Contact PhD candidate Emma Griffiths for more information. Anecdotally the group that is most difficult to access is the 16- to 25-year-old age group. Our student residence in Northam is located within walking distance of the main street. Find out more about Busselton placements by contacting To learn more about The Rural Clinical School of WA, visit A regionally-based research team consisting of a palliative care physician (Assoc Prof. Kirsten Auret), the rural health research fellow (Dr Craig Sinclair), academic GP registrars and research nurses work in collaboration with external researchers, and coordinate projects relevant to the local region. Under the program, students gain valuable hands-on experience, enjoy close mentoring and are more likely to return to rural towns after they graduate. Last Saturday 60 rural students from 22 country towns, including 17 students from Bunbury, graduated from The University of Western Australia’s Medical School. The next step for Kimberley health services is to increase and improve KMMS screening in pregnancy and postnatally, and address identified mental health issues. A four-bedroom spacious house, it comes fully equipped and with internet. Two comfortable and fully furnished student houses are located close to the campus and a six-minute drive from town. Our main administrative hub is in Kalgoorlie, with leaders and other staff situated at multiple sites across the State. Many students in the program get involved with local sporting teams or volunteer their time at charity organisations and emergency services. Family planning in the Western Desert region. Find out more about Bunbury placements by contacting A modern facility, it has an emergency department, obstetrics unit, paediatric unit, acute surgical/medical/psych unit, day surgery unit, and a cancer support and palliative care unit. Broome is one of the most popular placements, and serves as a gateway to the Kimberley region. As with city-based students, those in the program must adhere to rigorous standards and achieve at least comparable results, while gaining increased practical experience. It caters for medical, surgical, paediatric and maternity services, as well as emergency care. Narrogin Hospital services its immediate residents as well as the surrounding towns. Students live in three four-bedroom homes in College Grove, Bunbury, a five-minute walk to the South West Health Campus, and seven kilometres from the town centre. The service has a Chief Executive Officer and is run by a board of local Aboriginal people. As a leading and competitive health education program, only 25% of eligible UWA, Curtin and Notre Dame medical students can participate each year. The committee focuses on mentorship, up-skilling, biostatistical and peer support, allocation of funding, and collegiality. Accommodation is a 10-minute drive from the office and town centre. Derby Regional Hospital, DAHS and The Royal Flying Doctor Service run clinics in remote Aboriginal communities in the West Kimberley and beyond. Find out more about Karratha placements by contacting Contributing factors in this reduced life expectancy are kidney disease and diabetes. The research focus is translational, meaning that in addition to generating new knowledge, the research team is focused on finding practical ways to embed research findings into local policy and practice, to improve the quality of end of life care. The University of Western Australia has welcomed its largest intake of students from rural Western Australia this year into its Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences which will help WA's rural doctor shortage. Contact Research Fellow and PhD candidate Emma Carlin for more information. The hospital provides 40 beds for emergency, obstetrics, general, surgical, palliative, paediatric and psychiatric admissions. Students at this placement will service Bridgetown, Boyup Brook, Balingup and Manjimup all within a 20 min drive. Our student house is a four-minute walk from Esperance District Hospital, the town centre, and a large sporting complex. They will have access to 5 General Practices, Community Health, Aboriginal Health and 3 District Hospitals which between them cover obstetrics, emergency medicine, anaesthetics and an array of regular surgical lists with visiting specialist. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health problem within Australia; accounting for almost $900 million in healthcare expenditure in 2004-05. We are closely linked in with the Great Southern Science Council, and part of excellent science happening in the Great Southern. Students and local volunteers simulate real life crisis situations in Narrogin, including a snake bike, an accident involving a vehicle, a quad bike rollover and a chemical burn. Bunbury Regional Hospital has 103 inpatient beds consisting of six wards: surgical, acute psychiatric, medical, maternity, paediatrics, and a high dependency unit.

The School’s researchers regularly collaborate with Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS), a regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS), providing a collective voice and health support for Kimberley towns and remote communities. There is also a Primary Health Division providing physiotherapy, speech pathology, incontinence care, occupational therapy, dietetics, diabetes care and social work. Our kidney disease research includes looking at risk factors affecting the development of kidney disease, and evaluating health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients on dialysis.

A Kununurra placement gives students the opportunity to see a diverse range of patients, and they may find themselves the very first person to assess them. It has ten members and meets by teleconference every two months. A rural health specialisation focuses less on a specialisation in a particular medical field, and more on exposing students to a diverse range of medical scenarios. The primary prevention of T2DM though lifestyle modification, for people who may have pre-diabetes and for communities in general, is considered to be a beneficial approach. The main focus of the School’s research program in the Great Southern region is in improving the quality of end of life care. Students stay at one of three fully furnished and well-appointed homes within one kilometre of the hospital and offices. Contact Associate Professor Julia Marley for more information on or +61 8 9194 3235. This project will describe the current situation of young-onset diabetes in the Kimberley and identifying best practice screening guidelines for young-onset diabetes in our region. The number of people being diagnosed with young onset diabetes is increasing around Australia, particularly in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander youth. The student house is a 10-minute walk to the town centre. Each of our rural locations includes an administrative and teaching centre with a medical library, internet, computers, printers, photocopiers and video-conferencing equipment.

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