Retrospective survey of all pregnancies between 1/8/2016 and 31/12/2016 in a large teaching hospital in the United Kingdom was performed to identify factors which affect outcome. A small prospective cohort investigation into traction force, using the clinicians in one unit. University Maternity Hospital Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Enter main doors to the hospital, enter the first door on your left. Evidence is lacking for the 70% who deliver without epidural. We will present our results outlining the ‘normal’ and’ maximal’ forces applied and will confirm how they relate to data presented by Dennen. These figures when compared to similar larger data sets internationally show that there is a significantly increased rate of caesarean section in this population group: 49.1–60.6% (Marshall et al, 2010; Crane et al, 2013). Routine monitoring processes uncovered 233 temperature deviations outside the recommended range of 2–8°C across 84% (16/19) of active sites, leading to suspension of recruitment in October 2017. St Thomas Midtown Hospital. The majority of cases documented monitoring by blood counts, vaginal swabs, and ultrasound. To explore women's and obstetric and gynaecology (O&G) healthcare professionals’ views on the acceptability, feasibility, and preferences for VR distraction therapy within O&G. Midwives practice within the normal childbirth paradigm. Where a ‘Golden Caesarean’ was identified the mean time of sending was 27 minutes earlier. We aimed to review the processes and outcomes of induction of labour at our trust. A total f 247 questionnaires were completed (90 obstetric and 157 gynaecology). A total of 413 women were transferred to theatre and 80.4% (95%CI 76.6–84.2%) had OVD and 19.6% (95%CI 15.8–23.4%) had CS. Number of pregnancies in the period was 49,512 after exclusions of miscarriage, TOP of pregnancy, unrecorded BMI, analyses included 48,843 cases. 13% women required intrapartum antibiotics. Primary repair of OASIS is usually performed in the immediate postpartum period by a trained obstetrician following recognition. To audit issues discussed and attendance of relevant disciplines at handover. We aimed to review the induction of labour process to identify how it could be improved and to identify factors which influence outcomes. Eight of these women subsequently miscarried, 2 transferred care, 1 had medical termination for severe abnormalities, and 32 pregnancies delivered at our hospital. Regardless of gestation patients received similar units RCC (5.7 ± 5.4 units versus 6.7 ± 4.9 units; P = 0.3). Much of the literature is based only on case reports, most of which describe delivery by bilateral low transverse caesarean section. Management of this woman was consistent with numerous published case reports worldwide on prolonging inter‐twin delivery interval. Staff and patient surveys were performed to evaluate experience. 5 To conduct a national survey followed by three focus groups: of obstetricians/senior trainee obstetricians; women who have experienced a second‐stage CS and primiparous women to determine the acceptability and feasibility of the planned RCT.. 1Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust., Birmingham, UK; 2Institute of Applied Health Research, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK, Birmingham, UK; 3Hospital General de Granollers, Barcelona, Spain. At six months, MBL was performed in 93% of elective CS, 99% emergency CS, 90% instrumental deliveries, and 76% SVDs. The majority of respondents reported lack of consistency in handover as information provided depended on the people involved most of the time 36% (14) or always 31% (12). The uterus and cervix could thus be excised and the vault closed. 83% (n = 25) were offered IOL at the correct gestation. The subgroup of super‐morbid obese (BMI of >50) and morbidly obese have a 3X higher risk of having a caesarean and 40% need medical induction, with a 4X times higher rate of PPH OF >1000 ml. Researchers should carefully consider using routine processes to ensure compliance with regulations surrounding packaging, distribution, and storage of investigational medicinal products. As a group, 54% sustained a PPH > 500 ml and 21% >1500 ml. 1Newham University Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK; 2Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK. This audit shows that we have over twice the number of extremely obese women delivering compared to the UKOSS study. Implementation of a digital system identified triage and waiting times, minimised duplication, and allowed for robust ongoing quality improvement. The risk of MOH is higher in preterm pregnancies; these women are more likely to have caesarean delivery and longer hospital stay. Reasons for emergency CS included pathological CTG (2/9), failure to progress (2/9), malpresentation (2/9), APH (2/9), and previous CS in early labour (1/9). No IOLs of truly LGA babies were delivered via a normal vaginal delivery after 39 weeks. The patient was managed conservatively with close monitoring for signs of chorioamnionitis. There was an overall high vaginal delivery rate with low maternal and neonatal complications. 1The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 2Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK. Lockley S , Musa R , Joyce E , Buruiana F , Srinivasan M. Vaginal breech deliveries are high‐risk events and as such it is especially important to council these patients clearly on modes of delivery and to ensure that RCOG standards are complied with carefully. A comprehensive and systematic review of the literature. Unscheduled and scheduled pathways were characterised and optimised. 1Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 2Newcastle upn Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. A total of 143 cases of MOH occurred: a rate of 0.16%. Following IOL, CS rates were 30.6% (n = 72%) in primiparous women and 8.3% (n = 21) in multiparous women, compared to overall unit rates of 33.4% and 32.8%, respectively. There is no justification to discourage CSMR on financial grounds. An intervention consisting of two 20‐minute staff education sessions was conducted, and relevant literature was provided to staff. Future mode of delivery was discussed in 6.9% of women following primary CS. Nevertheless, negative attitudes to CSMR and its cost remain common. We implemented the coloured role lanyards used in trauma to ensure patients could identify their caregivers. Among 273 RhD‐negative mothers, there were 168 (61.5%) RhD‐positive fetuses, and 105 (38.5%) RhD‐negative fetuses. Traction force was measured with forceps applied to the fetal head. This was most notable with junior doctors and student midwives; they felt safer and were less anxious about being given inappropriate tasks in an emergency. The aim of this study was to understand risk factors for PPH of 1500 ml or more. All eligible women were identified using electronic hospital records and information was collected about demographic characteristics and delivery outcomes. We report contemporaneous risk factors for PPH, which can inform discussion on management and place of birth. Of the 335, 105 patients who had a LSCS (31.5%) were included in the audit. Of 105, 73 (68.9%) patients were not in labour, 14 (13.2%) had spontaneous onset, and 18 (17%) had induction of labour. Development of a value proposition clarified the purpose of MAU for staff and women, enabling staff to be SMART in their actions and implement change. Trusts/boards were excluded if blood loss was recorded for <80% of births. Get Well, New Baby and Hospital Gift Shop items are what we do best. The median age was 29 years and the mean BMI at booking was 40.7 kg/m2. Of the 25 Category 2 sections, 22 were women with no previous section. Retrospective data collection of women having IOL from April to June 2018 at MEHT. Childbirth‐related perineal trauma, either spontaneously or episiotomy, occurs in approximately 70–80% of vaginal births. O'Heney J , MacSwan R , Hashi A , Howard R, Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Romford, Essex, UK. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. ‘Golden Caesarean’ was implemented for Monday caesarean lists from March 2018. We undertook a multidisciplinary, integrated, trust‐wide care redesign programme (CRP) to transform care pathways to improve unscheduled care by addressing waiting times, situational awareness, safety and quality of care, and patient flow. Telephone interviews of 30 women and 31 clinicians from 13 Trusts were audio recorded with consent and transcribed verbatim. Consideration was needed for the management of pain, positioning in labour, and choice of drugs, for any interventions. An increasing number of women are undergoing induction of labour at our University teaching hospital as part of the initiatives to improve neonatal outcomes (36% women in 2017). Your IP: The participants who anonymously completed the survey were 71 obstetricians. BMI was divided as per WHO classification. Patient responses were universally positive with all stating they could identity staff clearly in emergency and non‐emergency situations. Gamblin H 1, Munteanu A 1, Crudace M 2, Hinshaw K 1,2, Joyce T 2, 1City of Sunderland Hospitals, Sunderland, UK; 2Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. In 1989, Dennen suggested the maximal force should not exceed 200 Newtons for primigravidae. Other variants such as parity and gestation at which IOL was commenced continue to significantly impact mode of delivery and IOL appeared to have little significant impact on mode of delivery for normal birthweight centiles. Immersive virtual reality (VR) technology is a non‐pharmacological, non‐invasive method with the potential to minimise pain, anxiety, and stress in these settings. Cervical dilatation subsequently resolved. Incidence is 1:100,000, and inheritance can be either AR or AD. Third‐degree tears are rarely detected at this stage; therefore, limited data exist to guide optimal management in this particular situation. Standards were based on ‘ideal’ perceived patient flow through the pathway and guidelines. Despite the known morbidities associated with perineal wound infection and dehiscence, the use of interventions to reduce the incidence of healing complications is unexplored. The total number of women included was 18,536. We will conduct a multicentre prospective two‐arm parallel cluster randomised controlled trial, with internal pilot and feasibility evaluation and parallel economic modelling. Results are presented as percentages and 95% confidence interval. Senior advice should be sought when additional blood loss is noted during delivery due to increased risk of MOH.

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