Abstaining is not considered for the purposes of calculating the majority but still contributes to meeting the relevant quorum. Property rights are at the core of any democracy and free economy. Many of the potential solutions to Australia’s carbon emissions are agricultural or regionally based. 1. In a resource-hungry world, regional Australia will also play an increasingly critical role in our national security.
For the purposes of this type of majority, abstaining is equivalent to voting against the motion. The Nationals provide a considered and commonsense perspective on all elements of Government policy.Our policy platform, and our approach to day-to-day political issues, is built on a triple bottom line of social, economic and environmental considerations. The Nationals is the only political party dedicated to advancing the interests of regional Australia and those who make their lives and business in regional Australian communities. One half (1/2), ignoring the remainder, plus one (1) of all members who have the right to vote on the motion must vote in favour of the motion for it to carry. i. respect for all talents, skills and occupations, regardless of the level of formal education equired to acquire them. THE OBJECTS OF THE PARTY ARE AS FOLLOWS: i)the vision of Sir Henry Parkes of Australia as an English speaking, predominantly European Christian Commonwealth, as originally described in 1901 when Australia as a nation was founded; 8. j. put Australia’s interests first in respect to ownership of agricultural land, corporations, utilities, resources, and the means of production and ensure that foreign ownership or control of resources and agricultural production only occurs when it is in the national interest and does not undermine or threaten Australia’s independence and sovereignty.
All Councillors absent from the previous meeting abstain by default.¶, If the total number of Councillors is reduced below the minimum quorum, the National Council may act for the purpose of filling its vacancies in accordance with Article 10.1(8), but for no other purpose.¶, Act as the coordinator for providing direction of the Party;¶, Take an active role in advocating on behalf of the Party in the public sphere;¶, Default as the chair of the National Congress, and meetings of the National Council; and¶, Co-ordinate the activities of the National Council.¶, The Deputy President shall, at a minimum:¶, Assist the President with their duties in accordance with this Constitution; and¶, If the President is unable (on a temporary basis) to conduct their obligations under the Constitution, the Deputy is to substitute and fulfil those obligations.¶, Provide notice in advance to members of all official meetings, and of the National Congress;¶, Prepare schedules, agenda, and correspondence from members for submission to the meeting or National Congress, and record attendance of persons present, and arrange for minutes or logs to be recorded;¶, Co-ordinate official correspondence of the National Council;¶, Maintain the party register, in accordance with Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918;¶, Maintain custody of all documents, statements and records of the Party, and except for those documents that are otherwise accounted for in this Constitution, by other officers; and¶, Briefly minute, or delegate responsibility for minuting, listing the decisions of meetings of the National Congress and National Council and ensure publication at the earliest possible convenience.¶, The Secretary fulfills the requirements and obligations of the position of Party Secretary as defined in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.¶, The Secretary fulfills the requirements and obligations of the position of Registered Officer as defined in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.¶, The Deputy Secretary shall, at a minimum:¶, Assist the Secretary with their duties in accordance with this Constitution.¶, If the Secretary is unable (on a temporary basis) to conduct their obligations under the Constitution, the Deputy is to substitute and fulfil those obligations.¶, Develop and ensure security and accountability measures for all receipts and payments are followed;¶, Submit an Annual Financial Report to the National Congress, detailing balance sheets, financial statements and relevant particulars;¶, Maintain adequate controls over Party finances and all financial records, documents, securities ensuring smooth transition when position is transferred; and¶, Ensure that all book keeping is conducted by an appropriately skilled person, and all documents conform to relevant legislation and regulations and this Constitution.¶, The Treasurer fulfills the requirements and obligations of the Party Agent as defined in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.¶, The receipt of all monies paid to the Party, the issuing of all receipts and the deposit of such monies into accounts determined by the National Council.¶, Assist the Treasurer with their duties in accordance with this Constitution.¶, If the Treasurer is unable (on a temporary basis) to conduct their obligations under the Constitution, the Deputy is to substitute and fulfil those obligations.¶, Three (3) Councillors will be appointed by election at the Annual National Congress to the National Council.¶, The responsibilities of the Councillors will be determined by the National Council.¶, Membership is open to all natural persons who:¶, Have read and agreed to the terms and principles provided within this Constitution;¶, Pay an annual membership fee, if applicable, as set by the National Council;¶, Are not currently members of any other registered or unregistered political party in Australia and do not join another party in Australia while a member of the Party;¶, Have not been members of another registered or unregistered political party in Australia in the previous twelve (12) months, unless this is disclosed in the membership application by the applicant; and¶, Are registered on the Australian electoral roll.¶, A Member’s Party membership will not lapse unless the Member resigns from the Party in writing to the Secretariat, or an applicable membership fee is failed to be paid more than ninety (90) days after their membership period has expired.¶, A Member must be sent an email to inform them that their membership will lapse in 30 days before that Member’s membership may lapse.¶, The National Council may at its discretion opt to waive membership fees on a case-by-case basis.¶, Be elected into a formal position within the party, at any level;¶, Where eligible, and approved by the nomination processes within this Constitution, stand as a candidate in any election the party contests;¶, Communicate and submit policy amendment proposals and Constitutional amendment proposals;¶, Participate in policy and issue discussion, debate and partake in the decision making process in accordance with this Constitution;¶, Where eligible, participate in working groups defined by the National Council or any organ of the Party; and¶, Vote at Party Meetings, Congresses and Policy Formulation, Development and Adoption proceedings.¶, The National Council may propose to existing members the creation of additional categories of Membership of the Party. Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, delivering opportunity and prosperity for all regional Australians, and ensuring a sustainable environment. […] Every Member of the Party, including Members of Parliament, will, in making decisions, vote in the interests of their electorate, consistent with their conscience and in accordance with the following values and principles.
5. Home ownership is critical to people’s sense of freedom, independence and personal security and to facilitating the raising and nurturing of children. In its current form it was founded in 1944–45 by Robert Gordon Menzies. That our nation has a constructive role to play in maintaining world peace and democracy through alliance with other free nations. Every law-abiding citizen should have the right to own firearms, including for the defence of their family and home. There is growing global demand for food and biofuels.
Working together as a strong and united team means our MPs and Senators have developed a reputation for punching above their weight, and are sometimes criticised for delivering more for the people they represent than the party’s critics would prefer. All party documents, members and policies are subject and subordinate to this Constitution.¶, Pirate Party Australia is a non-profit organisation. The principles and objects of Pirate Party Australia are stated in Part I, and are fundamental to the purpose of the Party. Government interference in people’s lives must finish at the family fence or property boundary. We seek to safeguard the inalienable rights of all natural persons of Australia and the freedoms of the emergent global information society. This heritage belongs to all Australians and defines the culture of the nation. The emerging demand for “green” industries and energy supplies. The Party intends to contest Australian Federal Elections in both the House of Representatives and Senate. That our nation has a constructive role to play in maintaining world peace and democracy through alliance with other free nations. Because it is in the economic and social interests of the community, laws in their enactment and application must support and uphold marriage. It later adopted the name National Country Party in 1975, before taking its current name in 1982. Two-thirds (2/3), ignoring the remainder, plus one (1) of all members who have the right to vote on the motion must vote in favour of the motion for it to carry.
10. From hereinafter in this document, Pirate Party Australia shall be referred to as either “Pirate Party Australia” or “the Party”.
Governments should develop and promote policies which maintain and advance a modern mixed economic system that will ensure economic growth, full employment, rising living standards, prosperity, opportunity and equality of access to such opportunity for all Australians, to ensure: a. freedom of speech and expression which should not be abused by intimidation, malice, violence or political correctness; e. acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability; f. support for those in genuine need while that need exists; g. encouragement and nurturing of individual initiative, and the development of every person’s, and especially children’s. The fourth role is to provide a considered, balanced and common sense perspective on all elements of public policy. Stronger, more secure, sustainable local communities that provide the opportunity for everyone to prosper will deliver a stronger, more secure and sustainable nation. One half (1/2), ignoring the remainder, plus one (1) of votes on the motion must be in favour of the motion for it to carry. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, ideally for life. Every Member of the Party, including Members of Parliament, will, in making decisions, vote in the interests of their electorate, consistent with their conscience and in accordance with the following values and principles. Donations by individuals to registered political parties of between $2 and $1,500 in a financial year are tax deductible, For the latest advice on coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit. in those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association;
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