to you!
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