The series was created by the Duffer Brothers, who are also executive producers along with Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, and Iain Paterson.. Officer Callahan is growing on me xoxo #StrangerThings2 @Stranger_Things, by Alessia Santoro Callahan was present when Hopper questioned Earl about Benny. By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR.
$3.00. Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter. 3 hours ago, by Mekishana Pierre
The hit Netflix series is serving up eight brand new episodes which continue the story of a select group of people living in the sleepy town of Hawkins, IN, in 1985 who must fight creatures from an alternate dimension and stop them from taking over the town
2 hours ago, by Maggie Ryan Stranger Things Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The officers continued their search at the quarry. Hopper wondered if the kid Earl witnessed was possibly Will with a buzz cut.
The next day, Callahan went to the Hawkins Post and spoke to the Chief editor Tom Holloway (who had become flayed) about the matter and left before Tom called Nancy and Jonathan into his office and fired them. He also had a habit of overstepping personal boundaries, especially when it came to personal relationships.
When Troy's mom arrives at the police station, enraged and complaining about how "a psychotic child" broke her son's arm, Callahan sassily reminds her that it was simply "a lil' girl, Chief, a lil' one." Hopper then urged Callahan to call Flo in order to organize a search party. 2 hours ago, by Macy Cate Williams Callahan accompanied Hopper to Hawkins Middle School where they questioned Mike, Lucas, and Dustin about Will's disappearance. Officer Callahan now sports a freshly grown "police style" mustache. 2 hours ago, by Macy Cate Williams
Callahan said he could make the jump, recounting how George Burness had survived while drunk for a bet.
Callahan was present at the scene when what was assumed to be the body of Will Byers was retrieved from the quarry. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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Phil Callahan is a police officer at the Hawkins Police Department. When Mike mentioned Mirkwood, Hopper asked Callahan if he had ever heard of it, to which he responded that it seemed made up.
Creeped out by the scene, Callahan asked Nancy and Jonathan, who had found the elderly lady in this state, what was the significance behind it all. $3.00. As Hopper spoke with Jonathan and Nancy in his office, a woman came to the station in order to report that her son's arm had been broken by a “psychotic child.” As Callahan and Powell questioned her, they got into an argument, with her believing that they were humiliating her son. 15 hours ago. As Callahan stood next to the cliff's edge, Hopper advised him to back away. When they arrived, they urged Callahan to remove Jonathan's handcuffs. Callahan wondered if Will had possibly fallen off his bike and gotten hurt, but Hopper thought this as odd, saying he would've walked his bike home instead of leaving it there. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town, While there, they informed him that Bev Mooney was worried about Dale and Henry, who had not returned from their hunting trip. For Stranger Things, that character is none other than Officer Phil Callahan, played by John Reynolds, and it's about damn time we show the Hawkins police officer the lovin' he deserves.
1 hour ago, by Perri Konecky That night, as Callahan, Powell, and Hopper took part in the search party, Callahan wondered the validity of Earl's statement. Working alongside Chief Hopper and Officer Callahan, he aided in the investigation of the disappearance of Will Byers.
41 minutes ago, by Kelsie Gibson When journalist Murray Bauman came to the police station to convince Hopper his claim of the presence of a Russian spy in Hawkins, Callahan laughed away and trifled his theory. After arriving at the diner, the officers found Benny's corpse, arranged to look like a suicide. As soon as this newfound attraction to Callahan came about, I did what every other millennial does and sought out other like-minded fans on the internet to fan-girl with. When Troy described the girl's appearance, Hopper took interest and asked for more information. 1 hour ago, by Perri Konecky Following a theft at Bradley's Big Buy, Callahan and Powell were called to the store by the manager. John Reynolds, Actor: Search Party. Throughout the first season, Callahan, usually seen alongside Officer Powell, attempts to help Hopper with the investigation surrounding Will Beyers' disappearance, all while slipping in a few cunningly funny moments. Both he and Powell then revealed the stash of “monster hunting” supplies in the trunk of Jonathan's car. Hopper and Callahan, along with officer Powell, began searching on Mirkwood. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. Right off the bat in the season two premiere, he and his nasal voice deliver a chuckle-worthy inquiry to Murray, the conspiracy theorist: "Got any proof on your butt-probing aliens yet, Murray?" Phil Callahan is a police officer at the Hawkins Police Department. Callahan informed her that they had already searched the residence and found nothing--not even Barb's car.
14 hours ago, by Chanel Vargas
Let's face the facts here, people: the guy's a low-key babe. As Jonathan and Steve fought in an alleyway, Callahan and Powell arrived on the scene. Allow us to remind you of his somewhat savage takedown of Troy, the school bully who accused Eleven of breaking his arm.
After a quick scroll through Twitter, I realized that I, in fact, am not alone in my Callahan devotion, as many others are also oddly hypnotized by his shiny new moustache and sardonic, slightly clueless attitude. She demanded an apology and to speak with the chief. One of Chief Jim Hopper's right-hand men, Callahan makes a brief appearance in just about every episode of the series, with each glimpse further solidifying our appreciation for him. On Christmas Eve, Callahan attended the Christmas party held at the police station. 2018 Stranger Things Season 1 Character Stickers Insert #8 Nancy Wheeler. They also told him that state police had found Barbara Holland's car parked at a bus station, making them believe that she had ran away.
However, Hopper convinced him to let them enter the premises.
As Hopper became preoccupied while inspecting the shed, Callahan finally managed to get his attention. Callahan is an undeniably attractive dude, in a semi-dorky, used-to-be-a-nerd-but-glowed-up-after-graduation kind of way. He insisted that they would've known if a kid had managed to sneak into the lab due to the cameras and tight security. He is usually seen working alongside Police Chief Hopper and Officer Powell. Hah, you tell 'em, Callahan! Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP?
shipping: + $0.80 shipping . 15 hours ago. They were then escorted by the Hawkins head of security, who dismissed their claims.
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