It is incredibly well researched and provides a damning account of the degree to which our politicians have deceived us throughout our membership of the EU. A brick of a book that holds open the door to the inception and aspiration of the EU, and more importantly its affect and influence. The title of the book refers to the fact that the promoters of the EU sold it as being a free trade group called the Common Market, but their unprofessed goal was to establish a United States of Europe. A must read - it identifies how the public has been lied to from the beginning, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 21 January 2012. Extremely informative and thought provoking. Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2012. To see what your friends thought of this book. Published to follow the launch of Giscard D'Estaing's new European Constitution in June 2004, The Great Deception shows how the 'United States of Europe', the most ambitious political project of our time, has for more than fifty years been based on a colossal confidence trick.
by Continuum. December 1st 2005 A must read history book with 1749 footnotes, a book that beautifully and full of details, describes the workings of politics and diplomacy that has transcribed in the story of the EU. For anyone new to the history of what I call the European Project and really dislikes the idea of a European anything you will probably feel like punching a hole in the wall. What a compelling book! I haven't finished it yet but can honestly say It has opened my eyes and my mind is now made up about quite a few things. - EU Referendum Edition, The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union, Castle of Lies: Why Britain Must Get Out of Europe by Christopher Booker (1997-04-10). Labyrinthine, immense detail and well supported. Yet, so disturbing is the picture that emerges that, at a time when Britain's future in the EU is a subject of national debate, it will also spark much wider concern. It is a shortened week with the high holy days. These are his words, not mine, as I am not interested in politics. There's a problem loading this menu at the moment. Loved this book. The objective of the EU always has been to create a superstate, but nobody bothered to tell the people. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. With all the suspense of a detective story, drawing on thousands of books, papers and official documents, many of which have only become publicly available in the past few years, the book traces how a handful of determined visionaries set out more than half a century ago to weld the countries of Europe into a single political state. All the while the true intent was to build economic union as a precursor to political union. The European Union was sold as a way to prevent the member nations from going to war against one another, but there is a simpler solution.
Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. --. Verified Purchase. We were never going to change that. All the while the true intent was to build economic union as a precursor to political union. But like most books, they contain conclusion/opinions based off of facts. As it reveals for the first time the true story behind the long-term plan to build a politically-united Europe, the authors show how all previous attempts to reconstruct the history of this project - whether written by Europhiles or Eurosceptics - have got it wrong, at almost every step along the way. : How and why the BBC controls your mind, Global Warming: A Case Study in Groupthink: How science can shed new light on the most important 'non-debate' of our time: Volume 28 (GWPF Reports), The Abolition of Britain: From Winston Churchill to Theresa May, 'Anyone who doubts that such deceit has been deliberately practised should read a brilliant new book by Booker and North.' The citizens of the various member countries have only a weak and very indirect control over those who rule them, even less than we Americans have over our federal government. Really want to find out if the baddies managed to fully consolidate their stranglehold with a constitution.
First off, I know that most people see the title and think, "another EU Conspiracy Theory". As it reveals for the first time the true story behind the long-term plan to build a politically-united Europe, the authors show how all previous attempts to reconstruct the history of this project - whether written by Europhiles or Eurosceptics - have got it wrong, at almost every step along the way. For anyone new to the history of what I call the European Project and really dislikes the idea of a European anything you will probably feel like punching a hole in the wall. He is very interested in politics and the EU in particular. The main problem with the European Union is that it places too much power in the hands of unelected bureaucrats. [2], Princeton University's Andrew Moravcsik, whose research is heavily cited in the book, has accused the authors of "misconstruing" his work as supporting their narrative and failing to demonstrate that there were any viable alternatives to European Union membership, with Booker and North's economics being "even dodgier than their history". Yet, so disturbing is the picture that emerges that, at a time when Britain's future in the EU is a subject of national debate, it will also spark much wider concern. [3] He further argues that their "Eurosceptic dogma" of an ""undemocratic" scheme of centralised regulation" is undermined by their own examples; that it is largely "British officials exercising their own discretion" and juggling the fate of special interest groups against the wider economy. As many mistakes are likely to be made and to be hidden attempting to get out, as happened when attempting to get in. Extremely well researched and written. Not to say that I agree with the conclusions or theories pieced together based on those facts, but the facts in this book themselves are fascinating. 2005), Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 November 2017. Just don't charge tariffs on imported goods. With Roland Angle, Stephen Barasch, George W. Bush, Andrew Card. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Sorry, there was a problem saving your cookie preferences. Richard North is an Economist and a Consultant to the Government on European issues. Or if the goodies finally manage to emancipate themselves from the bureaucratic tyranny of the Franco-German Empire. Something went wrong. This detailed account is probably the best accurate history of the European Union out there.
The Great Deception: Can the European Union Survive? A host of rules and regulations that our civil service has slavishly put into place that affect every part of our lives without a single vote in parliament. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required.
To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Others such as Edward Heath, clearly saw Europe as the way forward, accepti. Eagerly awaiting the sequel. In order to understand what it is we are trying to get out of, it is important to know what it is that we got into in the first place and how that was done. This is simply not the same book post-Brexit. If all the countries are democracies, then they will not go to war against one another. We’d love your help. I bought this book for my husband and he just cannot put it down. The Great Pain Deception satisfied my curiosity and has initiated even more healing. A relentless read of political twists, turns, deceit, lies, egos. I was simply interested in a critical look at the wonderful, ambitious project, hyped up by commentators to be creating an unprecedented quality of life fueled by benevolent, peaceful, supranational cooperation. I read the 2005 edition of this scholarly book that revealed the long term deceptions by many national leaders and behind-the-scenes operators intent on trapping the nations of Europe into a political unification by convincing the people of the nations chosen to be included that what was being done all along was just the building of a "common market" or free trade between nations to bring them prosperity. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed.
This is simply not the same book post-Brexit.
But what is it?
Bloomsbury Continuum; New edition (17 Mar. I began reading this in 2014 honestly never thought it just around the corner. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 August 2018. The European Union was sold as a way to prevent the member nations from going to war against one another, but there is a simpler solution. The fact that the UK chose to leave a future utopia, hints that it is nothing of the sort, but that skeptical British attitude to the project as highlighted in this book, is very old and ultimately Brexit, while it was very unlikely, does fit into a very recognizable historical pattern. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.
National independence would thus be sacrificed to a new supranational government without most of the citizens of the nations involved knowing what was being done to the. Extremely well researched and written. A review of the book in the academic journal The Historian described his "skewed portrayal" of European integration "against the will of a bamboozled European public", as "not so much false as ludicrous", noting "the book loses whatever credibility it accrues in its better chapters by its persistently exaggerated language. Arrived in good time and good condition. Refresh and try again.
How I would love to see a new book by these authors examining the means of getting out of this organization,i.e.
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