During the Time War, the Eighth Doctor attempts to rescue a pilot, Cass, whose spacecraft is crashing into the planet Karn. Kate tells her Zygon double that in the event that the Black Archive falls into the wrongs hands, a fail-safe was created.
They split up in the woods, but Elizabeth is accosted by the Zygon.
He believes that the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors are extraordinary men and that he has to commit this act to forge them into what they become. Clara kisses him on the cheek and tells him that she always knows — it's his sad old eyes.
Kate, Osgood and McGillop arrive, saying that they are not armed and thus not a threat. As they walk through the gallery, the Doctor spots a fez in a glass case and immediately dons it, much to the bemusement of Clara, who wonders if he can ever go past one without putting it on. Utterly confused over their identities, the two Kates stop the detonation in the nick of time and begin to negotiate the treaty.
The recruit is informed of the potential risk of hallucinations as a side effect of the technology and is told that the visions are not premonitions. Polls by DWM are statistically invalid, as they do not feature a random sample of people. Acknowledging that he won't be able to remember the answer, the Tenth Doctor questions his successor as to "Where it is we're going that you don't wanna talk about." Sneak Peek from The Day of the Doctor: Hang On! He describes "sky-trenches", the planetary defences that hold back invading forces. But do they manage it? The two boards containing photos of Clara's last visit to the Black Archive also showcase photos of previous associates of the Doctor: Kate's mobile phone has the TARDIS dematerialisation sound set as her ringtone when the Doctor calls. The War Doctor exclaims in shock that he did count. Finally spotting the TARDIS, she rides her motorcycle straight through its open doors, closing them with a click of the fingers. The Tenth Doctor checks his sonic screwdriver, finding the calculation still going. A leading source of entertainment listings since 1985.
You can enjoy clips and interviews with the cast and crew of the epic 50th Anniversary Special, plus galleries, a quiz, fact file and much more! The big question is why. [6] Karn and the Sisterhood also appeared in Eighth Doctor stories, but debuted in the television show in The Brain of Morbius, a 1976 Fourth Doctor story. Read about our approach to external linking. Sneak Peek from The Day of the Doctor: A Bike. Vexed by this remark, the Eleventh Doctor coldly replies, "No, you really wouldn't!" The device ticks loudly as its clockwork-like parts rattle and clank. Clara's voice sounds from the fissure, allowing the Doctors to convince the soldiers that she is "The Wicked Witch of the Well". Annoyed, the Doctor yells "Next time, would it kill you to KNOCK!?" He explains that the suffering of the universe is too great, and he must end it. McGann filmed his own regeneration into Hurt's version of the Doctor, cementing the lineage of all Doctors up to Smith's incarnation onward. Osgood outsmarts the Zygon, noticing that it's standing on her scarf; she pulls it out from under the Zygon, knocking it over and allowing the real Osgood to flee. Kate tells the Doctor that they found the TARDIS in a field and are bringing it in; she inquires as to where he is. It was stated in the novelisation (which, like this episode, was written by Steven Moffat) that the potion the Doctor drank to become a warrior was a fake, intended by Ohila to convince him to fight in the Time War. [1], The episode was included as an extra on the Blu-ray and DVD release of The Day of the Doctor. After the War Doctor's TARDIS ploughs down a group of Daleks in Arcadia and takes flight, the.
She knew that "the Doctor" had activated the Moment and destroyed his home-world, but she had never imagined the Eleventh Doctor with his hand on the button. Clara wonders why, to which the teacher tells her that her "doctor" called, and left an address.
The Eleventh Doctor falls through the fissure and lands in front of the Tenth in the sixteenth century. "[21], However, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat indicated that a McGann spin-off would not happen as, with the exception of the anniversary, there should be "one Doctor at a time. The Eleventh and Tenth Doctors agree, saying it would take "hundreds and hundreds" of years, but they've had "a very long time" to think about it. The shrouded statues were secretly portrayed by, The special would pick up immediately after.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, his count is one short. The moment to decide has come. [1] Domestically, the British Broadcasting Corporation's 2013/14 Annual Report cited it as the most watched drama on the BBC in 2013, with 12.8 million television viewers, and an additional 3.2 million iPlayer requests. She compliments the Tenth Doctor's suit; he thanks her. The mysterious man comments that he surely wouldn't know as he is merely a humble curator. A scientist phones Kate, and she orders him to send a picture of some numerals, the activation code that the Eleventh Doctor carved into the wall of the cell in 1562 for them to find centuries later. Cast notes. The Doctor notices that the floor is covered in stone dust, and asks Osgood to analyse it with a triplicate report and lots of graphs. Adventure! Suddenly, their tampering with the fissure results in something falling through. She reaches an open patch of road surrounded by grassland, where a lone police box is waiting for her. He simply says that it has taken so many years and lifetimes to take the long way around. The astonished Doctor looks over to see a very familiar face standing next to him. The storyline from this episode was included in the novelisation of "The Day of the Doctor". 1963–1974
The Eleventh Doctor also informs him that with this plan, the Time Lords will at least have hope, something they don't have now. • Cybermen created by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis, Main article: Cinema Introduction (The Day of the Doctor), GRAHAM NORTON Regenerates into DAVID TENNANT & MATT SMITH Doctor Who on The Graham Norton Show. She has figured out he hasn't used the Moment yet, explaining that "her" Doctor always talked about the day he wiped out the Time Lords; the pain of making that decision is in both the eyes of the Tenth and Eleventh, but not in the War Doctor's.
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