French guidance suggests that if a dedicated room cannot be found, specific parts of the library should be used (and kept inaccessible from the public), or even external storage used.
If you cannot find the work, please contact the Senior Librarian (Copyright).
If you are visiting the library, we ask that you: For further information please see UniSA COVID-19 updates. In academic libraries in Hong Kong (China), users are also subject to temperature checks and mask requirements. People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing should call their doctor and seek medical attention. IFLA has also supported a series of webinars focused on how libraries can support connectivity and access to information during the pandemic. Saudi Arabia: The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology has published instructions to users for its re-opening, including, at first, limiting access to graduate and post-doctoral students and staff, and forbidding meetings and other gatherings. If you use licensed music for an assessment you submit in the LMS, you cannot further share your work publicly, for example by uploading it to YouTube or Facebook. Preparing for potential further restrictions, for example by ensuring that all staff have the skills and tools to work remotely (if this is possible) and that services, as far as possible, can still be provided digitally. Before including copyright material in your PowerPoint presentations, or uploading copyright material to your LMS unit, check the copyright compliance guidelines for the LMS (at the bottom of this page). With new musical lyrics or any other adaptation which involves remix, alteration or otherwise affects the integrity of the work. IFLA has translated this new guidance into English. UniSA respects the Kaurna, Boandik and Barngarla peoples' spiritual relationship with their country. Where possible you should avoid taking screenshots of social media content, and instead provide a link or direct students to access it themselves. Supporting students with extended opening hours at Reid plus more. Broadly, the library field has warned against any rush to re-open physical buildings. READ Bhutan has developed materials to support parents and children, working closely with schools and even broadcasting content. For example, quarantining is no longer mandatory in Flanders, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia, while in France, times have been reduced. In Helsingborg, Sweden, libraries are timing these to ensure that librarians can avoid rush hours also, and in Portugal, the Directorate General for libraries has recommended staggered shifts. Library Locations webpages for information on library sites. Under the statutory licence, the University can copy: The statutory licence also allows for extracts of anthologies, dramatic works (such as plays or screenplays) and musical works to be copied and shared through Unit Readings: Using Unit Readings ensures all digitised extracts are copyright-compliant and contain the required copyright notices. The White House has taken a major step to facilitate text and data mining to help find solutions by releasing 29 000 papers for analysis. If you share copyright with another person or company, or if you have published an article in a journal and transferred copyright to the publisher, you should seek their permission in writing or rely on the statutory licence copying limits (only copy one chapter or 10 per cent of the work) to make the work available through Unit Readings. Online resources subscribed to by the Library, such as ebooks and journals, may impose their own limitations on how the resource can be copied and shared for teaching purposes. Meanwhile, the Mexican Library Association released a letter supporting the health professionals and health library workers during the crisis. Hong Kong (China) also plans to re-open for periods of no more than 1h (followed by short breaks) in order to limit stays, with Shanghai also setting a limit of 1h, as is the National Library of Malta. The National Library of China is in regular contact with staff to ensure that they are healthy and well looked-after, while West Virginia puts a strong emphasis on mental health, and coping with the situation of being around others again. It will depend on the circumstances of each case whether a portion is so important that permission is required to use it. Further insights are available in the article prepared for IFLA’s Asia-Oceania Section.
Public libraries in Shanghai, also, have prioritised in-person access to particular collections, while keeping others online-only for now. National libraries in Algeria, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Canada, the Cayman Islands, China, the Cook Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, the Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, the Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, the Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, St Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine (Yaroslav the Wise), the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam have now re-opened on a limited basis. Clearly our understanding of any aspect of how the virus is spread is still at a relatively early stage, and so it is not possible to offer definitive advice, other than the universal recommendations on keeping hands clean and not touching faces. Providing pages with useful links to reliable information for users on their websites and promoting media literacy faced with potential misinformation online. The School Libraries Network in Portugal has both guidance and a platform to support school librarians in continuing to deliver on their missions, while the Information and Communication faculty at the University of Uruguay has collected examples of what libraries of all types across the country are doing in response to the pandemic. Libraries in the United States Virgin Islands re-opened in late July, but then were forced to close again in August.
If you add a list at the end, ensure the viewer can match the attribution to the image. As underlined in the previous section, we are also focused on advocating for both the short and longer-term changes libraries need. Contact the Senior Librarian (Copyright) for more information. The Dutch library system has recommended providing baskets or bags (which act as 'entry tokens', making it easy to count up to a maximum number of people - see the links below), others have suggested other means which involve less disinfection. This automatically adds the copyright statement slide at the start of the recording. For full details of the service and how to place a request please check the Interlibrary Loans pages: Frequently Asked Questions about our current library services can be found on the following page.
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