Located on Honnold 3. Reservable Study rooms. This Room Reservation system allows you to reserve rooms in King, B.E.S.T., Art & Architecture Libraries, CIM studio rooms and Armstrong Student Center study rooms. Current hours and upcoming closures for the library. Quick Links: Libraries & Collections; Reserve a Study Room ; Computer Labs; Printers and Printing; Book Location Guide; Event Calendar; Libraries and Collections . This space is the hub for Digital Humanities at The Claremont Colleges. Without javascript some functions will not work. Quick Links: Libraries & Collections; Reserve a Study Room; Computer Locations; Printers and Printing; Book Location Guide; Event Calendar ; Updates to Fall Library Services; Libraries and Collections . Make a research appointment. Accommodates: 4

This space contains several screen sharing technology options to make collaboration easier, including 9 media:scape tables and a Power Bar with several monitors. This conference room is ideal for group meetings, interviews, and small presentations. This classroom is used for information literacy instruction sessions. Private and communal areas allow for many study space options, and library experts are available to assist in a variety of fields, such as engineering, math and life, physical and computer sciences.

Use your campus email address to sign up. Periodicals Quiet Study. An open space for working in groups.

A space to watch films and other media for classes.

Join our team as a librarian, staffer or student worker. These 2 rooms are reserved for research consultations with librarians during business days between 9am-5pm. Technology and Computing Use computer labs, printers, equipment and more. Support student research with customized course instruction. Reserve a study space, carrel, viewing room or classroom. Attend an exhibit, workshop or other events.

You might meet a faculty member here to learn more about digital humanities research, or attend a workshop that helps you better understand DH tools. Place holds on or request our items. Classrooms & Study Spaces Reserve a study space, carrel, viewing room or classroom. McGill users may book group study rooms for up to 2 hours at a time and may book up to 4 hours per week. Quick Links: Libraries & Collections; Reserve a Study Room ; Computer Locations; Printers and Printing; Book Location Guide; Event Calendar; Updates to Fall Library Services; Libraries and Collections .

It often serves as a venue for meetings and academic events from across The Claremont Colleges, including our own Claremont Discourse faculty lecture series. Navigate our Libraries using our maps and book location guide. Place holds on or request our items. Private and communal areas allow for many study space options, and library experts are available to assist in a variety of fields, such as engineering, math and life, physical and computer sciences. Study rooms are small, enclosed rooms for groups of 2-8 people, ideal for studying, tutoring, working on a small group project, or interviewing. Pick up your room key at the Main Services Desk. Access databases, e-journals, research guides and more. Located on the second floor of Mudd, these cubes provide private spaces for small groups to study within a large, open space. Enclosed space for group study located on honnold 4. Learn about the working groups that make the Libraries run.

Book Room. Available to current TCC students, staff, and faculty. Reserve a study space, carrel, viewing room or classroom. Request items from other libraries. Access databases, e-journals, research guides and more. Explore our catalog, find databases and journals, or locate books in our stacks. Study rooms are also equipped with technology to make your group work easier. Enclosed room for group study located on Honnold 4. Speak with a staffer, suggest a purchase or provide feedback. Contact a librarian via phone, email or instant message. Adjacent to an open patio and filled with natural light, this space is a popular place to study. This small conference room can be booked for two hours at a time so that individuals may Skype, take online exams, or conduct meetings. Contact a librarian via phone, email or instant message. The Founders Room is the library's largest presentation space. You may make 1 reservation per day, for up to 3 hours. Support student research with customized course instruction. Enclosed space for group study located on Honnold 4. Learn about the working groups that make the Libraries run. Study cubes are available on a first-come, first-served basis and do not need a reservation. Information Commons Study - this area is suitable for videoconferencing (Zoom) 1South Quiet Study. Technology available: projector, whiteboards, four computer stations (one Mac) with special software. Bookings may be made up to 2 weeks in advance. Core (2N) Quiet Study Note: An elevator to the 2nd floor is available by request only. Enclosed room for group study located on Honnold 3. After 5pm and on weekends these cubes are available on a first-come, first-served basis and do not need a reservation. Navigate our Libraries using our maps and book location guide. We will release your reservation after 15 minutes if you do not check-in. Study rooms are excellent options for quiet study with a partner and group work. Questions about your room bookings? View and access items set aside by your instructor. Technology and Computing Use computer labs, printers, equipment and more. See all individual study seats in the University Library or click a link below to reserve a spot in a specific location. single seat, group spaces, etc.). Classrooms & Study Spaces Reserve a study space, carrel, viewing room or classroom. Attend an exhibit, workshop or other events.

Find subject experts who can guide your research. Request a research consultation, instruction session or stop by our reference desk. Book Room. Learn about our lending policies and procedures. Click on the locations … Use computer labs, printers, equipment and more. Located on North Campus, the Seeley G. Mudd Library is designed with collaboration in mind. Find facts, figures and procedures for our Libraries. Software includes: Located on the second floor of Mudd, the Digital Tool Shed is an incubator for innovative digital research, teaching, and learning; it is a space for exploration, practice, engagement, and experiential learning for individuals, groups, and classes. for additional details on software and services. Our Core Values explain why we take such pride in our work. Classrooms & Study Spaces Reserve a study space, carrel, viewing room or classroom.

Find subject experts who can guide your research. Please select the desired capacity from the Capacity dropdown above.

Technology and Computing Use computer labs, printers, equipment and more. Government & Geographic Information Collection, McCormick Library of Special Collections and University Archives. Join our team as a librarian, staffer or student worker. Get training and technical solutions for conducting and disseminating research. Login from wherever you happen to be and schedule a room. Note: reservations for collaboration rooms are currently unavailable. Please select available time slots Use computer labs, printers, equipment and more. This location or Category has multiple capacity options (i.e. Get training and technical solutions for conducting and disseminating research. × Reset, Accommodates: 2 They are the source of our passion, energy, professionalism, and productivity. The space provides an array of digital assets and tools that are consistent with Mudd's tech-focused history. Plug your laptop into one of these many screens to share your work with others. This Active Learning Center was funded by a. The North Study Lounge is open for individual study.

Technology available: 2 larger monitors for connecting laptops. Contact us to schedule a consultation: gis@northwestern.edu. Request items from other libraries. The 4th floor of Honnold has a variety of spaces for quiet work, including pods for individual study. Find operating hours and assistance availability.

Request an Information Literacy Instruction Session, Request a Special Collections Instruction Session, Uploading Theses & Dissertations to Scholarship @ Claremont, Accessing and Using Special Collections Materials, Center for Engagement with Primary Sources, Geographic Information System (GIS) Services, HathiTrust Digital Library & Research Center. Find facts, figures and procedures for our Libraries. Government & Geographic Information Collection, McCormick Library of Special Collections and University Archives. If you have already made your reservation, it is still in the system, but will not appear on this page. Donations of books, printed material or financial contributions are appreciated. Please note that this is only study room in Mudd Library that may be reserved by a single person. Speak with a staffer, suggest a purchase or provide feedback. Computer and network resources are provided to facilitate the learning and research needs of students, faculty, and staff of The Claremont Colleges. View and access items set aside by your instructor. Contact us by email, phone 514-398-4734 or at any of our branches.

See the GIS page for additional details on software and services. Learn about guest access to materials and more. We partner with faculty, students, and staff to provide a vital physical and digital center for research, teaching, learning, and other forms of intellectual engagement at The Claremont Colleges. Technology available: large screen / data visualization wall, green screen wall, laptops with special software.

Request a research consultation or stop by one of our support desks. Before going to Library Search, this searchbox will show helpful resources like research guides, staff, web pages, databases and more.

These 2 rooms are reserved for research consultations with librarians during business days between 9am-5pm. Donations of books, printed material or financial contributions are appreciated. Your browser has javascript disabled. Learn about our lending policies and procedures. Explore our catalog, find databases and journals, or locate books in our stacks. The space provides an array of digital assets and tools that are consistent with Mudd's tech-focused history. GIS professionals are available to provide training and consultation on map creation, geospatial analysis, data formatting and location services.

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