Find out more at King County Public Health. PO Box 94708, Seattle, WA, 98124-4708 The City will establish a separate fund or account ("City Transportation Fund") to be managed in the sole discretion of the City, considering input from stakeholders affected by the Development Project, and used to fund transportation improvements in the neighborhoods surrounding Seattle Center. The Seattle Women’s Hockey Club recently provided gear and ice time for free to women interested in playing hockey. The Draft EIS is available in two parts: find part one here and part two here. The project will include city permits and approvals for the proposed development as well as a subdivision action. The EIS evaluates probable adverse environmental impacts resulting from the renovation of the Seattle Center Arena. The main elements of the proposal include: a 10,000-square foot new entry atrium at grade to the south of and below the existing arena roofline; 225,000-square feet below-grade expansion for additional seating, circulation areas, and new interiors located within existing landmark exteriors; and 65,000 square feet for below-grade loading dock, vehicular tunnel, and accessory services. On September 28, 2017, the City held a SEPA meeting to hear comments regarding the Seattle Center Arena. On October 5, 2017, the SDC reviewed the pre-concept design for the Seattle Center Arena Development. Phone Alt: 206-684-0379 The City will seek other public and private partners and funding for the purposes of advancing the objectives of the City Transportation Fund, including but not limited to King County and the Port of Seattle.
Happy New Year! The Silvertips made their way back home for a game this weekend and quickly departed for some more road games, Former Vancouver Canucks COO Victor de Bonis will serve as COO, and Ken Johnsen of SOJ Inc. project management will serve as construction executive. In September and October 2017, the public was invited to provide input on topics the EIS should study. Markelle Fultz’ shot form was bad, but was it the worst in the NBA?
Phone: 206-684-8090 The Seattle Design Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and City departments on the design of capital improvements and other projects and policies that shape Seattle's public realm. Who’s the MVP right now? OVG commits Forty Million Dollars ($40,000,000) towards this City Transportation Fund. Address: The NBA is stacked with young talent and Danny Podolsky shares his ranking of the top 25 players younger than 25. Phone Alt: 206-684-0379 Learn more and connect with them here. In the first of a multi-part series, I take a look at potential goalie candidates ahead of the 2021 Expansion Draft. The Everett Silvertips are back from a very long, and quite successful, road trip, Phil is back!!! Learn more here. Any opportunity that comes around where I could become [part of] an ownership group or a front office or anywhere I could just help the team as of right now in my life I would go for it, but who knows what will happen at the end of my career?"
The Seattle Center Arena Renovation Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) was released on April 23, 2018.
The Everett Silvertips are once again riding high atop the Western Conference with no signs of slowing down. The AAMP will identify a range of strategies for all people traveling to and from events at the arena. It doesn’t sound like a 2021 inaugural season is going to deter Seattle from hiring a general manager this summer. Redevelopment of Climate Pledge Arena at Seattle Center will transform a facility built originally for the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair into a world class, state-of-the art city jewel and destination.
The Oak View Group was asked to identify transportation impacts from the Project and multimodal strategies they would utilize through transportation infrastructure, operations, programmatic and transit service improvements to address and mitigate those impacts.
Seattle Arena Project Team Announces Mortenson as General Contractor, Tips Tuesday: Everett rolls to ninth straight victory, Durant wants to be an NBA owner; for Seattle would be 'great story', Meet Mari Horita, the community builder for Seattle’s NHL team, NHL Seattle: A letter to season ticket holders, Seattle could hire a GM as soon as this summer, BREAKING: Seattle will enter the NHL in 2021, Tips Tuesday: New team, new season, same Silvertips. Most improved player? Learn more here. The redevelopment site includes the area surrounding the existing arena as well as the block bounded by 1st Ave N, Thomas St, Warren Ave, and John St. In January, 2017 the City of Seattle issued an RFP for the redevelopment of KeyArena into a world class sports and entertainment facility. An EIS, or Environmental Impact Statement, is prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act. If and when large-scale events are safe for the public to attend, the Climate Pledge Arena (formerly known as Key Arena) at Seattle Center and currently under construction […] Enjoy! The City of Seattle and Oak View Group (OVG) negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to redevelop KeyArena into a world-class arena, ready for professional hockey, basketball, and music. Mobility Transportation Committee meeting agendas: In response to community input thus far on the Seattle Center Arena, the City of Seattle is developing a North Downtown Mobility Action Plan (NDMAP). Address: The plan will build on previous community and transportation planning work, and will identify new actions and prioritize transportation improvements in the neighborhoods of Uptown, Belltown, and South Lake Union.
OED's programs are designed to: attract, welcome, and retain companies in traditional and emerging industries by promoting the advantages of doing business in Seattle, and providing one-on-one assistance to businesses; strengthen neighborhood business districts and support community-based economic development across Seattle, with special emphasis on low-income communities; assist large employers and small businesses to retain and grow Seattle's base of businesses and family-wage jobs; increase apprenticeship and training opportunities to ensure that Seattle will have skilled workers capable of meeting the region's current and future work force needs; and improve customer satisfaction for businesses accessing City services.
700 5th Ave, Suite 5752, Seattle, WA, 98104 All the latest news, updates, and rumors on the possible revitalization of the Seattle Supersonics. The City Transportation Fund will not be made available to OVG to fund mitigation obligations identified as part of the environmental impact analysis (EIS) that will occur under SEPA.
The AAMP will include performance metrics that describe the intended effectiveness of the mitigation, and would also describe a periodic monitoring program to measure its effectiveness.Both the City and OVG want Arena attendees to have a positive experience traveling to and from the venue. The Proposal for renovation of KeyArena will need to take into consideration the possibility of a Controls and Incentives Agreement which will required now that the Landmarks Board designated KeyArena as an historic landmark. A team of more than 30 City employees and external attorneys, financial experts, and arena experts negotiated an MOU with Oak View Group to redevelop the Seattle Center Arena. We're building great things, and we need your talent. The draft AAMP contains strategies to increase the use and attractiveness of transit, walking, and biking, along with traffic and ridehailing management techniques to ensure that people who travel via car effectively navigate to their parking, drop-off, or pick-up location. The City intends to include the Oak View Group in developing the Controls and Incentives Agreement for KeyArena or any portion of the Redevelopment Site. 700 5th Ave, Suite 5752, Seattle, WA, 98104 The applicant for this project is the Oak View Group, and the Lead Agency is Seattle DCI. They did not take an action during that meeting. They provided the project team with several recommendations that should be addressed prior to the next review.
The National Hockey League will meet in Georgia for their winter meetings on Monday and are expected to vote in favor of Seattle expansion the following morning. The mission of the Office of Economic Development (OED) is to help create healthy businesses, thriving neighborhoods, and community organizations to contribute to a robust economy that will benefit all Seattle residents and future generations.
The Oak View Group has today announced that Mortenson will replace Skanska and AECOM Hunt as general contractor for the Seattle Center Arena. NOTE: This document should be downloaded or viewed in Firefox or Internet Explorer to see the proper display. The City Transportation Fund will fund some of the projects identified in the Mobility Action Plan (see below), including projects that may improve network connectivity for people of all ages and abilities to walk and bike, enhance transit service and connectivity, and improve overall traffic management in the Seattle Center area. The company's leadership has more than 30 years experience building and maintaining sports and entertainment facilities around the world. PO Box 94708, Seattle, WA, 98124-4708 Members of the public may submit comments in the following ways: All comments are reviewed equally, regardless of the comment method.
Seattle Design Commission presentation on Seattle Center Arena. After the press release and the first couple of weeks it's straight to work. Rookie of the year? This project includes a new entry atrium, below grade expansion for additional seating and circulation, a below grade loading dock, vehicular tunnel and parking for up to 400 vehicles to be provided below grade. Seattle Hockey Partners hire new COO and construction executive, A podcast about the Sonics' departure from Seattle. As described in the FEIS (Section 4.5.2), Oak View Group (OVG) will work with Seattle Police Department, SDOT, SDCI, King County Metro, and Seattle Center to develop and implement an Arena Access Management Plan (AAMP). The draft AAMP can be downloaded below. The multimodal transportation strategies should comply with the Seattle Comprehensive Plan and Climate Action goals and focus on accommodating trips to and from the Arena while minimizing single-occupancy (SOV) trips and minimizing impacts to Seattle Center, the Uptown Urban Center, and surrounding neighborhoods. Resources & Guidance for Businesses and Workers Impacted by COVID-19, Taageerada Sharciga Kireynta Guryaha ee COVID-19, Apoyo Legal COVID-19 para Contratos de Arrendamiento, Hỗ Trợ Pháp Lý Hợp Đồng Thuê Trong Thời Gian Dịch COVID-19, Outdoor Permitting for Resturants, Food Trucks and Carts, and Retail Stores, IKHTIYAARADA RUQSADA BANAANKA EE AT-A-GLANCE, Un Vistazo A Los Tipos De Permisos Para Los Negocios Al Aire Libre, MADALIANG GABAY SA PAGBIBIGAY NG PANLABAS NA PERMIT, TÓM TẮT VỀ CÁC PHƯƠNG ÁN CẤP PHÉP SỬ DỤNG KHÔNG GIAN NGOÀI TRỜI, Return to Work Information for Small Business Employers Impacted by COVID-19, በ COVID-19 ለተጎዱ አነስተኛ ንግድ አሠሪዎች ወደ ሥራ መመለስ መረጃ, COVID-19 영향을 받은 중소 기업 고용주를 위한 업무 복귀 관련 정보, Ku Noqo Macluumaadka Shaqada ee Loo-shaqeeyayaasha Ganacsiga Yar Yar ah ee ay Saamaysay COVID-19, Información para Empleadores de Pequeños Negocios Afectados por COVID-19 Sobre Como Regresar al Trabajo, Thông Tin Trở Lại Làm Việc Cho Chủ Doanh Nghiệp Nhỏ Bị Ảnh Hưởng Bởi COVID-19, Legacy Business Program Frequently Asked Questions, Small Business Tenant Improvement Fund Pilot, Frequently Asked Questions for Food Businesses, Prepared and Secured—Tips for keeping your business safe, Only in Seattle Frequently Asked Questions, 2020 Career Connected Learning Grants Awardees, Mayor's Youth Employment Initiative Partners 2017, Find out more at King County Public Health, Seattle Center Arena Design Open House – Saturday, Oct. 28, STATEMENT RE: KeyArena Proposal from SODO Arena Group, The City of Seattle Launches Arena Community Advisory Group, More than $1 billion in combined investments proposed by developers competing to renovate KeyArena, Mayor Murray Announces Arena Advisory Panel, 700 5th Ave, Suite 5752, Seattle, WA, 98104. Stay up-to-date on the redevelopment process of the Seattle Center Arena.
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