58 0 obj /Length 60 Registration ensures compliance with national production standards, including low levels of heavy metals and other residues, and allows for trace back of all raw materials to their origins.

Bounce Back is a unique blend of the highest quality organic fertiliser and natural minerals, specifically formulated for the most effective and safe feeding of all your garden plants. 3:2:2 – plus the full range of secondary nutrients and micronutrients in a natural form. Neutrog Bounce Back Fertilizer (5kg) product use.

/N 7 stream These processes stabilise the nutrients, maximise nutrient availability and ensure the product is free of any parasites, pathogens and weed seeds. endobj

/BitsPerComponent 8 Please Select OneFacebookInstagramNeutrog WebsiteNeutrog NewsletterRadio AdPrint AdStaff TrainingGarden Talk or ShowWord of MouthGoogle SearchOther /Filter /FlateDecode Bounce Back, Rapid Raiser, Seamungus.

/Pages 50 0 R /Size 63 /Length 78629

Store in sealed packaging in dry conditions. 57 0 obj Bounce Back encourages the development of earthworm and microbial activity leading to healthy, well-structured soils. Yes material.

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Neutrog’s range of products for the horticultural market can be divided into two distinct categories: Base Manures. << /Info 51 0 R !����~� ���Jy�-X���c(g�\Y���!�?t��s ��$�\�|�������ɨ�����%|�v�N�}�����EB�ZKK�\�q!AAA�d&4���HKk����!3!�?~�a?�S��B�64���C�� ����b;��. Neutrog added a new photo. Please Select OneHome GardenerProfessionalBoth, Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo, South Australia 5252. Yes material.

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<< Bounce Back promotes natural, healthy plant growth.

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/Length 324 /Resources <<

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1451 Eco friendly. Neutrog have a number of products registered with ACO and its methods and processes for manufacturing are audited to ensure compliance with the strict standards and guidelines set down by the certifying body. We can source the Neutrog product that is right for you in bulk loads or just a single bag.

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