- we'll pass your stories to the people in health and social care who can make a difference. Use this page to find stories people have written about this service. Chair of Health and Social Care Select Committee promises ‘root and branch’ review of maternity safety, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. This is unacceptable.”. All my experience is pretty out of date but on the whole St Thomas' was bloody great for ante-natal stuff (DS1 and 2 were fairly stressful pregnancies - lots of bleeding and scans and the MW were fantastic) Immediate Post natal care though was absolutely dire - after my experiences with DS1 I made sure I was discharged asap.
Not that I'll be staring out at the view much. And I went from being a 1:116 risk (deemed 'high risk' - but it wasn't the numbers that scared me; the sonographer talked to me as if my baby had already been diagnosed with genetic illnesses aplenty and was, actually, really already dead) to somewhere in the 1:3500 risk. (I have a driving license, I'm now planning to take refresher driving lesson and will hopefully get a car soon!) It sounds like both are good hospitals and glad to hear that you all were generally happy with your experience.Given my scan is next week and my next MW appointment is not till end of March, I shall think about it after my scan and see if I want to stick with Tommies, or try to get myself transferred to Kings. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Location. Dear all, thanks for sharing your experience with me! Due to a not so pleasant experience with my old GP during my first appointment and consequent emergency call, I considered going private up until I had my first appointment at the midwife house. Anonymised respondent level data will be made available via the UK Data Archive in due course.. At the end of the day, what really happens is that you're happy with the place you're in. The view is good though and the home-from-home centre which they wouldn't let me use looked fab.I've heard fairly mixed things about Kings but I've only experience with the Dental Hospital part myself so can't really comment. Been going to King's and for now (DS still hasn't come out, 40+2 today!) Asked the MW there if I could have my MW appointment at somewhere more accessible by train / tube / at Tommies she said all patients coming from other boroughs all go to that health centre.I'm still not sure if I want to change hospital, partly because I've already had scan arranged, and appointment arranged with a consultant, don't know if I'd mess things up by switching hospital mid-wayargh... what should I do? Dr Edward Morris, president of the RCOG, said: “While the majority of outcomes for pregnant women and their babies are positive, sadly in a small number of cases women and their babies do not receive high-quality care.
Thanks all, In answer I had a very traumatic vg birth but had to use forceps as she was discovered to be the wrong way round at the last minuteBut I always felt in safe hands. and when you needed pain relief / medical attention did you have to wait for long? They don't want you there too early, with baby 1 I … It will examine whether the clinical negligence process needs to change, in addition to the wider aspects of a “blame culture” in the health service and its effects on medical advice and decision-making. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. My friend booked at tommies and paid privately to have the scan they give you routinely at kings. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. I had my baby in kings and thought it was great They also looked after my dd in neo natel for 2 weeks as she was early, Kings!I had DS there and the care was fantastic.
The rescan showed a .5mm difference (lower) in the nuchal fold measurement. I can't spell the profs name, I'll have a look on google! They were trying to determine if by having accurate measurements of the mother they could determine the baby's outcome, control them and from that information stop stillbirths. I meant all 3 routine scans were excellent, I'm feeling a bit sleep deprived and not very coherent at the mo, OK now I'm confused (but it's past my bedtime, so it could well be me, not you).Your friends was with Tommies but they didn't offer her a 12-week-scan?
This week, The Independent revealed one of the largest single payouts for clinical negligence, with £37m paid to one family to provide lifelong care for their son after he was left brain damaged because of errors during his birth at London’s Guys and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust. Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change Another vote for Kings here. I had a very high risk pregnancy at St Thomas's which ended with an elective caesarean (Dec 2010). Tommies gets my vote - was with them for my last pregnancy when things went dreadfully wrong and I have never encountered such kind, warm, thoughtful and respectful people as the professional staff there. I have heard good things for Tommies too but I think you should go for the local one (even though you want a HB). “This inquiry is an important step to doing just that. Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust has been forced to pay out more than £30m after admitting failings of maternity care led to a boy needing round-the-clock care for the rest of his life. I should have asked for a rescan, too, but this being my first it didn't occur to me that she might have made an error on it.So I decided to stick there. “Most of all, we must continue to learn from mistakes, improve services and support women and their families who have suffered. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? And say if I were to give birth at Tommies, how would post natal care work? I know it shouldnt matter but I'd rather see the river than Denmark Hill any day, too (no offense meant Denmark Hillians). “This maternity safety inquiry we’re launching today is going to look root-and-branch at how effective and safe our maternity services are, what we do well and what we need to improve to be the safest and highest quality maternity care in the world.”. She had it done at a private clinic, the scanning dept at tommies recommended it to her as an option when her 12 week scan showed a high risk of downs. Other services from St Thomas' Hospital.
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