Leaving after deeming their mission a failure, the Supreme Dalek left the Special Weapons Dalek to kill the test subject, but the facility was destroyed by Ace's Nitro-9 before it could, the explosion also freeing the Kar-Charratans. (AUDIO: Persuasion) However, after being saved from one of the Eight Legs by the Eighth Doctor, he became determined to enjoy every minute of his current incarnation.
However, few indicators are absolute. To this end, he began to monitor interstellar communications across thousands of worlds, from the wireless communications of a multitude of law enforcement organisations to the private correspondence of governments and the criminal underworlds. After he had been driven insane, the Doctor was found by Mel, who helped him restore his mind and sanity. The Doctor learned that Elizabeth Klein had confiscated the Other Doctor's TARDIS to force him to help UNIT fend off the dimensional escapees, and pleaded to use a dimensional node in Klein's possession to close up the breach, but was refused. The Doctor edits his more "useless" memories in Timewyrm: Genesys, which can explain anything he's forgotten from previous incarnations and adventures. As the Doctor and Mel investigated, Kroagnon became concerned, and transplanted his disembodied mind into the Chief, going on a murderous rampage through the complex. Presumed dead, the pair arrived at what appeared to be an island psychiatric facility and met CP Doveday, a poet who claimed to live on the island, who took them to the person in charge. The timeline given in the Doctor Who Magazine article Stripped for action? (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad), After his regeneration stabilised, the Doctor took to carrying around an umbrella as part of his day-to-day outfit, using them as physical props, usually to disarm and trip opponents, The Doctor manipulated events so that Ulrik would time travel once more and sent the Daleks after him, knowing that the Sixth Doctor would defeat them. (AUDIO: Kingdom of Silver), In search of fluid links for his TARDIS, the Doctor travelled to the Easto Cluster and landed at a Reclaim Station, where he and the mechanic, Two'Mark, were approached by a small robot who recognised the Doctor. After his possession was rescinded he cured Benny his body disintegrated. After defeating the creature, the Doctor bid goodbye to his friends in the commune, vowing to return. Although the cancellation of the series at the end of Season 26 prevented further on-screen exploration of this arc, it was later given full rein in the Virgin New Adventures novel series. 1. (TV: Dragonfire, Remembrance of the Daleks), Influenced by his predecessor's decision to let his morality and scruples die with him in his final moments, (AUDIO: The Brink of Death) the Seventh Doctor actively sought out villains to vanquish and dictatorships to dethrone, as opposed to his previous incarnations, who would stumble upon trouble by happenstance, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Happiness Patrol) and was much less forgiving than his preceding incarnation. 11 . Realising that the site was the locale of a temporal volcano, the Doctor went back to 24 December 1935, where he rescued Mel and the Gregson family, but was forced to leave Michael behind. (, After the original series ended, Sylvester McCoy and, McCoy also parodied his version of the Doctor in the. (AUDIO: The Light at the End), In an alternative timeline, the Doctor was able to save Jan Rydd and his fellow Travellers on Heaven in 2570, and, in yet another alternative timeline, was beheaded by an Ice Warrior on Peladon in 3985. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors), The Doctor could levitate off the ground whilst in meditation (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) deliberately lower his intelligence, (PROSE: Parasite) identify blood samples by taste, (PROSE: Bad Therapy) pilot a helicopter, (PROSE: Eternity Weeps) and crack a safe by listening to the turns of its dial. After getting an audience with a Dalek clone of Schalk, the Doctor and Klein concluded that the Daleks were still hidden on Azimuth, only and the Doctor revealed to Klein that there was a blood connection between her and Schalk, prompting her to ask him to take her to 1945 to discover the truth, just as Will returned and told them about a man called "Father" that wanted a meeting with the Doctor. After many years, he completed the formula, but betrayed the Daleks at the last moment, exposing them and himself to the sickness, though, refusing to regenerate, he managed to escape back to his TARDIS, where he was healed.
In the end, Death took the Master and, as punishment for not holding up his end of their bargain, sent the Doctor away take the place of an assassin and murder an innocent in cold blood.

However, en route to Gallifrey, the Master escaped from his casket in the form of a Deathworm Morphant and damaged the inner workings of the TARDIS console, forcing the TARDIS to make an emergency landing in San Francisco on 30 December 1999. Whilst Benny discovered a ruined citadel, the Doctor realised that a group of humans had also been drawn to the planet by the Flicker and witnessed the arrival of Sheldukher, an infamous criminal in search of the Highest Science, alongside a genetically engineered super intellect nicknamed the Cell. The fake Doctor explained that Nimrod used DNA samples from the real Sixth Doctor to create clones, in an attempt to learn the secrets of regeneration, though, like his two "brothers" before him, the clone was rapidly deteriorating. Shortcuts < Previous > Next. Following the funeral of Ace's friend Julian Milton, the Doctor brought the TARDIS to 2570 Heaven, where the pair became friends with a group called the Travellers. (AUDIO: Prisoners of Fate), The Valeyard offered to tell the Sixth Doctor of his next incarnation, whom he claimed was filled with "plots and schemes," all to win a game "that was never his to win."

Following their adventure, Hex joined the Doctor and Ace in their travels. (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor) The Eleventh Doctor described his seventh incarnation as "probably one of [his] more circumspect periods." (COMIC: The Forgotten), Attempting to "wean himself off" his umbrella, the Doctor took to carrying a walking-cane as his reign as Time's Champion drew to an end. (AUDIO: Daleks Among Us), Info from The Two Masters, Peaceable Kingdom, The Celestial Harmony Engine, The Eight Doctors, Clean-up on Aisle Two & The Hunting of the Slook needs to be added. (PROSE: White Darkness, No Future, Sanctuary, The Also People), The Doctor would routinely answer any query as to his health with a biffed back claim to be "fine",[source needed] and often told others that "monsters" feared him in their "nightmares". But, the Kiseibya, after decimating the Dalek forces, quickly became uncontrollable, and the Doctor planned to blow up the base and slaughter the Kiseibya himself, but Beth Stokes, a former prisoner of the Daleks, chose to take his place, staying behind to finish the job. However, the Doctor could not bring himself kill the Master as he was enjoying his second chance at life, only for the Master's housekeeper to reveal herself as Death, who the Doctor made another deal after witnessing Victor killing Jacqueline: if the Master could make the right decision, then he would be free. The Doctor tried to help, but was forced to escape alone, leaving the people of Artaris to die in the explosion. He actually shares the same hair piece as. Landing in 2020s Liverpool, the Doctor informed Hilda Schofield of her grandson's death and organised a wake for him. claims that the Seventh Doctor picked up Peri and Frobisher sometime before COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell, and in an unknown adventure Peri left the Doctor to live with Yrcanos. (PROSE: Head Games), The Master described the Seventh Doctor on one occasion as a "tiresome little man with [an] umbrella".

(TV: Silver Nemesis), While travelling in the TARDIS, the Doctor received "junk mail" advertising the Psychic Circus. Taking the time to clean out the dimensionally transcendental pockets of his former self's patchwork coat, he sat down to sort the contents of several lifetimes, organising them into two piles, of what was useful and what was not. Sorsha plotted to take revenge against the Doctor for leaving him stranded on Sharnax, but the Doctor defeated him, and departed from the empire. Have You Tried Turning It Off and Then Back On Again? They joined the frog-like Travellers, a tribe who lived on the Epajaenda, in a bid to regain the rights to their home world from a businessman called Abraham-Derris Cuthbertson. started wearing it again through numerous adventures, (COMIC: The Good Soldier, Metamorphosis) until he gave it to Joan Redfern. He's also seen removing his more "useless" memories in PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys, explaining errors in continuity he makes. Will returned with the Shepherd, who threatened to kill them all, but Klein used the power of the machine to kill the Shepherd, dying in the process. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet).

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