Can someone help me? Hmmm, just checked my range with the vids above: E2 to D4, but can lower down to B1 …. His “Hey Little Songbird” is one of the evening’s highlights. Head notes: (usually come out airy and light): D4- F#4 I am a well rounded and versatile lyricist with the ability to put songs together in my head rather quickly. Near the top it is harder to tell, as head voice comes into play. Low notes: E2-C#3 Okay so, C2-C6…That’s a Mezzo! What am I? By the way… If you like this post, you might also like: Stacy Karyn is the founder of Theatre Trip and the author of The Thespian’s Bucket List and 1001 Cast Albums to Listen to in Your Lifetime. what’s my voice type?
My lowest note is D3 and my highest is C5, where does this place me? Required fields are marked *. Page looks suitably satanic and has the deepest bass voice heard on the London stage since Willard White, the Sisters of Mercy or Leonard Cohen’s last tour. My chest range is G#2-D5, if I don’t try to belt, my voice starts transitioning to head at around E4, including falsetto/head it goes up to C#6 and including whistle or just random non-melodic notes my total range is G#2-B6, what would that make me? my lowest note is e3 and my hightest note is c6, im so confused right now, i’m like a tenor?, alto?, i don’t know right now, but, for me is great Tessitura C2 – C3 friend 4: male E1-E5
Someone help me with the rules of music. I’m probably a Tenor… What’s my vocal range, overall, mine is G2-A#5 (A2-F4 without falsetto/head voice) But transition into head voice/falsetto is F4-A4, my chest voice can go from G2-D5, Yawning (A2-A4), and breathy falsetto (D3-C#5) and head voice F#3-A#5 (G5 Maximum Comfortable Range) But Average, I usually sing from C3-A4. i did some reading and there is a possibility that i could be a tenor or a countertenor. Hi My high Whistle Note is A#7, so, I’m countertenor? Therefore, a voice teacher would try to determine if a singer is more comfortable singing higher or lower notes. I can sing lower (my lowest being around B2), but it begins to feel more unnaturally forced than around E3-E4. I think I saw that somewhere too, that's pretty damn impressive. She helped me because I didn’t know where I fit in the choir. So, unless you are able to sing that A7 and go down the scale, it would not count so it would go for you: Hey, no shame in straining to sing- that wouldn’t be considered your range- but you’ll get there! It’s Page’s ability to appear both thunderous and sophisticated that’s remarkable. I’m a girl by the way. I HIGHLY recommend someone else help you on this- because it’s simply not an easy take when you’re alone! and my chest range voice goes from a b2 to an F5 sharp, what range am i? The lowest note I can hit is D#2 & the highest I can hit is F4 & then I can hit F#4, G#4 in whistle like tone. The term “voice type” refers to a specific type of singing voice that has identifying characteristics or qualities. Famous Baritones: John Mayer, Michael Bublé, Nat King Cole. I’m comfortable through my whole voice, singing any part as long as it’s in my range. im wondering if males can sing with full voice upto c6 ? I have singed in many choirs as soprano, mezzo soprano and alto, but I would really like to know where do I belong. For those saying that is “weird”, it isn’t. I sing casually but am considering getting lessons. Set up your vocal range Lowest note Choose B8 A#8 A8 G#8 G8 F#8 F8 E8 D#8 D8 C#8 C8 B7 A#7 A7 G#7 G7 F#7 F7 E7 D#7 D7 C#7 C7 B6 A#6 A6 G#6 G6 F#6 F6 E6 D#6 D6 C#6 C6 B5 A#5 A5 G#5 G5 F#5 F5 E5 D#5 D5 C#5 C5 B4 A#4 A4 G#4 G4 F#4 F4 E4 D#2 D4 C#4 C4 (middle C) …
Uhm… G3-A6 , not sure where that puts me. Sorry new to this. The vocal range is merely the span between the highest to lowest notes. What does that make my range and how many octaves/notes is that?? Patrick Page is superb as Hades, his great, growling bass casting a spell on those around him, mixing ferocity and tenderness.
Baritones have the second lowest voice range. Awesome! Let’s say that you are more comfortable to sing higher notes, then, your teacher may classify you as a soprano. I actually have a wide vocal range! David Patrick Kelly vocal range.The range is calculated based on the vocal ranges of the songs performed by the artist. Thanks! My range is e2 – f 5 – G#7 am I alto or soprano , my head voice is very light and my chest voice sounds child like, My highest note c#6 and lowest is Bb3 is that ok I get called a squeaker alot. No I am not a professional singer, however I like to sing and I try to extend my vocal range in my free time at home. My range is from An E below middle C to an E two octaves above middle C (so above the soprano high C). My lowest note is a D3 and my highest I have sung is a B6. I’m 15 years old and I have a range of a2-d4 in chest voice, e4-a4 full head voice(b4 if I warm up and even a belted c5), and a falsetto that ranges from b4-a#5(sometimes a b5 but it’s a little strained). For instance, my range stretches from contralto-mezzo, but i label myself as alto simply because that’s what i prefer. D3 -C5. Why? When you get older and your voice changes will be the time to wonder about classification. Mezzo Soprano, I switch into C5 myself and I’m a mezzo as well, but if you work at it you can used your mixed to reach the C5 and higher. I can go down to C0 in fry voice and up to A8 in whistle register regardless of how well the day is. My falsetto can drop down to an f4. My lowest note is D3 and my highest is A5. I’ve tried to get to a C6 but it’s just a screech!
How old are you? 91% Upvoted. Also when I sing some songs I can hit comfortably a sharp D5? I just took this test and my range was from G2- D5. Press J to jump to the feed.
I have no idea where F#2 (one of my extremes) fits in there.
I could hit the high notes but second guessed myself but was very strong in the low notes. When all the planets are aligned I can hit a C6 but that’s not all the time so my high note is A5. But my lower notes come easier than my higher ones (probably because of lack of training) and I seem to have a bit of a dark timbre hidden somwhere in my voice. I’ve hit an e6 whistle note but it doesn’t really count. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Violet. and each C below goes down (C3, C2, etc.). I used to sing choir in high school I seen the sing sharp app and tried it out. Whichever you enjoy sing most! Idk but when i tested it, my range was f#3 – a5 with chestvoice and mix. Im 24 year old female and my range from high is B4- low G3. I sing second tenor at my high schools choir with a range of F2 to C5. Some vocalists classify them as Sopranos, Altos, etc….
The only thing that really matters is your singing voice , falsetto, and a good scream if you like rock or gospel, which is where you hear that, and sometimes blues.
Male voice my range is F2-D5 and i can go as high as a C6 ( forced what am I categorized as? What’s my voice type. In Patrick Page it has the actor with the deepest voice I have heard.
If so, anyone else noticed that Sing Sharp has a range limit of A1 to A7, as it won’t recognize anything above, or below those ranges? what is the range and what does it called if I’m F#2 – C#6, You need to tell me if that C#6 is head voice, mix voice, falsette, or whistle. How can I increase my range to where I can hit those notes? The cast are more than worthy of praise in their delivery, with a highlight being Noblezada’s stunning vocals and Page’s spine-chillingly deep growl. If you don’t know when that switch happens try singing the ‘ng’ sound from the bottom of your range up and see where it breaks.
Like sing sharp? I love singing high alto though…that’s where my voice excels. I’m a guy and my vocal range is D2-G5# but am more comfortable singing E2-F5#.
-Zeke. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). So I am really confused with that I am. i’m a thirteen year old girl and my lowest is C4 and my highest is C5 what does that make me, *Male voice here* This range is based on my COMFORT range between lowest chest/modal note and highest falsetto note(includes tones below that of the video): G#1-E5
3. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My voice range F2 to C5. Subharmonic G1 – C2 Our core performers – Carney, Noblezada, Page, Gray and De Shields – take on the majority of these duties, crafting expertly conceived performances that blend the power of musical storytelling with sensitively characterised portrayals. u/Epixca. I’m singing a comfortable low note of D3, and a comfortable high note of F5. For example, a man he can has a 2 and 1 1/2 octave range in the full voice and an additional of 1 1/2 octave in falsetto.
I’m a 15 year old male and I have a range of a2-a4(brief/constant b4 if warmed up and and a brief c5 at times). C6-E7 in whistle register and sometimes even G7. Name:Patrick Stump Country:United States Vocal type:Low Tenor Range:3 octaves(F2-C6) Hey,Thanks for this suggestion,I couldn´t imagine create this vocal review and Patrick is a great vocalist!Unfortunatelly I just found the video below as technical video,but it´s enough because who made it,had a great job! For some reason my chest voice doesn’t extend as far as the majority of mezzo sopranos so I always thought I was an alto. My lowest fry note is a G1 my lowest talking voice is C2 highest note I can hit before belting/mix voicing is E4, but I can belt/mix voice to C5. So get someone else to help you find your range to make sure. I have a question regarding vocal range, Pentatonix singer Mitch Grassi supposedly has a vocal range of 6 octaves and 1 tone, from A1 to B7, this seems like a very excessive range to me as Freddy Mercury who was praised for his big vocal range was “only” able to hit F2 to D6, this might be one of those “don’t use the same criteria for popstars and ther singers” kinda things but something seems off as from the chart you have on this page : Soprano: C4 to A5 My lower growls are close to F1. What’s my range? I am a 16yr old boy. is it possible to develop it more…. It’s to give you some ideas on how the vocal range works. My range is D3 – A#6, what’s my range? Sometimes people can sing really high using your whistle voice, but can’t sing in between. I have the same case my lowest is E2 and my highest is C6. Lol, C2 to D4 ( lowest to highest) what does that make me ~ ?
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