Medtronic PillCam TM Crohn’s System Capsule Endoscopy. ����rS�M�uaFvU[$W��O/Ӷ5}���Yz��H������^��?�. During a capsule endoscopy procedure, you swallow a tiny camera that's about the size of a large vitamin pill. We also created a product website, complementing the dynamic print piece with a digital presence.
It was a great opportunity for Medtronic, but very few healthcare professionals were aware of the new use for this diagnostic solution. Norton created an interactive 2-D replica of the PillCam COLON capsule, complete with product benefits and information on the new clinical indication.
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Following these efforts. cp]!��>���&�ł+��e�uC}KЪ>z ��uւIJk���Х�W���ʢ����髋�N��i��]��rs�fp$i���E�K���17���}ta�74��Qg~+�祹�/�=����/,� N� 2�� \�p�x[ېl2�w0�,��´���h)\B�>�H�q? ����Йrk�$�?��2�5�(I;�10%�x�5�P�. PillCam SB is the most widely used, patient-friendly tool for directly visualizing the small bowel to detect and monitor abnormalities.
}���H�^����� ���~�� %PDF-1.3 • You will wear the belt for eight (8) hours and will need to return to office to have the belt removed by staff by 4:30 p.m. • You will be able to drink clear liquids two (2) hours after swallowing the capsule and have a It was a great opportunity for Medtronic, but very few healthcare professionals were aware of … �h�!�������7ׯ��_������Տ�˔=Mt� �)48�{��g7HV�dk�R�CV�P�.GƃDC��Um�%٬��E�t{��z�x^H�U+��l�t&�*`aC�ÿ�ї����u�sy�s�@��K�A x��>�n�_��3�Y��Y[!�k������|,�6+dG� �M �I���}
THE PROBLEM | PillCam COLON received FDA approval for a new indication. Os pacientes não podem adquirir diretamente da Medtronic.
%��������� The best way to reach physicians and hospital administrators is to know their preferred medium and to meet them where they already spend their time. That may mean greater clinical and economic efficiency for … x�\ْݶ}�WP#��/�ʼn�IJb˱;�*?DyPF�؎��b���|fN��Ie��K4z�F�����e:dyQ�iզ�PeCW�iWwY=�E��:�. ��{���������E;9�xk�i� ,�I���ْ0F[d>��|J�H/��W��˳�n*�Tj�'�Sx�I������,����-�v]E��.=Z��{�+x��"m���ի L�/�_�K����b'�2x����=8����e��m�eU�}����z�u��n0T�A��MH@7D�����[�N� SISTEMA PILLCAM™ SB - USOS E BENEFÍCIOS ... Director of Medcal Affaries Medtronic MITG | GHI.
4 0 obj The capsule contains lights to illuminate your digestive system, a camera to take images and an antenna that sends those images to a recorder you wear on a belt.
The PillCam sensor belt will be applied to your abdomen over your shirt. "�K` THE PROBLEM | PillCam COLON received FDA approval for a new indication. stream The PillCam TM Crohn’s system is the only product that visualizes the small bowel and colonic mucosa directly and noninvasively — with one procedure. ���z؊Y���9�@BhЃ�`/6�8�k���17H:�� �rvxWr����v���w�[�Q;��?��$���MD�7H}��@$�b�G���=����9���b�t2}�X:��_��H=f���ӈdڤe���A����~ȷ������G���������$�v0��ƃ4�����=!B$��NQ�:y���̆�CB�l���9�P�-i3m��'*�8#�:g�F���m ���6�Sjak����c��r^�s�a�@����?�Ǣh0'�����*�.�q�Y�>��WjZ���PM�g�XC�j&G�w`�j��3U`�����!��su:�s��ʌ�9=c�8G���86F��pԖ���Ρ4���O�N� All rights reserved. Copyright 1987-2019 Norton Agency. � ��NR���q(����%ѷ��F����)���y��y3��ie����Cc��V,T�!���lh�!�7Y[7�ݳ��3�S�=���E��`rU[� << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> This procedure is the standard of care for small bowel evaluation, helping healthcare practitioners detect the presence of lesions and what may be the source of obscure GI bleeding, Crohn’s disease and iron deficiency anemia. In our experience, healthcare professionals still love print – maybe more so than any other audience.
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