In October, 1970, Canada became a country that deploys its military against itself, suspending the rights of accused citizens and conducting sweeping raids to put down an “apprehended insurrection.”, This was deeply contradictory for Canada, in which national unity was brokered rather than won on the battlefield. M. Laporte n’a donc pas été « exécuté » par ses meurtriers, au contraire de ce qu’on a pu lire dans un communiqué écrit de la main du leader de la cellule Chénier, Paul Rose. Simard en a longuement parlé avec le blessé. On October 6, police were guarding public buildings and foreign missions. Pierre Laporte’s widow, Françoise, rejected a state funeral. Il faudra attendre le généticien français Albert Jacquard pour apprendre que nous sommes des êtres différents issus d’une seule et même espèce, l’espèce humaine. The Canadian Press/File. Today, Canada has been haunted for half a century by Laporte’s body in the trunk of a car at a Montreal airport. / It’s only by our lack of ghosts we’re haunted.”. Le message, laconique et sinistre, est ainsi libellé : « Face à l’arrogance du gouvernement fédéral et de son valet Bourassa, face à leur mauvaise foi évidente, le FLQ a donc décidé de passer aux actes. Laporte’s kidnapping and murder, and the hostage ordeal of British diplomat James Cross, suddenly placed Canada squarely in the club of countries whose troubles go all the way down to … 2 Dans un « récit » d’une rare intensité (Le personnage secondaire, Boréal, 2006, p. 231), le documentariste Carl Leblanc rapporte les mots d’une personne qui a eu accès au contenu de la bande enregistrée : « Rose est très énervé, il peste contre Laporte, comme si ce dernier l’avait obligé à passer à l’acte. The next issue of Posted Newsletter will soon be in your inbox. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Later he became a dedicated politician, a great defender of the French language for francophones inside and outside Quebec.
Pierre Laporte, ministre du Chômage et de l’Assimilation, a été exécuté à 6 h 18, ce soir, par la cellule Dieppe (Royal 22e) 4. The legal right to habeas corpus was suspended, and people could be held for seven days with no charge or legal representation. It is a group of Quebec workers who have decided to use all means to make sure that the people of Quebec take control of their destiny.”, The Quebec Liberal Party had won the election the previous April, taking 72 seats in what had been newly renamed the National Assembly. © 2020 Exeter Lakeshore Times-Advance.
The 1970 October Crisis didn’t only take Pierre Laporte’s life. 1 La source la plus fiable est le rapport Duchaîne, p. 140-141. Le reportage du 5 octobre dernier intitulé « La deuxième vie des carrières » m’a beaucoup interpellé, car il soulève des enjeux inhérents à l’aménagement d’anciens sites industriels. As proof he was still alive, it included a sentence directed to Cross’s wife Barbara: “It is now five days since I left and I want you to know darling, that I miss you every minute.” The kidnappers demanded freedom and safe passage to Cuba for 23 convicted criminals. Ce texte est tiré de la troisième édition du livre de Louis Fournier, FLQ. Ils retrouvent l’aîné des frères Rose à l’appartement du chemin de la Reine-Marie. But it seems hard to imagine today anything like the national panic that arose on October 5, 1970, when armed men took British diplomat James Cross, prompting the separatist leader of the newly formed Parti Québécois René Lévesque to call the kidnappers “sewer rats” and anarchists, lest his cause suffer by association. Pierre Laporte was a journalist for many years, exposing the mistakes of the Duplessis government. tap here to see other videos from our team. There is an incipient separatist movement in Alberta, based on similar grievances about exploitation. Il y a un peu plus de dix jours, les élèves de l’École d’éducation internationale de McMasterville, à l’instar d’autres élèves de plusieurs écoles de la Rive-Sud, posaient un geste important. He had joined them, dressed up to go out for dinner as usual with his family, when he was grabbed by two men with guns in nylon masks, wearing gloves and business suits, who took him away in a Chevrolet, according to next day press reports. In October, 1970, Canada became a country that deploys its military against itself, suspending the rights of citizens and conducting raids to put down 'apprehended insurrection', Other things were happening during the October Crisis.
J’ai parlé à Me Jean-François Duchaîne et aussi à Me Robert Lemieux, avant son décès en 2008. Published on: October 3, 2020 | Last Updated: October 5, 2020 8:25 AM EDT. In an exclusive interview with Rosemary Barton, Jean Laporte, son of former Quebec labour minister Pierre Laporte, whose murder 50 years ago by the Front de Libération du Québec sparked the October Crisis, looks back on the events that changed his life and had a profound impact on Canada. Sure enough, a few years later, Canadian history stopped being so boring. Please try again. His work largely follows in the tradition of French chanson, though he is influenced by modern pop music. Code de conduite, L’assassinat de Pierre Laporte n’était pas prémédité, Journaliste retraité et auteur, reporter à la station de radio CKAC durant la Crise d’octobre 70, Pandémies : une perspective multidisciplinaire et internationale, Pour une gestion réfléchie des migrations, Radicalisation et extrémismes violents : ce que dit et fait la science au Québec, Acheter québécois, un moyen de sécuriser l’approvisionnement en médicaments, Charte COVID pour l’adaptation des espaces publics, Redécouvrir les plaisirs d’hiver de proximité, Évitons la médicalisation de la crise de santé mentale. Simard, sans pour autant décrire les circonstances de la mort de Pierre Laporte, écrit dans son livre : « C’est comme si nous mesurions d’un coup, instantanément, à en avoir mal au cœur, combien était grave le geste que nous venions de poser. Registre de publicité électorale| “The long-term impact of the October Crisis was to strengthen the democratic elements within the independence movement in Quebec. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. À l’instigation de leur leader, Paul Rose, sans doute poussé par la grande affection qu’il porte à son frère, les membres de la cellule Chénier assumeront la responsabilité collective de cet assassinat. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize in Literature. La voiture dans laquelle a été retrouvé le corps de Pierre Laporte. On Sunday the 11th, just after 5 p.m., Deputy Premier and Labour Minister Pierre Laporte was at his home on the south shore while his son and nephew played football outside. Dans un domaine-clé comme celui de la production de médicaments, celle-ci n’aurait pas que des bénéfices économiques, mais pourrait aussi solutionner de graves problèmes d’approvisionnement auxquels notre système de santé est confronté.
It was a strategic lesson learned for Quebec separatism, which became increasingly and democratically influential. Pierre Laporte, ministre du Chômage et de l’Assimilation, a été exécuté à 6 h 18, ce soir, par la cellule Dieppe (Royal 22 e) 4. Pierre Lapointe (born 23 May 1981) is a Canadian singer-songwriter.
M. Laporte est séquestré dans la maison de la rue Armstrong à Saint-Hubert, en compagnie de deux de ses ravisseurs, Jacques Rose et Francis Simard. Parce que ce n’est pas recommandé. Seulement, le flou qui règne sur ce qu’il est possible de faire dans l’espace public est paralysant ; combien de temps cela va-t-il durer et que pourra-t-on mettre en place dans les prochains mois afin de conserver un semblant de vie normale ? Ils demandent à des experts en désamorçage d’explosifs de l’armée d’ouvrir le coffre, au cas où il serait piégé. But for Canadians, the early days of October, 1970, were a singular moment, the greatest crisis of identity in two centuries, since the British defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham, the high ground of Canadian national myth. Après avoir abandonné la voiture verte et leur victime près des hangars, ils se rendent à Longueuil, y laissent l’autre véhicule et partent pour Montréal en autobus. Ce raid fut un sacrifice inutile où de nombreux soldats québécois perdirent la vie. The family of Pierre Laporte follow his casket after funeral services for the Quebec labour minister in downtown Montreal in October 1970.
It also strengthened the human rights movement in Canada with the creation of new advocacy groups. Memories were still fresh of Expo ’67, that mid-century festival of optimism at Canada’s official centennial, which took place a short walk from the St. Lambert home of Pierre Laporte, Quebec’s Deputy Premier. Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. En réponse au texte de Gérard Bouchard, « Radicalisation et extrême droite : fossoyeuses de la démocratie », publié le 26 septembre.
En ces temps de perturbation et de détresse, cette journée permet d’en appeler, globalement, à un investissement accru en santé mentale. On en a parlé aux nouvelles, sur les réseaux comme au téléjournal et, dans mon livre à moi, l’affaire fait du bruit. The 50th anniversary of the October Crisis is a chance to reflect on the challenges to that special place Quebec occupies in the national identity, through the prism of this rare moment of violent extremism. October Crisis: The discovery of Pierre Laporte’s body 50 years ago still haunts Canada.
Laporte’s kidnapping and murder, and the hostage ordeal of British diplomat James Cross, suddenly placed Canada squarely in the club of countries whose troubles go all the way down to bedrock, all the way back to a disputed colonial origin. Tuesday the 13th saw Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s famous “Just watch me” line, in reply to a reporter’s incredulity about how far he would go to put down the uprising. But in many other respects the aftermath of the crisis produced disturbing precedents for restricting human rights.”. The failure of insurrection before it began in earnest. British Trade Commissioner James Cross was kidnapped and eventually released.
In the face of Canadian history going back to Confederation, that is not an easy principle to deny.”. Later he became a dedicated politician, a great defender of the French language for francophones inside and outside Quebec. The Parti Québécois had been formed in 1968 and went on to form several governments, in pursuit of sovereignty, as Quebec followed the revolutionary mood of the 1960s by shrugging off the Catholic church’s societal influence. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Histoire d’un mouvement clandestin, publié chez VLB Éditeur.
A diplomat’s kidnappers given safe passage to Cuba, on the far side of a civilizational Cold War wall.
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