Movie Club Members must be enrolled in the Cinemark Movie Rewards Program (however, enrollment in Movie Fan does not require enrollment in Movie Club and there is no purchase required for enrollment as a Movie Fan member). If you go here or to any harkins for that matter, get the loyalty cup; refills are on $1.50.” Some mobile service providers may also provide us or our third party service providers with information regarding the physical location of the Device used to access and use the Cinemark mobile app. The Cinemark website and mobile app (together, the “Site”) is an online store where you can participate in the Cinemark Movie Rewards Program and purchase movie tickets, gift cards, Supersavers discounts, and certain merchandise provided by, or through, Cinemark USA, Inc. (“Cinemark,” “us,” “our,” “we”) subject to your compliance with the Terms and Conditions set forth below. Opting out of the agreement to arbitrate has no effect on any other parts of these Terms and Conditions, or any previous or future arbitration agreements that you have entered into with Cinemark. You must confirm the request via the link in the verification e-mail. If you use the Chrome browser, you may opt out using the Chrome browser extension link The Membership Fee may vary based on zip code and may or may not include applicable taxes.

Recliner Seating • Dolby Cinema at AMC • MacGuffins Bar • Food & Drinks Online Ordering • Discount Tuesdays • Coca-Cola Freestyle • RealD 3D AMC Mesa Grand 14 1645 South Stapley Drive, Mesa… We reserve the right to change this privacy policy from time to time at our sole discretion and without sending notice to you, so you should review this privacy policy periodically. Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy. Any changes will be effective only after the effective date of the change, and will not affect any dispute arising prior to the effective date of the change. Enrollment is limited to one Account per member per email address. We added this optional feature to enable you to order more quickly. Your complete film and movie information source for movies playing in Mesa. See all Picture Show reviews, “The popcorn is pretty decent for the price, and the bowling alley seemed a little too greased up.” Tickets only $5 for adults & $3 for children and seniors! The confirmation link in the verification e-mail will be active for 14 days after which you must submit a new request. Feast your eyes on the mind-blowing RealD 3D experience at AMC. 3.4 Discontinuation; Suspension; Account Closure: To be considered active, a Member must have scanned his/her User ID or earned a Reward within the preceding twelve months. Cinemark will charge the credit card on record for the Membership Fee, typically on the 30th day of the billing cycle for automatic renewal. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining Terms and Conditions. At the time of expiration, all points will be forfeited. See your favorite classic Halloween films at Cinemark. However, tickets booked using the Credit may be exchanged for a new ticket. We use your orders to make your future shopping experience more convenient and to determine your preferences for purposes of making recommendations and to determine your rewards from third parties that might be of interest or of value to you. If you do not consent, we will not share your personally identifiable information with the joint marketer. Any judgment rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our website, which has the same tickets as our and websites. The Subscription Member is responsible for keeping the credit card information updated on the Movie Club Account. If you copy or download any information or software from the Site or the Movie Rewards Page, you agree that you will not remove or obscure any copyright or other notices or legends contained in any such information. When creating your Account, you must provide accurate and complete information. Please refer to the FAQ page at for further details regarding the Movie Club program. If points are redeemed for a physical Reward, the item will be fulfilled within 30 days of redemption. For guests 21+ only. To top this all off we only paid seven dollars for two tickets.

Theatre Info. The cancellation will be effective from the billing cycle following the effective date of cancellation. Coupons have cash value of 1/100th of one cent, and are not redeemable for cash or eligible for re-sale or exchanges. Movie Ticket Rewards issued to Movie Fan members will expire 90 days after issuance and will no longer be valid. In addition to cookies, we also use at and Cinemark mobile app: Third parties may collect online information through pixel tags and cookies, which are used to create interest segments for marketing/advertising. The presence of a link does not imply an endorsement of the linked site, its operator, or its contents, or that Cinemark is in any way affiliated with the linked site.

Upon closure, any rights to redeem points from that Account are lost. Coupons are not valid for re-sale. You can review and change the individually identifiable personal information you provide to us at any time by clicking on My Profile. Membership entitles you to earn points only from those Cinemark locations in the United States participating in the Cinemark Movie Rewards Program. Certain Rewards are offered on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited quantities. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. For example, but without limitation, we may add, delete or change participating Cinemark locations, time limits for collection, redemption or use of points or Rewards; redemption conditions or procedures; or the value of purchases required for particular Rewards. Cinemark has no responsibility for the content of any third party web site, and provides such links on an “AS IS” basis. Looking for local movie times and movie theaters in mesa_az? Skip the box office and go straight to the ticket drop with our mobile ticketing solution when buying tickets online. ARBITRATION NOTICE: EXCEPT FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF DISPUTES DESCRIBED IN THE “ARBITRATION” SECTION BELOW, AND IF YOU DO NOT OPT-OUT AS SET FORTH IN THAT SAME SECTION, YOU AGREE THAT DISPUTES BETWEEN YOU AND CINEMARK WILL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING, INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION. See all Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Gilbert reviews, “They are not a Harkin's but accept Harkins cups and t shirts for the soda and popcorn deals.” If you do not agree to any change(s) to the Terms and Conditions, you must notify Cinemark to terminate your Account or you must delete the Cinemark mobile app. Once your information arrives safely at and Cinemark mobile app, it is encrypted in storage. Cinemark will not use the address provided for any marketing purposes. See all Harkins Theatres Superstition Springs 25 reviews, See all Harkins Theatres SanTan Village 16 reviews, See all Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Gilbert reviews. Enrollment in Movie Club: THERE IS A FEE TO ENROLL IN MOVIE CLUB. Surcharges for premium formats and special events. an Incredibles water bottle replaced by a Jurassic World water bottle); (3) a replacement item of the same or equal retail value. In the rare situations when a show is cancelled, you will be entitled to a refund for the full purchase price of your tickets, including any service charges. ", "The Helen Reddy story and the song that inspired a revolution", 'The War With Grandpa' Interviews with Robert De Niro and Jane Seymour.

You are prohibited from using any marks for any purpose, including, but not limited to, use in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of materials on the Site or use as metatags on other pages or sites on the World Wide Web without the written permission of Cinemark or such third party, which may own the marks. You must ensure that content you provide on any website or social media platform in connection with attempting to earn the Cinemark Movie Rewards Program points is acceptable for viewing by users who might not be adults. Rollover Credits continue to rollover and may be used indefinitely in an active Movie Club Account.

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