Relive the magic of these great works again! Singapore has a fairly vibrant arts scene. The modern building with its spiky exterior is often referred to as the Durian, because of its resemblance to the "King of Fruits".

What are the best places for concerts & shows in Singapore? Essayez de déplacer la carte ou de changer vos filtres.

Discover what's on at Singapore's home for the performing arts and explore this iconic destination along the waterfront. Si vous habitez un autre pays ou une autre région, merci de choisir la version de Tripadvisor appropriée pour votre pays ou région dans le menu déroulant. Ballet. You can now book tickets through SISTIC outlets. Click the performances below to learn more. A dance company with arts group backing. The company had organized various drama camps and “Theatre Factory” courses for the Primary, Secondary and Junior College students in Singapore. One of Asia's leading English-language theatres, the SRT stages original works as well as productions of western classics starring Asian performers, such as The Glass Menagerie, Death of a Salesman and Hamlet. We are available during office hours to assist you with any question you may have. Désolé! Il s’appelait Seasons of Life et était très complexe. Try out our love experiment! An Institution of a Public Character (IPC) under the Charities Act (Cap.37).

Contact us today to learn more.

peinture, etc.

This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in United Kingdom. The company puts up 3-6 shows per year and the audience was close to 20 000. Kang Kang is a little boy who is not particularly hygienic and does not love environmental protection.Watch this drama to know how Kang Kang becomes an environmentally friendly little angel!! You can now book tickets through SISTIC outlets. Plenty of virtual events to choose from! The Theatre Practice (Practice) is Singapore’s longest-standing professional bilingual theatre institution. This was a very insightful event for the students who participated. Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay believes that the arts is for everyone. Then try our online escape room for an adrenaline rush and mind workout! By clicking on or navigating the site, you agree to our use of cookies.

The company is now an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) under the Charities Act (Cap.37). From 2011 till now, the company’s performance has gathered a lot of support from the local schools and is recognized by the National Arts Council for the efforts in promoting Chinese language and culture.

On 26 January 1995, Arts Theatre of Singapore officially got registered as an unprofitable organization.

Copyright 2018 Arts Theatre of Singapore Ltd. This was well received by the Schools in Singapore. The Esplanade presents many festivals, music, theatre, dance, multi arts performances and more. R estored to its original neo-classical 1905 structure, Victoria Theatre & Victoria Concert Hall is one of Singapore’s oldest performing arts venues.. Having reopened in 2014 after a four-year renovation, Victoria Theatre & Victoria Concert Hall is an exciting mid-sized platform for local and international artists, arts groups and communities to stage their works. les prix pour le concert en vaut la peine, contrairement à la Malaisie .. les étages supérieurs d'un centre commercial est également très bien. There are all types of Props and Set for rent. As we await the day that we reunite at the stage, grab a seat at home and enjoy these great events on screen. In 2007, the company gathered support from the Ministry of Education and the competition was included in the Singapore Youth Festival as a bi-annual event. Browse events on SISTIC Live below to find your next event or show to watch! Check back on this page for the latest uploads and upcoming online releases! Nous avons des suggestions. Il fallait aussi entendre les carillons de la tour de l'horloge, ce qui ne faisait qu'ajouter à l'atmosphère charmante. The Ngee Ann Kongsi Theatre @ Wild Rice, Funan, 15 Oct 2020, 12am to 15 Jan 2021, 11.59pm, West Lawn (next to Bayfront Plaza), Gardens by the Bay, Sun, 18 Oct 2020 & Sat, 31 Oct 2020, 3.00pm to 4.00pm, Fri, 4 Dec 2020 - Fri, 18 Dec 2020 (Premiere on 4 Dec, 8pm), Fri, 20 Nov 2020 - Fri, 4 Dec 2020 (Premiere on 20 Nov, 8pm), Fri, 6 Nov 2020 - Fri, 20 Nov 2020 (Premiere on 6 Nov, 8pm), Fri, 22 Jan 2021 - Fri, 5 Feb 2021 (Premiere on 22 Jan, 8pm), Fri, 8 Jan 2021 - Fri, 22 Jan 2021 (Premiere on 8 Jan, 8pm), Fri, 18 Dec 2020 - Fri, 8 Jan 2021 (Premiere on 18 Dec, 8pm). The Esplanade Theatres on the Bay is a modern building that houses many different theatres.

En cliquant ou en naviguant sur le site, vous acceptez notre utilisation des cookies. Ready to start having a positive impact on your dating journey? Picture courtesy of Singapore Tourism Board. ACTION Theatre is non-profit professional theatre company known for its approach in staging original plays that explore topical and contemporary issues in an imaginative manner. We have Chinese drama performance and workshop for school children. In 1998, Arts Theatre of Singapore organized a yearly “Creative Drama Workshop” and “School Drama Competition” together with Lian He Zao Bao. Arts Theatre of Singapore will continue to strive to improve and produce more Children Drama. 90, Goodman Road, Goodman Arts Centre, Block O.
An embodiment of the irrepressible spirit and fearless experimentation of play. For school doing bulk booking, you may visit our Booking Page to make booking. We have the Chinese drama workshop and AEP performances including for preschool. Learn Chinese proverbs through watching ‘Live’ drama! This has helped to increase the students’ proficiency in Chinese Drama.

amical et à la foule animée, je peux affirmer sans crainte que notre amour s'est épanoui encore plus.

Pioneers in Arts Education in Singapore. Arts Theatre of Singapore Ltd was started by a group of theatre enthusiasts from Chong Cheng High School in 1955. Theatre Works is an independent, non-profit Singaporean theatre company that supports Singaporean artists and promotes and produces Singaporean writing. Check out full details under our Programmes page. Bridging the musical traditions of East and West, the orchestra has a versatile repertoire which spans all-time favourites and orchestral masterpieces to cutting-edge premieres. The other children musical play, like the ‘Three little pigs” and “Little Red Riding Hood’, was warmly and well received by both children and adults. Satiate your wanderlust with your loved ones from the comfort of your own home.

Get the latest news and information on live entertainment at our new Explore section! Upcoming theatre and dance performances in Singapore. For a list of places where you can book, you may click on the button below to view the available options to book tickets from SISTIC. Ce site utilise des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience, renforcer la sécurité du site et vous proposer des publicités personnalisées. These are the best places for budget-friendly concerts & shows in Singapore: "... emotions and the producers did an excellent job by injecting various surprises along the journey like the little handcraft, making it both interactive and immersive Looking forward to more, "Poignant stories beautifully woven together and presented in a way that ensured the.

This was largely made possible by the Ministry of Education’s “Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme”. From musical extravaganzas to experimental performances, Singapore’s theatre scene is a thriving one that boasts shows for almost all tastes and budgets. les lieux, brouillant les frontières entre le passé et le présent, la scène et la vie, le public et les acteurs, une forme immersive de narration qui ... d’explorer l’histoire de Chinatown. The focus will be to bring Arts to the Community and to promote Chinese Culture among the younger generation.

Here are a list of 2020 performances.

For more information on the SDT and its performances. These are the best places for kid-friendly concerts & shows in Singapore: Which places provide the best concerts & shows in Singapore for couples? Yearning for some adventure? A digital hub of all your favourite live entertainment shows and experiences - bringing the stage to you on screen. L'Esplanade est un endroit idéal pour tous les amateurs. Ideal place for dance and drama rehearsal. It aims to be a creative arts space that promotes Made-In-Singapore works and talents of all cultures, while developing an appreciation of the arts within the heartlands of Bukit Merah and in Singapore.

Come explore the world with SISTIC! As Singapore’s (admittedly young) theatre landscape grows, so too have production companies, community groups and amateur practitioners … dansant leur histoire d'amour sur de la belle musique suivie d'un feu d'artifice. A cultural bridge between Asia and the world.

It started with a play entitled “Sun Rise” and followed by an average of two to three plays annually. Looking for love? more. It is the first cinema operator to launch the world’s first full 2K (HD) Digital Cinema, and is also the first to commercially screen 3D digital movies in 2008. The company’s speech and drama courses are also well received by the local schools and have been ongoing for 30 years. d’une musique spectaculaire, alors que nous volons à travers l’espace et le temps dans une aventure magique, aboutissant à une ... drames supplémentaires de lumières de couleurs différentes, de feux, de graphismes et d’effets .. Certaines scènes sont vraiment fascinantes et tout simplement incroyables. pour le concert est très standard et agréable! Runs are timed in weeks, not months or years. The leading provider in Singapore, it sells tickets to events ranging from pop concerts, to musicals, theatre, family entertainment and sports. Conducts dance classes and regular performances. Copyright 2018 Arts Theatre of Singapore Ltd. fournit un écran très large (pas seulement à gauche et à droite, mais également au-dessus de votre tête) pour fournir des images à vos visions périphériques. The Odyssey Dance Theatre stages programmes under the Arts4yoUths initiative and hosts two biennial dance festivals - Xposition O Contemporary Dance Fiesta and DanzINC - the International Dancers & Choreographers Residency Festival. Click here to learn more or control your settings. The internationally acclaimed SDT stages a mixed repertoire to appeal to all cultures and tastes.

In February 2004, the company organized the first Asia Pacific Student Chinese Drama Exchange event. Confidentialité et utilisation des cookies. Has organisation information and history, newsletter, events calendar and class schedules.

"During night time the environment seems to be magical & superb following glittering skyline, flyer, super-tree groves, bridge, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, "I Really Enjoyed The Many Live Performances And The Room Acoustics Of Esplanade.

It started with a play entitled “Sun Rise” and followed by an average of two to three plays annually. Western theatre and dance is staged as well as traditional Asian performances but on short runs.

This site uses cookies to improve your experience, to enhance site security and to show you personalised advertising. These are the best places for groups seeking concerts & shows in Singapore: Which places provide the best concerts & shows in Singapore for travellers on a budget? Gateway Theatre is a new multi-theatre venue located in the heart of Bukit Merah Central.
Visual and performing arts hosted in the old Parliament building. Flash site.

Modern and affordable studio for rent. Though Singapore's censorship rules are sometimes criticised, there is still much to entertain the general public. Contact us to learn more. Follow Doudou the tadpole searching for his mom in an exciting and dangerous journey!!

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