While the reasons for ignorance are universally the same, stupidity is very often defined by the perception of what one considers stupid. ). Stupidity is also a matter of perception. Are you relatively safe? This is also statesmanship, citizenship, and even wisdom. It just so happens that Saul/Paul is a supreme example of this phenomenon once the blinders of “faith” are removed. The history of science makes it clear that our conclusions will change constantly. It is important that we understand ignorance vs stupidity: one is that we don’t know; the other, that we don’t want to know. My questions for for exploring this are straight-forward: I think that the honest person will realize that the answer to the last question is ‘Never.’  So if we seriously consider these questions, I think the rational person will move toward something I have been proposing here:  We must learn to live with doubt. No matter the…, Difference Between MRI and CT Scan People often question their doctors as to why certain procedures must be…, Difference Between Capital Structure and Financial Structure In engineering, the structure refers to different parts of a building…. One is to embrace and acknowledge it and let its sub-function of curiosity and, hopefully, discovery prevail. We can all remember angry words or actions that seemed perfectly logical at the time, but which were obviously wrong, sometimes horribly so, from a calmer perspective. His example is public knowledge, recorded for all history, but millions of folks struggle along to the same end, with the same result, far less visible if at all. Hanlon's razor is a principle or rule of thumb that states, "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". It’s addictive. In contrast to ignorance, I want to suggest that stupidity means ‘I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.’  For some decades, I have tried to understand how it is that we have these powerful brains with great capacity for logic, which we then refuse to use. How many times do you need to question your beliefs to be absolutely sure they are correct. Perhaps I am hearing from you that I should continue to search. What is Difference between Ignorance and Stupidity? A person is largely ignorant of the circumstances of his life, whereas a stupid person is ignorant because of an attitude problem that prevents him from learning from his environment or from his correlated or due to a mental deficiency.

I am not vocal about my lack of belief at all. I am actually a little surprised at how peaceful I am. Martin Luther King, Jr. We should be curious, not dogmatic. Our ignorance will always be infinite, and one of the goals of this blog is to help people to recognize and accept that. Your email address will not be published. We have collected together 50 of the finest and brightest quotes and sayings on the subject of ignorance and stupidity. We don’t want to admit we have problems, while insisting that everyone else conform to our problems. Have they always been met? The end result? Conversely, if you’re struggling along in levels 1,2,3 or some unstable continuum of them then you’re far more likely to settle for the warm, fuzzy blanket of it’s “all going to be OK because …magic.” Constructive exploration and discovery stops because it is not a survival priority. Ignorance vs. However a stupid person in spite of his knowledge about computers may not be able to handle it. These two qualities are not typical for any set of people. Are all your needs met?

However a stupid man, who is also by the way an ignorant person, will remain a stupid person and be unable to learn the issue as his/her stupidity will prevent that person to get the required knowledge. As for example a person who has never seen a computer will be ignorant of its operation due to his lack of knowledge. Required fields are marked *. Which means we need to remain open-minded. Publilius Syrus (1st century BC, Latin writer of maxims) Image: Eric Isselee (Shutterstock) Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. Or as a biologist, I could argue that the success is Truth, more important than any ‘true’ fact, metric or formula. He had a psychotic break on the road to Damascus –fueled by his own doubts about his murderous ways and his own precarious existence couple with continual exposure to people espousing a very enticing vision of a particular type of “freedom.” Classic. There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance. And, so, how do we stratify these two groups? Ignorance is due to the circumstances of a person’s life, while stupidity is due to a problem of attitude or mental deficiency of the person. Circumstances in life leads to ignorance, however stupidity is caused by an attitude problem of mental deficit of the person. But here the problem grows, because we can be stupid about our stupidity:  we don’t want to know that we don’t want to know. Stupidity vs Ignorance. right wing is different from the conservative: Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation, Happiness: A Physician-Biologist Looks at Life, Hugh Thompson, Task Force Barker, and the My Lai Massacre, The Black Death, Perfume, and Tobacco Addiction, The Struggle for Existence: The Lovely Deathscape, Ecology, Economics, and Delayed Gratification. This are our ‘religions‘ – a word which has nothing to do with theology or spirituality, but which means ‘to be tied up’ – and so religions are positions to which we are bound, and that we refues to examine. For example, a person who has never seen a car would not know how to handle it because he has not been in contact with that object. These two terms are very confusing and are different from one another.

Similar statements have been recorded since at least the 18th century. Consider that we tend to use the words ‘ignorance’ and ‘stupidity’ as synonyms. Learn how your comment data is processed. People living in the tropics often wear light-colored clothing because of the hot weather and the need to reflect the sun’s rays. Stupidity. As they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, ‘Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.’, The historical origins of stupidity.And many other problems…(Click the image for more information.). Have you ever questioned your knowledge, and considered that it may not be true? Our ignorance will always be infinite, and one of the goals of this blog is to help people to recognize and accept that. A stupid person is also ignorant because his stupidity prevents him from acquiring knowledge and because of that, it is much safer for that person to remain stupid and ignorant. We still make decisions, but we are forced to acknowledge our uncertainty, we keep an open mind. Yes? Ignorance implies a lack of conscience, while stupidity is the impossibility of understanding. Hebrews 11:1 ~ “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”, (If someone had told me twenty or thirty years ago that I’d be writing this I’d have laughed them out of the room. And yes, I am well aware that I am placing myself in front of my own firing squad. It’s watching your kids go out the door and into the world, it’s thinking about a mistake you’ve recently made that could turn out horribly, it’s thinking about a dozen things that could wipe out civilization. I noted that it is stupidity to call someone stupid. May 22, 2020 Written by Roger. The other is to substitute “faith” (in its most debased form) for the doubt(s) — a trick, a defensive mechanism, that the human mind is more than capable of performing. I believe it was Hume (or was it Locke?) Your email address will not be published. This, in fact, is one of the diagnostics of stupidly: they insist that others are stupid. What is Difference between Ignorance and Stupidity? In the first case, the person is explained that he has to do so that the car moves, and maybe he learns to handle it, the stupid person will never be able to handle it until he desists his idea of ​​how a car moves. No region or person is totally stupid or ignorant. I want to approach that differently here. Difference Between Ignorance and Stupidity These two terms are very confusing and are different from one another. Is the optimism wrong? It’s fun to open your eyes–just as Adam and Eve did…). 7 thoughts on “ Ignorance vs. stupidity ” Quay Alex Rice; September 8, 2014; As Musil implies, stupidity is intimately connected with pride; so inextricably linked that I believe one rarely appears without the other. Reply. We should learn to be faithful, rather than religious. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. People will insist they know something, that they are absolutely sure of it, be it politics (left vs right), economics (capitalism vs communism), government (democracy vs autocracy), or religion (mine vs yours); and many other labels besides. We deny reality in favor of some internal assumptions and conclusions about the world around us, and reject anyone who disagrees. Faith will give one the open mind to live, learn, and be happy no matter how difficult life may get. The key difference between them is that ignorance means that awareness about a certain topic is required and stupidity means that a person is unable to understand something due to lack of intelligence. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), 5D: Darwin, Dada, Dalí, Duke, & Devadevàya, Book Endorsements & Scheduled Book Appearances. Are your fears in relative abeyance? Ignorance can be removed by acquiring language, whereas a stupid person is intrinsically and therefore difficult to reform. New mental software is installed in a matter of days and everyone is happy, happy, happy to borrow a phrase … (from some burnt out speed freak who most certainly has been awake for 96 hours straight and probably several weeks straight but I digress. Our stupidity can be so strong that we will deny the evidence in front us and maintain our illogic, not only insisting what we see is not there, but also claim that anyone who says it is there, is not ignorant, but stupid. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! But finally, a few years ago, I admitted to myself that it was illogical and that I don’t believe. It works very, very well as anyone who has ever been awake for ninety-six straight hours can testify. who pointed out that if you went to the equator and told a native that ice can become so cold that you can walk on it, he would reject the idea. It is a known fact that people residing in the tropics wear light and cool clothing and people who live in cold areas wear warm and heavy clothes. Let’s explain the difference between Ignorance and Stupidity in little bit more detail. I want to offer a couple of approaches for those of us who are not too far gone. For example, I could be considered stupid when it comes to car repair but that doesn’t mean that I’ll be stupid until my dying days. The intrinsic difference between the two words is of course, that ignorance implies the lack of awareness about something while stupidity denotes the inability of a person to understand something due to the insufficient intelligence of the person, which leads him to misinterpret a fact. For example, if the son of a Congo tribe is given an education in the best schools and universities in the world, he may not show ignorance of his tribe and end up being a scientist or teacher while the son of an oil tycoon the United States that has everything, it will be easy for you to do stupid things like drugs and you will end up wasting your life.

People who live in cold places prefer dark clothes due to the need to absorb sunlight. My wife and I don’t let our children use the word ‘stupid.’  It’s rude, but it also implies someone who someone who can’t learn, and who is perhaps mentally handicapped from birth. However a stupid man will never be able to operate it. Difference between Knowledge and Education, Difference between Teacher and Professor | Teacher…, What Is the Difference Between Headsets, Headphones…, Difference between Sensation and Perception |…, Difference between Ignorance and Stupidity. Here I extend that, pointing out that stupidity is a positions to which we have tied ourselves; we could examine them, we have the mind and the liberty to do so, but we refuse. In those approaches we have belief, but not knowledge; we accept our ignorance and we reject our stupidity. Or we can be open-minded about open-mindedness.

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