Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). You can wire the details to my brother in New York. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). What made you want to look up wire? wire (wīr) n. 1. a. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. controversy over the extent to which human violence is, The flowers were bound together with thin, Let cool on the baking sheets for 10 minutes, then transfer to a, Pat each piece dry with a paper towel, and place, not touching other pieces, on a, The program showed me an increasingly complex set of three-dimensional structures, with bundles of ribbon, corkscrews, and, Let cool slightly, then use a spatula to transfer the pies to a, Place the pork fat side up on a rack set inside a large roasting pan (or use a, For the next three renovation phases, NEISD’s design team proposed more classrooms, network laboratories where students will learn to, By registering at the IRS' site, people can give their bank account information to the tax agency, which will then, Cool cookies on the baking sheets for 5 minutes, then use a spatula to transfer them to, By the fourth night back, a half dozen customers lined up at the counter, separated from Masud and his staff by new plastic shields, to, During his time at both papers, Al has held numerous jobs ranging from copy editor to.
Accessed 15 Oct. 2020. the (system of) wires used in connecting up a circuit, a material with wide mesh woven of wire, used in fencing, He was wholly absorbed in the making of a nondescript machine, a sort of crude harmonica with a clock-spring reed, a magnet, and a, There was one of the odd-looking machines in each room, so it appears, and the two were connected by an electric, And they say (the starry choir And all the listening things) That Israfeli's fire Is owing to that lyre By which he sits and sings - The trembling living, Bring with you the three fat goats, the new sleeping mat, and the piece of copper, Among the other things which I sent to Innes was over five hundred miles of double, insulated, Upright pipes, serving as stanchions, were being screwed into the top of the Arangi's rail so that they served to support three strands of barbed, He was forced to write, but he sought to make his reply as casual as was possible without being offensive: he begged her not to, Frightened and mutinous, nevertheless the monkeys were compelled to perform by being tied to their seats and instruments and by being pulled and jerked from off stage by, I ridiculed the assumption that there was an inner world and that these, "Mac got a wire from Milly that Uncle Tim was dead", "It is plausible that the basic organization of grammar is wired into the child's brain". Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Learn more. Post the Definition of short-winded to Facebook, Share the Definition of short-winded on Twitter. Build a city of skyscrapers—one synonym at a time. before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a, 15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1, Middle English wir, wyre, going back to Old English wīr, going back to Germanic *wīra-, whence Middle Low German wire "flexible metal, filigree," Old Norse vír-, in víravirki "filigree work," and (with presumed lowering of ī to ē2 before r) Old High German wiara, wiera "fine gold, ornament of gold filigree," going back to a nominal derivative with a suffix -r- from Indo-European *u̯ei̯H- "plait, wrap," whence Latin vieō, viēre "to plait, weave," Old Church Slavic poviti "to wrap up, bind," Lithuanian výti "to twist," and probably to Sanskrit vyayati "(it) covers, envelops," vīta- "covered, hidden", Middle English *wiren (in past participle y-wyred), derivative of wyr, wire wire entry 1.
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