Feed rex begonias once every two weeks during spring and summer using a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer. Begonia Rex Plant Care; Plant Care Houseplants Plants Begonia Rex Plant Care. A Begonia rex needs fast-draining soil.
When you go to cut, make sure the leaf-cutting has three inches of the petiole attached. We recommend only planting one Begonia rex per pot. You want to be careful during this process so you don’t injure the plant’s roots. There is a major downside to spritzing the Begonia rex. All Right Reserved. You’ll want to repeat this process about three days later.
Watering schedules should always be based on the amount of light a plant gets but a good basic guideline is to wait until the top of the soil has dried out; it’s better to wait a little too long than to water too often.
Once fall hits, the plant goes into dormant mode.
Most rex begonias sold today are named hybrids, although they are not always labeled as such. But they’re covered in a cotton-like substance that protects them from outside forces. Rex begonias are grown specifically for their attractive foliage, and are almost exclusively indoor container plants. This means they steal the hydration and nutrition from the plant. Once you see the roots of the plant coming through the pot’s drainage holes, it’s time to re-pot it.
It should have drainage holes.
The roots should be completely covered in soil. One of our favorite methods for creating high humidity is the pebble tray method.
To get bright indirect light, place your Begonia rex in either a north or east-facing window. But they can get pricey.
This is because the leaves are covered in calcium oxalate crystals.
It can affect the animal’s breathing and causing excessive drooling. Rex begonias cannot tolerate “wet feet.”. To treat this disease, start by removing all infected leaves on the plant. are available in many different varieties, including Rex, wax, tuberous and cane-stemmed types. When I first purchased one of these, I was early in my plant journey.
Keep reading for everything you need to know about Rex Begonia care and growing Rex Begonias in your own home.
Or pink with silver edges.
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The original plant came from the country of India. Begonias (Begonia spp.)
This will help make it stand up. You’ll also need to make sure there’s plenty of air circulation. Unlike other houseplants, bigger plant pots are better. The salt from the fertilizer can build up in the soil, causing serious fertilizer burn. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. "mainEntity": [
You can feed Rex Begonias every two weeks or so using a diluted regular balanced houseplant fertilizer during the growing season (Spring through Fall). Growing Rex Begonias Indoors. A regular potting soil should work just fine as a base. Begonia rex plants can easily get mildew or fungal diseases. Feeding your plant monthly during its growing months will keep the leaves looking nice and healthy. Humidifiers allow you to adjust the humidity as needed. Shop online today. You can also use artificial lights with this Begonia. ", The information on this website is not substitute for medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Make sure you sit your plant a few inches away instead of sitting it right under the light.
They need room to spread.
Begonia rex plants are rhizomatous plants. If you’re afraid to damage the roots, you can also use pruning shears for this step. Dip the cut end in a rooting hormone.
The American Begonia Society calls Begonia rex “the showboat of the begonia world.” That may be, but the king begonia, or Begonia Rex Cultorum Group as they are more formally known, may just be my Achilles’ heel: a plant that simply will not thrive for me, however much care and attention I lavish on it. You should avoid freezing temperatures at all times.
It’s important to pay careful attention to your plant so you can fix any problems as they arise. For the healthiest plant, you’ll need to create humidity yourself.
"name": "Is the Begonia rex plant toxic to animals? Pests love hopping from one plant to another.
They also have gorgeous flowers and come in a variety of colors.
If you do this too often, it can create powdery mildew. Tap water is harmful to many plants because of the excess of minerals added to it. It’s also the most common issue you’ll come across.
Like we stated above, Begonia rex plants are prone to mildew and fungi. Here are some other cool Begonia species to check out. Never allow the soil to become soggy! Taking care of houseplants is one of my greatest passions. It needs bright but indirect sunlight and the soil should always be moist. Fading leaves on a Begonia rex is a sign of too much direct sunlight.
And it’s beautiful leaves are sensitive to direct sunlight. We’ll also teach you how to propagate this plant using leaf cuttings. { In worst-case scenarios, it can kill your pet. Tip: Rex Begonias can also be propagated using stem and leaf cuttings.
However, keeping the plant full and happy requires knowing the right conditions.
My Rex has done much better since I moved it from an east windowsill to a wall that’s about 10 feet away from a small south facing window.
Another way to prevent pests is to always remove dead or dying leaves right away. Rex Begonia Care Video.
But you can also propagate this plant through leaf cuttings. Many plant lovers are fooled by a Begonia rex with dry leaves. Ongoing care for your rex begonia includes watering that allows the soil to nearly dry but retain moisture.
Use an organic water soluble houseplant fertilizer once every four to six weeks through spring and summer.
Rex begonias (painted leaf begonias) may not be the easiest plant to grow indoors, but with the proper know-how, you’ll succeed in growing a thriving plant that will add liveliness and color to any indoor space. In worst-case scenarios, it can kill your pet." Spider mites love Begonias as well. Make sure you sterilize the pruning shears with isopropyl alcohol.
Rex begonia care indoors can be a little tricky, but it is certainly possible to grow beautiful specimens if you understand the plant’s needs.
This is an easy method and it doesn’t cost much. The Begonia rex is a gorgeous plant. Try to find an area of the home that has the correct light, temperature and humidity requirements, and leave the plant in place.
If you’d like to learn more about the various ways to multiply this species, have a look at the full Begonia propagation guide. Because it's a relatively short houseplant, Rex begonia is perfect for desks and tabletops where is wildly colorful, variegated foliage makes it a perfect contrast against other houseplants.
When it comes to the Begonia rex, you want to re-pot in a shallow plant pot.
And make sure your plant is always getting bright but indirect sunlight. This means it’s a good idea to keep this species away from chilly windows if you want it to maintain its beautiful foliage year-round. Keep the humidity around rex begonia plants at around 50 percent at all times.
It should sit right under the top layer. Begonia rex-cultorum The Rex or Painted-Leaf Begonias are rhizomatous, clump forming, tender perennials that are only hardy in zones 10-12, so they are normally grown as house plants.
Begonias such as Begonia Rex and Begonia metallica are popular houseplants grown for their attractive foliage or flowers.
The easiest method to turn one Rex Begonia into two (or more) Rex Begonias is by dividing the rhizome. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →. It’s perfect for the Begonia lover. Rex Begonias are popular houseplants and you should be able to find them in most plant stores and garden centers, though keep in mind that with so many different cultivars they might not always be appropriately named. This is me and my Chinese Money Plant.
Lay the Begonia rex plant’s roots on a paper towel. The biggest plant disease you want to avoid from over-watering is root rot. Rex begonia care indoors can be a little tricky, but it is certainly possible to grow beautiful specimens if you understand the plant’s needs. This Begonia creates both gorgeous leaves and flowers. Be sure to use distilled or filtered water when watering or misting your Begonia Rex to avoid build up of sodium and other minerals. Keep reading to find out how to keep your plant healthy, happy, and beautiful. If there are several plants in one pot, they’re going to crowd together. There are two main ways to propagate a Begonia rex. Rex Begonias are known for being a little fussy when it comes to watering, as they do appreciate humidity and a certain degree of moisture but do not respond well at all to excessive amounts of water.
By dividing/propagating plants you can continue to enjoy them throughout the years. They’re available in a variety of leaf sizes, colors, and shapes – all of which have striking foliage. They can stop growing or even go dormant and drop all their leaves if temperatures drop too low (during Fall/Wintertime). Outdoor Begonia Care.
The Begonia Rex is a gorgeous plant, but it commonly gives house plant owners a hard time. If you don’t have the space or money for a humidifier, don’t worry.
If you decide to place your rex begonia on a tray to increase humidity, make sure the bottom of the pot is not sitting in the water, but above it on the pebbles. Houseplants do best when the temperatures range between 60 and 85 °F.
The easiest way to do this is to run a faucet or hose over the roots. Plant rex begonias in a container or hanging basket with drainage holes in the bottom.
Rex Begonia leaves vary considerably in texture, size, shape, patterns and colors. A small infestation isn’t a big deal but once it grows, your plant can be in big trouble. Adding plenty of perlite will help achieve a suitable mix and prevent things from getting too soggy.
The pebbles insure that the roots aren’t sitting in the water causing rot, and as the water evaporates it creates humidity. This makes them easier to work with because they’re easier to see. Be careful not to over-water your plant though.
You can test the moisture with your finger. It’s versatile and fits in with any collection of indoor plants. Keep the humidity around rex begonia plants at around 50 percent at all times.
Make sure you pack the soil tightly around the cutting.
Porous soil allows excess water to drain, instead of holding onto all that unneeded water.
If you decide to place your rex begonia on a tray to increase humidity, make sure the bottom of the pot is not sitting in the water, but above it on the pebbles. The soil should be porous. Cover photo: Blattbegonie (Begonia rex) by blumenbiene, […] buy a ton of different varieties online. This is important to keep the foliage growing healthy, although it is sometimes difficult to achieve indoors.
Once the roots have dried, it’s time to plant them. In my experience, they don’t seem to like having their leaves wet, so I usually mist the stems or around the edges of the pot.
Rex Begonias do best in a relatively warm environment.
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