", "I'm good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet. 58 episodes (6 series), 2012 - 2017. Baladi will pop up in Pontyberry playing an English lawyer called Michael Jackson. Stella apologizes to Michael for past insults and they agree to a truce. New job. It's an honest, unique and a refreshingly rare bit of fun". 2. With both Rob and Sean gone from her life Stella, her hair now dyed blonde, is concentrating on training to become a nurse. Things are going well for Emma with her divorce from Sunil getting nearer to finalization and she enjoys herself at the hair-dressers' awards evening, meeting Nicky Clarke and getting ever closer to Marcus. Things seem to be going along nicely for Stella with Michael, including a family outing, but sadly Katie's irresponsible actions land her in A and E. Stella and Michael rush to her bedside but so does Jan, who is not complimentary about her husband's child-care. Michael moves to the valleys and the house next door to Stella after an acrimonious divorce has caused him to have to downsize his lifestyle. Stella treats Michael for a bloody nose at the hospital. Filming on the third series of Ruth Jones comedy drama Stella is now underway. Running the undertakers on their own Daddy and Bobby find themselves over-whelmed with bodies and Alan finds it hard going at the Blubber ... Stella treats Michael for a nose bleed but there is still no love lost between the couple after Michael catches Ben in his house looking for cigarettes - which leads to a trade-off in insults. Elsewhere Emma prepares for her interview at a high class hair salon and Alan is ... To revive her flagging sex drive Stella invests in hormone replacement therapy, which certainly takes it up a few notches, even leading to an erotic dream about presenter Jonathan Ross. After initial hesitation Stella agrees and proves herself to be rather an asset on the night. Producer David Peet adds: "We're over the moon that Patrick is joining the cast of Stella for Series 3. Aunty Brenda meanwhile is appalled when her wayward daughter Verv returns from her travels round the world though Verv's old flame Yanto - or Doggy Man as she calls him - is certainly pleased that she is back. Aunty Brenda puts on a panto and Emma has a life changing decision to make. First broadcast: Friday 7th February 2014. First broadcast: Friday 24th January 2014. Ben is suspended from school. Patrick Baladi says: "Miss Jones is a brilliant writer of character, warmth and wit and I'm delighted to be part of the show. Stella's nursing skills are put to the test after she accidentally shuts Michael's hand in his car bonnet. The siblings do not get on which causes extra work for Daddy and Bobby arranging the funeral and trying to keep them from coming to blows. In-depth Guide. Stella is a family saga starring Ruth Jones in the titular role as a mum juggling the demands … The episodes will be on Sky1 in 2014, with a Christmas special also planned for December 2014. For Luke, on the buses, life is not getting any better as he realizes what Zoe has been doing behind his back. Stella, however, has less cause to be happy as, following Katie's accident, Jan has suggested that they give their marriage another try and that Michael returns to Chichester with her. There is no sexual chemistry, or even good will, between Stella and Michael, after an argument over wheelie-bins and seeing the Brennigs across the way hosting a donkey in their house leads Michael to believe he has come to a village of madmen. senior armory technician (3 episodes, 2010) Ben Grogan ... assistant production coordinator (3 episodes, 2010) Matthew Milan ... set production assistant: Los Angeles (3 episodes, 2010) Stuart Morrice ... on set production assistant (3 episodes, 2010) Camille Russell … Stars Ruth Jones, Patrick Baladi, Craig Gallivan, Catrin Stewart and others. Or could new neighbour Michael become the new apple of her eye? However he is not happy when he learns about Emma's affair with Marcus and gives her an ultimatum. First broadcast: Friday 14th February 2014. Life is as eventful as ever for Stella. Big Alan also has romance on his mind as he invites Celia out for dinner. Life is as eventful as ever for Stella. 58 episodes (6 series), 2012 - 2017. Sky One comedy drama set around a community in Wales. Stars Ruth Jones, Patrick Baladi, Craig Gallivan, Catrin Stewart and others. First broadcast: Friday 28th February 2014. She has a new neighbour, lawyer Michael Jackson, a divorced man whose ex-wife has custody of their daughter, and their initial meeting is not of the sunniest. New look. With a fresh start in Chichester on the cards, will Michael see the error of his ways before it's too late. At least Luke is released without charge and reconciles with Zoe as their baby is born. The episodes will be on Sky1 in 2014, with a Christmas special also planned for December 2014. When Michael finds his water has been cut off Stella lets him use her shower, giving her an eyeful in the process, but, thanks to Ben and his baseball and a broken window, the truce is extremely fragile. Alan is also feeling rather awkward after turning down Celia's suggestion that she spend the night with him whilst the business partnership between Aunty Brenda and Dai Davies turns into rivalry as to the best way... After Stella wakes up in bed with Michael she determines that, given her recent track record, the relationship should not be purely carnal and she imposes a sex ban so that they can get to know each other as friends. It's Christmas in Pontyberry and Stella is looking forward to spending her first Christmas with Michael. Episode One. The rivalry between Aunty Brenda and Dai as to who is top dog at the coach company comes to a head when, after a double booking, she stages a strike whilst Alan prepares to spend the money left to him by his mother - even though it is uncertain that he has any. As he tries to adjust to valley life he soon becomes inextricably linked to Stella's household. Meanwhile Aunty Brenda and Dai launch their bus service, starting with a trip to Castle Cook for the special needs children - as opposed to a pensioners' day out- and Daddy and Bobby, tired of the stress they have recently been put under, decide that the undertakers will cater for a better class ... Whilst keeping the hormones at bay by reading a sexy novel Stella finds that she and Michael are getting ever friendlier, especially when she bandages his hand, having accidentally shut it in his car bonnet.
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