Clean gloves should be put on by circulating staff before touching patients or any equipment, specimens, or drapes that could be contaminated. Of the available techniques for disinfection of OT, fumigation using formaldehyde is no longer recommended. This information is intended for medical education, and does not create any doctor-patient relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Shaving may be necessary as hair at the dispersive site prevents complete plate contact with skin.
The patient should not be in contact with grounded metal objects as the provision of an alternative pathway for the electrical current could result in a burn. Employers are obliged to carry out risk assessments and implement changes as necessary (Health and Safety Executive, 2003). Needles and blades should be mounted for use using the correct instrument, never the fingers. The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. An aseptic technique is essential and sterile items must be received from the circulating person in a manner that does not contaminate the field. The use of the checklist has been shown to reduce the rate of major post-operative complications from 11% to 7% and mortality rate following major operations from 1.5% to 0.8%.
Any metal parts of the operating table that could come into contact with the patient should therefore be padded and jewellery and piercings should be removed before arrival in theatre. The correct site for surgery must be confirmed by checking against the patient’s records, consent form, operating list and, when possible, verbally with the patient (or appropriate family members). The spread of resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and conditions such as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) are well publicised by the media and are of particular concern (Waller, 2002). Every sharp object in a theatre should be regarded as a potential source of injury. Anyone affected should leave the theatre immediately.
The patient’s surgical outcome is enhanced by the promotion of an aseptic environment (Association for Perioperative Practice 2011). Line (2003) explains that poly-cotton material allows bacteria through its weave and is easily dampened.
Jyoti S. Kabbin, Shwetha, J. V., Sathyanarayan, M. S. and Nagarathnamma, T. Copyright @ 2010 International Journal Of Current Research. Sue Saunders, BSc, RN, is staff nurse, the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. Gas cylinders used in theatre must be clearly labelled with the name or chemical symbol of the gas on the shoulder of the cylinder and the valve. Patients who pose a high risk of infection should be left until the end of the case list and universal precautions strictly observed. Ratified By: Theatre User Groups & Clinical Policy Group 1 Introduction There is a standard procedure for surgical hand antisepsis, gowning and gloving which is based on current evidence, best practice and validated research. There are additional health and safety issues specific to theatres. Both people should sign the theatre register. Items removed from the sterile field should be visibly deleted with a scoring line or cross (Pirie, 2004; Taylor and Campbell, 1999a). There are several hazards regarding the use of lasers in surgery. Special consideration must be given to patients under general anaesthetic, as they are unable to take care of their own safety needs or voice any concerns. The plate should not be placed over bony prominences (this can impede return current), over implanted prostheses (there is a potential for overheating), over scar tissue or over areas distal to tourniquets where adequate tissue perfusion cannot be guaranteed.
The present article lays emphasis on the various methods of sterilization and disinfection presently available.
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