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0000003779 00000 n 0000060276 00000 n 0000572298 00000 n 0000488498 00000 n Limited warranty period is 5 years if not registered within 90 days of installation. 0000499532 00000 n

0000005019 00000 n 0000466059 00000 n

Please see warranty certificate for further details and restrictions. Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will receive the registered limited warranty periods. 0000033149 00000 n

0000572079 00000 n 玿���I�/�+�/j�u��D��bT΃s��_��Fe�K�X?-�?��&�:�Y��u(��ұ�U����������P�,�–��V�I�2맰f������l!;J]�u���[��-�߲�v�x���߅�ڟ6 �n����j!G>�S��� R+P�ۘ%- ���1��y� [�;(1�onkAݱ}G�w9�H�i�7ʙo�O��̪c�ou��� ��o����_�&T�K�Oe�c݌_�R�l6Kh{c$�PG�T���u>9[>z�͏6��|]�jꆚ�.���irſ����+-䑤cPԈC&8n d�9!�ј#�/������؜ax�(��-V+�h�"�oY���_��_�M15��t�S�����6���c;_a�2{�/��Ζ:�+e���5 �-��JU3g 0000478439 00000 n Ultimate Power Ultimate … 0000005542 00000 n 0000060857 00000 n 0000484216 00000 n

Please see warranty certificate for further details and restrictions. 0000006267 00000 n

6 0 obj 0000032190 00000 n 0000060193 00000 n 0000575574 00000 n

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 0000005935 00000 n UP12/2500SD 2500/20.8 3075/25.6 7500/62.5 1.5HP 200 62 UP12/2500SD Up to 80 Form 116 –SD Series Specificaon Sheet May 9, 2018. 0000487665 00000 n 0000005898 00000 n

0000038374 00000 n Model Number: UP12/2500SD Output Power: 2500W Peak Watts: 7500W Output Voltage: 120 VAC RMS Output Peak: 62.5 amps Continuous Output Current: 20.8 amps 0000465860 00000 n ���C�*"g�w}��u/RP\zT��Q(3:�&�DP;~p�~�����^.p�Y°6� j@X� �U~|l@��uc����s�>�.%u;�9�x�^�@y��/�&6�UZR�m�z�?^�$���m9��$+[:6�ΌIX�B.

0000467587 00000 n 0000014679 00000 n .�QC�9�I���u���ՙߢ�C�l~ԡ� .n��H_�� 0000463716 00000 n Models: UP12/1000PCUL, *UP12/1500PCUL, UP12/2000PCUL, UP12/3000PCUL (*UP12/1500PCUL is not UL Listed) 202 North West Street Coudersport, PA 16915 Phone: 610 317-8513 Fax: 610 317-8514 E-Mail: info@upinverters.com Web: www.upinverters.com 0000460383 00000 n 0000052448 00000 n

�o�R�}��?��ּ����P��zp�$��Ѿ�C� ��u�=j��p��q��|�e�Ǘ9����M.�-���zE`;M���%�� Square Design Series Model Number: UP12/4000SD. B>x�1?���I��'��9�9��� ���ߊ���{�F!� �1ߩ���0Y�8$~���K�%X�Ѿ�u�������\�HO��7F��Hݶ�'*�^��������p��W.laؔ��g���0�]l��P��o1K��!�6l._��\�M��J��ڡ2lJ�t �!sPڜl��[�#���`�f���æ�����%6�|�҅� ���ͰB�j�ڔ>�\Lqۂ�K�YT�͌�̗-Վ r�jS�6/�QgN��nC~&�i�(F��M��v�\�e��~!����P��Ȭe_���,J�m�lcĜ�ۜ3��S��G'��!�����E�-K߲�KX�˿)���6���7x�����!������� ��:K�O�2䡸C��� %PDF-1.6 %���� 0000569617 00000 n <> #�G5UJ�f� �""K$� ����*b�_�BJI~�Vk�Fɴ�7 �'o�M��6�Bm�7�g��a���|�������|��B�n���"Z�< �cmuP#d�3�l���,ZQ�� ��8� 0000456160 00000 n 0000006752 00000 n 0000006517 00000 n

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0000008200 00000 n 0000460947 00000 n 0000569444 00000 n 0000056686 00000 n

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

0000455693 00000 n 0000571317 00000 n Sign up to receive helpful home comfort tips and reminders. 0000003696 00000 n 0000572520 00000 n �������JqX���a,�B���Hu,��\'�c��O%��eZc�d~"�y���� Tu��՚D�L��˚��#�4���(���e�[v��`W��@OP��i� (��S���$U���N���T��)�����Zj�[�2�mX�"5m,�!�S�p�N!�!�Ħ�m1�bB��n�>fFBȷ%�s�i~+6�M�oꐐ����o����P��SMݢ}+�� ܠ�ŮnP�����;���-�wcT�閖����C�(e����e�[vX�-�oI�!Ue��o,֔��l�V��B�6�G1�4��G~��V#7ʼn��AjP��g�'�m5�C��C�5, �[��n��ØԷՠ�@� �6~8>�4��we�A�� �̖E������7�y���ե�O�B̋�

± 10-Year Parts Limited Warranty: Timely registration required for 10-year parts limited warranty. 0000006220 00000 n 0000467079 00000 n

They feature a non-corrosive exterior cabinet, internal ventilation fans to dispense heat, heavy duty fittings and plastic assembly, a GFCI outlet and a terminal block to hard wire AC input and output. Ultimate Power Ultimate Power Pure Sine Wave Inverter-Charger 2500SD $ 1,986.60. �����:��T� ���U��p2� T�3�緒꽪� 0000026454 00000 n Model Number: UP12/2500SD-CG.

0000570854 00000 n

For California Customers: This product can expose you to chemicals including Carbon Black which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. endobj 0000571878 00000 n 0000008781 00000 n 0000478392 00000 n

LET’S ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES GET AMERICA BACK TO WORK 10% OFF COUPON CODE WORK10   EXCLUDES Link Ramps, Knaack, Werner Ladders, Tommy Gate and Tiger Tough.

Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will receive the registered limited warranty periods. 0000006611 00000 n 0000575138 00000 n 0000575547 00000 n

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0000485008 00000 n

Ultimate Power is Your Positive Solutions Provider for your AC and DC needs.

Limited warranty period is 5 years if not registered within 90 days of installation. trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 259 0 obj <>stream 0000576007 00000 n 0000571667 00000 n 33 0 obj Limited warranty period is 5 years for parts and 20 years for heat exchanger if not registered within 90 days of installation.

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0000468726 00000 n 0000495196 00000 n

0000467386 00000 n stream

Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will automatically receive the extended registered heat exchanger parts limited warranty period. 0000571466 00000 n 0000572141 00000 n

0000499237 00000 n 0000484568 00000 n 0000570009 00000 n 0000472579 00000 n

0000460994 00000 n 0000468353 00000 n

www.b2bmetal.eu Online metal marketplace, information about metals, European standard UPN (UNP) channels specification, suppliers, companies directories, trade board

0000484531 00000 n

0000463669 00000 n Our inverter-chargers are low-frequency, transformer-based systems designed to power ample loads over an extended period of time. 0000033013 00000 n 敷布団がそのまま使えるワイドロングサイズ ロングベッド パイプベット パイプベッド 長い 長身用 3段階高さ調整。送料無料 ロングベッド パイプベット パイプベッド 長い 長身用 3段階高さ調整 フレーム おしゃれ かわいい 北欧 モダン kh-3951m

0000006169 00000 n Introduction. This website uses cookies in order to offer you the most relevant information. 0000460225 00000 n 443 + 10 Year Parts Limited Warranty: Timely registration required for 10-year parts limited warranty and lifetime limited heat exchanger warranty. The success of a DC to AC power inverter installation depends mainly on the methods and materials used for the installation. ���Ө����� �S���`�!�&���mJ�Jq�Y?ĥ�-����G��R:�q|�B��D!ڡ@ʿP�@�U�)�׭��R��� (��ԪR�n��9=o��!�����f��������h�S!�|X�eZ,ҟT�ULG�ˋJ|ՠ��E������˚GjN�%���h�ҿT(�;��8�� �c$�,��/�k΀�HZ �E\�(�!� O㫚ڀ��¢�?�u��P�3��Զ��ܶ���;�o�

0000006705 00000 n 0000007016 00000 n

0000006075 00000 n UP12-3000 W A R N T Y 5 A Y E R 100% UP12-3000 SPECIFICATIONS MH29050 Length 260 mm 10.2 in Width 169 mm 6.7 in Height 208 mm 8.18 in Total Height 212 mm 8.34 in Weight 24.6 kg 53.1 lb Volts 12v Terminal Torque 75 in-lbs (Annual retorque @ 75%) Terminal Type M6 … 0000006564 00000 n

0000005982 00000 n 0000570320 00000 n %PDF-1.4

Catalog Number: UP12/3000PCUL. 0000494986 00000 n

Inverter/Chargers | Lithium Ion Batteries | Battery Management Devices Model UP12 2500SD the ULTIMATE POWER series inverter-charger features a pure sine wave, low frequency trans-former-based design to ample loads for extended periods of time, in most extreme conditions. �j!�9��D��P��N4�CTGE����WŅ�����5�4�*�`'����_N(�6˧� vp�C�,���⇩�}��,o'�(��^��thS��4L�P�ald�m*������W���[v�e��sF�>2��ȩ팍@p��D����\:ȸ�����Z.%��w��Xi��M��N�.��jc��}�Q�ܭa/�z�H��|%$�� �� ��|�y���ɗ]_u���%��BJ�;�JB��/��ENqL����`��9`+�~*����Yj�6n��W. 0000569805 00000 n

See warranty certificate for details. 0000006658 00000 n

<> 0000571058 00000 n PRODUCT SPECS.

0000032452 00000 n 0000484790 00000 n 0000583546 00000 n 0000056631 00000 n

0000583810 00000 n PRODUCT SPECS. 0000455906 00000 n 0000485055 00000 n Catalog Number: UP12-2500SD. x�}�MO�0��dY���|t1�]�r�V��DU���Z��R=�n\�ny5�����+i�+|�)�����؞n ��8�H�&m����'��/lύ�b@y��J�����k�Jb��n�����ܓ�V����Jպ�b=�(��U�M�`�KX���z�QU �%��E���a��{�h_�^��IL�db9w��hW�^!�ID�$b9w�����L�2�\�dk���F�:coW�k��d!��v��_��>�������/�S��r�`�|���u�sJ�t0"�3{��QIm}�IE��D �ٞ���ءa�'��MI&e�ͷ8ô�/C��Ll��ZЬI�$��#���a'����>?��Uox�gBXtF���޷/��a���P���/�c�����:Fq��z���?�C̩l�,C�������eendstream 0000572721 00000 n 0000062885 00000 n

0000006423 00000 n 0000006470 00000 n 0000007696 00000 n 0000570209 00000 n

0000483997 00000 n * No Hassle Replacement™ Limited Warranty: If compressor, coil or heat exchanger fails due to defect during the applicable No Hassle Replacement limited warranty time period, a one-time replacement with a comparable unit will be provided. 0000466106 00000 n ^ Timely registration required for 10-year parts limited warranty. 0000458704 00000 n

0000005804 00000 n 0000060627 00000 n 0000569520 00000 n 0000467634 00000 n Ultimate Power Ultimate Power Pure Sine Wave Inverter-Charger 3000PCUL $ 2,125.20. 5 0 obj 0000488747 00000 n 0000487712 00000 n ClimateCare | 920 Brant St., Unit 10, Burlington, ON L7R 4J1 | (905) 319-9828, We looked really hard but couldn't find that page. 4000W Pure Sine Inverter-Charger. Square Design Series Model Number: UP12/3000SD-CG. 0000020383 00000 n 0000003136 00000 n 0000483174 00000 n �I-�)z�Z1�d��_��|1��tEK6~��1���[�X�C��7WL���K��A�V���]"��F��!��p�v���g>�(��d�K�/҅��tX�EH��/��}t�K]��5��΃*P;��-��Jmu���>y�_���{���ҟ�Q�v(����a]�X��DžNa�z'z���œ�I;쬗�Pt(�p��o��}��AU��%���¾�"Fj��������2�LJ��h�bt(pZ�}]^�"2;TM�����C*�;��K��N*�� 0000570744 00000 n

0000005851 00000 n 0000006028 00000 n ‡ To the original owner, when product is used in an owner-occupied residence, a Lifetime heat exchanger parts limited warranty upon timely registration of your new equipment. 0000460729 00000 n 0000468773 00000 n Log in now, Show everythingShow all reviewsShow helpful positive reviewsShow helpful negative reviewsShow unanswered questions, Output Power: 2500W      Peak Watts: 7500W     Output Voltage: 120 VAC RMS, Output Peak: 62.5 amps     Continuous Output Current: 20.8 amps, Output Frequency: 60 Hz      Input Voltage: 10-16 VDC, Operating Temp: -20° to 50° C° (-4° to 122° F).

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